Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 756 Theory of Spiritual Roots of Spiritual Plants (2000 words, please subscribe)

The fourth-level Muyuan Spirit Tree of the Muyuan Immortal Sect is a self-mutated spiritual tree. Its aptitude is therefore extremely strong. It entered the fourth-level realm early and became a powerful spiritual tree with the combat power of the Nascent Soul.

The fourth-level Thunder Spirit Tree in the "Podan Peak" of the Canglan Bihai Sect is also said to be a self-mutated spiritual tree.

And this kind of spiritual tree is also called a spiritual root with heaven.

Spiritual plants can be roughly divided into five levels of aptitude. Among them, the spiritual plants with the worst low-grade spiritual root aptitude will basically be trapped in the Qi training realm in this life.

For example, spiritual medicines such as Qi training grass are difficult to enter the foundation-building realm throughout their lives, and their lifespan is only more than a few dozen years. After this lifespan, this grass will wither.

There is a chance that the middle-grade aptitude can enter the foundation-building realm on its own, but it is still rare.

Huangya grass is a representative of them. Although it can reach the first-level upper-grade realm in the highest ten years, it still has a few chances to enter the foundation-building realm.

The best aptitude is like the spirit plants of Juyuan grass. As long as the years are enough, they can enter the foundation building stage.

Among the spirit seeds of Juyuan grass, there is a small probability that some spirit seeds with earth spirit root aptitude will be born. Once these Juyuan grass spirit seeds grow up, they will have the opportunity to enter the golden elixir realm.

Spirit plants with heavenly spirit root aptitude are hard to come by.

However, among these five aptitudes, due to the large number of Yimu spirit plants such as spirit medicines and spirit medicines, the probability of the birth of good aptitude is also greater.

On the contrary, the probability of good aptitude spirit plants such as Jiamu spirit plants is also less due to the small number.

However, Jiamu spirit plants basically have a combat power far exceeding Yimu spirit plants, and Jiamu spirit plants with better aptitude have a combat power comparable to that of cultivators of the same level.

The Ling family's "family guardian spirit tree" Frost Spirit Tree is an ordinary spirit plant with earth spirit roots.

After thinking fruitlessly, Ling Pengyun fixed his eyes on Yan Qing beside him.

Although Yan Qing had no expression on his face at the moment, Ling Pengyun had just noticed a flash of heat in Yan Qing's eyes.

Thinking that this person knew about the private matters of Danyang Palace arresting mortals and cultivators, Ling Pengyun also tried to ask Yan Qing.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, that blood tree is a mutated spiritual tree! Do you know what kind of mutated spiritual tree this tree is?"

When Yan Qing heard this, his heart trembled, and seeing Ling Pengyun's sharp eyes with a bit of questioning, he also understood that this matter had to be said, and he immediately raised a bitter smile on his face.

Then, he sighed helplessly and introduced it.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, fellow Taoist. As far as I know, this spiritual tree was found by the founder of Danyang Palace who ran out of life a hundred years ago. He happened to find it in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world. It was a spiritual plant induced to mutate by a spiritual plant husband with a secret method."

"And this spiritual plant was named Wanyu Blood Tree by the founder! It feeds on blood and souls."

"However, I hope you will show mercy and don't destroy this tree. This tree is very useful to me. In addition, please keep the matter of this tree secret and help me tame this tree."

Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly, and he was half-believing and half-doubting what Yan Qing said about the "Wanyu Blood Fei Fruit Tree".

"Since Daoist Fellow Yan has spoken, I will not touch the Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree. I can keep it secret and tame it."

"But... can I take some branches and roots of this tree?"

Although Yan Qing roughly knew what Ling Pengyun wanted to do, cutting off some branches and roots of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree would not hurt the origin of the tree, so he nodded readily.

"As long as the number of branches and roots Daoist Fellow asks for is not large and does not hurt the origin of the fruit tree, it will be fine."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, and he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out the third-level medium-quality Prison Water Gourd from it, and summoned a huge stream of water from it to cover the Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree that was swinging thousands of thick roots, making it difficult for it to move at all.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, take the Jiamu crystal in its body and set up a restriction in it."

"Understood!" After Yan Qing responded, he sacrificed a flying sword magic weapon and pierced directly into the body of the Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree, taking out the Jiamu crystal in its body.

Yan Qing also set up a special restriction in it afterwards, through which he could control the life and death of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree.

However, the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree was extremely disgusted with this move, and became more violent, madly urging various attack methods to break the water cage transformed by Ling Pengyun's prison water gourd.

It's just a pity that this move has no effect. Even if the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree spent hundreds of breaths, it still didn't destroy the solid water cage.

Gradually, the tree seemed to accept its fate, but the tree was still very dignified, using the art of spiritual consciousness to transmit to Ling Pengyun, Yan Qing, and Yan Siyi in the spiritual plant garden.

"I don't like the restrictions placed on the Jiamu crystals in my body by you humans. I have been doing this for hundreds of years in Danyang Palace. If you don't remove them, I will self-destruct the Jiamu crystals, and you will get nothing."

"And if you can remove the restrictions in the Jiamu crystals in my body, then, as long as you provide me with enough flesh and blood of cultivators and their souls, I can also create the Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit for you."

Ling Pengyun was secretly shocked.

"This tree can comprehend the art of spiritual consciousness into language in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and its comprehension is probably not weak."

Yan Qing, who was standing aside, hesitated for a while, and also compromised with the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree, and then he removed the restrictions placed in the Jiamu crystals of this tree.

The Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree had returned to its calm state, and continued to quietly absorb the blood and souls of the thousands of mortals and hundreds of monsters in the flesh and blood.

Ling Pengyun followed and got a dozen branches from the tree.

After finishing this, Ling Pengyun looked at the cultivation method of the Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree that was absorbing blood and souls, frowned slightly, and then he advised Yan Qing.

"Fellow Daoist, this tree is extremely ferocious, and it needs a lot of blood and souls."

"And using mortals and cultivators to support its cultivation, although it will be beneficial to the spiritual tree's cultivation because the blood of mortals and cultivators is easy to refine and the souls are strong, but in this way, fellow Daoist will definitely become the next Danyang Palace, and once such things are spread, the things that fellow Daoist wants to establish power here will probably be shattered."

"In my opinion, fellow Daoist might as well stabilize it in the future and nourish this tree with the blood and souls of monsters. Although the blood of monsters is mixed and the souls are not strong, they can also have some effect on this tree."

"This can also avoid the stigma of the Demon Sect."

Yan Qing said. "Understood, I have the same idea."

Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, and took Yan Siyi beside him and flew directly away from this spiritual plant garden and even Danyang Island, escaping into the distance.

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