Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 758 The True Effect of the Wanyu Blood Jade Mother Tree (2800 words, please subscribe)

On the other side.

Yan Qing, who was still deep in the spiritual plant garden, looked at the figures of Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi leaving, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"The two great Buddhas have finally left."

"But... it seems that Brother Ling and his wife are indeed trustworthy people."

"If I were them, I would probably rob the Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree when I first saw it."

He retracted his gaze only after Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi completely left Danyang Island.

Instead, he looked at the only Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit that was about to enter the third-level middle-grade Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree, and his face also rose with a touch of fiery color.

"Fortunately, we broke through Danyang Palace and seized this land before the fruit matured, so I didn't miss this good opportunity."

"Depending on the situation, this fruit will mature in less than ten days or half a month."

"By then, with this thing, plus the ordinary spiritual object meteorite spirit water that I spent nearly half of my fortune to buy at the meteorite auction, and the second-class golden elixir spiritual object third-level lower-grade pulse-protecting pill, the spiritual beast white-feathered eagle in my hand that has completed its foundation will have at least a 40% to 50% chance of entering the golden elixir realm."

"And as long as this eagle can successfully enter the golden elixir, I want to completely occupy It is possible to establish the Yan family based on this Danyang Island and completely take over the low-level spiritual veins in this small Danyang sea area. "

"Even if it is not good, as long as we have this strange fruit tree, our Yan family will be able to produce Jindan Zhenren in the future, and it is not impossible to even surpass Danyang Palace."

According to the Danyang Palace Jindan inheritance record obtained by Yan Qing, the fruit produced by this Wanyu Blood Jade Tree has the same effect as the fruit produced by its original "Emerald Fruit Tree" before its mutation. They all contain the power of creation, which helps cultivators or monsters break through the Jindan and can be called Jindan spiritual objects.

In addition, as long as there is enough blood and soul to help, this tree can speed up the fruit production speed by 50%.

In terms of conversion, now this third-level middle-grade Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree originally took two hundred years to produce a third-level low-grade blood jade fruit that can increase the probability of cultivators and monsters entering the Jindan by 10%, but now it only takes a hundred years to produce it.

A third-grade middle-grade blood jade fruit that can only be produced in three hundred years can increase the probability of a cultivator or monster breaking through the golden elixir by 20%, and it can be produced in one hundred and fifty years.

It is precisely because this tree is comparable to or even far exceeds the powerful effect of an ordinary third-grade upper-grade spiritual fruit tree that the foundation-building force of Danyang Palace has produced several golden elixirs in the past three hundred years, and even has five golden elixirs in the sect today.

Because of the higher grade of ordinary third-grade upper-grade spiritual fruit trees, like the strange Wanyu blood jade tree here, they can produce a third-grade lower-grade golden elixir spiritual object every hundred years, but it takes more time to produce third-grade middle-grade and upper-grade golden elixir spiritual objects, which take two hundred years and three hundred years respectively.

However, this tree also has a small flaw, that is, this tree can only produce one blood jade fruit at the same time, unlike ordinary fruit trees, which will still bloom and produce many low-grade fruits every year even when producing high-grade spiritual fruits.

This also makes the income generated by this tree less.

However, the tree's ability to produce golden elixir spirits so quickly is its biggest advantage, and this small disadvantage can be omitted.

He collected his distracting thoughts. Because he was a casual cultivator, he had little wealth and no other valuable third-level formations on him. The formation in the spirit plant garden could not be used for the time being. In order to keep the secret of the spirit plant garden, he arranged a second-level formation around the spirit plant to temporarily protect the spirit plant garden.

Then he left this place, left Danyang Valley, and found Jiamu Zhenren who had been waiting outside. Together with him, he went to the place where the low-level spirit veins under the command of Danyang Palace were located to attack those low-level spirit veins.

Jiamu Zhenren has not left yet, and he was hired by Yan Qing to capture the low-level spirit veins.

Previously, Ling Pengyun and his wife were also invited by Yan Qing, but Ling Pengyun and his wife were still anxious to go to other seas to participate in auctions in various places, and the monster chaos in the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian World was only five years away, so they did not agree to this matter.

The disciples of Danyang Palace who were originally stationed on most of the low-level spiritual veins in the Danyang small sea area under the command of Danyang Palace had fled this area early after being reminded by the two Jindan early stage cultivators who were originally stationed in Danyang Palace. Only a few outer disciples who were stationed on low-level spiritual veins and were not welcomed by the sect were still stationed on those low-level spiritual veins.

This also made it possible for Yan Qing and Jiamu Zhenren to clean up all the low-level spiritual veins in this small Danyang sea area in just half a month.

Afterwards, Yan Qing entrusted Jiamu Zhenren to help him go to Muyuan Sea Area to pick up his relatives.

Yan Qing, who was still in this small sea area, returned to Danyang Island with a third-level middle-grade spiritual vein.

During this period, the news that Yan Qing and others destroyed the old Jindan force Danyang Palace and killed five Jindan from several small sea area Jindan forces around Danyang small sea area also spread outside.

Yan Qing's name also spread throughout the Meteorite Sea.

At first, the cultivators who had ideas about the Danyang Sea area of ​​Danyang Palace did not dare to act rashly, lest Yan Qing summoned Ling Pengyun and others to kill them on Danyang Island and still be on Danyang Island, and then cause a disaster.

Soon, a Jindan disciple of the Meteorite True Lord came to Danyang Island and found Yan Qing.

However, the disciple of the True Lord of Meteorite did not blame Yan Qing for destroying the Danyang Palace. He just agreed with Yan Qing that he had to hand over a batch of spiritual stones to the Meteorite Island, the core of the Meteorite Sea, every year, and then left.

After just two months, a calamity cloud quietly appeared over Danyang Island.

Not long after, the calamity cloud dropped a powerful calamity thunder.

However, a huge formation was also erected on Danyang Island, covering the entire island.

If Ling Pengyun was here, he would definitely notice that the formation now erected here was the third-level superior island protection formation that they had broken through.

However, this island protection formation is now 20% to 30% weaker than it was a few months ago. Obviously, this formation was also injured after it was broken, and it has not recovered, making it difficult to exert its full power.

However, even so, the calamity thunder falling from the sky could not break this formation, and at most it only caused a wave on this formation.

After that, eight more thunderbolts fell in succession, but were still blocked by the formation.

Wait until everything is settled.

Deep in Danyang Island.

Yan Qing looked at the white-feathered eagle, a spirit beast that was crawling on the ground in front of him, which was several feet tall and whose aura had rapidly risen to the Golden Core Realm. His face suddenly showed countless joy.

"With the help of this eagle, I will have no problem guarding this Danyang Island and the small Danyang Sea in the future."

"And this Danyang Island and Danyang Sea do not need to be renamed. In this way, it can also deter those who are interested in the outside world and tell them that my Yan family rose up on the Danyang Palace."

"My Yan family, from today on, is called the Danyang Yan Family!"

After several months, his dozens of relatives were also taken to Danyang Island by Master Jiamu.

The name of the Yan Family in Danyang was also publicized by Yan Qing, and he also recruited a large number of guest cultivators to take care of the huge number of low-level spiritual veins in the small sea area of ​​Danyang.

Time flies.

Two seasons passed.

This day.

In the depths of the Lingxiao Mountains in Yan State, the Ling family land.

The Lingxiao Mountain, which has a third-level middle-grade spiritual vein, has been hollowed out in the center, and a huge space has been formed inside.

At this moment, the ground of this space is filled with hundreds of huge Qi training monster corpses, and a stream of extremely pungent bloody smell also spreads from their bodies, adding a bit of weirdness to this place.

And in such a place, there is a young cultivator wearing a blue Taoist robe and looking like an immortal standing here, and there is a strange little tree in front of him.

The little tree is only two feet tall, but the leaves on its lush branches, including its bark, and the small fruits growing on a thick branch of this tree are all blood red.

Even more, many roots grew out of the roots of this small tree like spikes, which were inserted into the corpses of hundreds of monsters and absorbed their blood.

In addition, a long black banner was suspended at the top of the tree to disperse ghost energy.

After a while, this long banner would release the soul of a monster with an aura only in the Qi training realm from the banner to the side of the red small tree below.

The red small tree would then quickly differentiate several roots and absorb the soul of the monster into its body.

Its aura would also become stronger, and the surface color of the blood-red fruit on its trunk would become deeper.

And this scene also added a bit of weirdness to the place.

However, the young cultivator with a fairy-like appearance was not surprised by this scene.

On the contrary, when this person subtly noticed that the cultivation level of this tree had entered the second level of Qi training, he showed a bit of joy on his face.

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