Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 759: The Thoughts of the Third Kind of Innate Spiritual Plant (3000 words, please subscribe)

"The tree's cultivation progress is quite fast. It has only been half a year, and it has achieved such a level of cultivation. I am afraid that it will take one or two years for the tree to enter the middle stage of Qi training."

"Based on the current situation, the Wanyu Xuefei fruit tree I cultivated by cuttings can be regarded as a perfect inheritance of the Wanyu Xuefei tree in Danyang Island, which is in the middle stage of Jindan, which can absorb blood and souls."

"The breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi passed to this tree half a year ago was not wasted."

"Although the qualifications of this tree are difficult to detect, at present Judging from the current situation, this tree is probably at least of earth spirit root aptitude, and may even be of heaven spirit root aptitude. This tree must not be worse than the Wanyu Blood Jade Mother Tree. "

"It is not impossible for this tree to reach that level in the future."

The blood-red tree here was cultivated by Ling Pengyun half a year ago, after he sold all the high-level spirit objects that he didn't need and bought a batch of golden elixir spirit objects to return to his clan. He used the branches from the "Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree" in Danyang Island, and cultivated it by cuttings and a breath of Yin and Yang Taichu Qi.

Because of the bloodline and Yin and Yang Taichu, this tree had the cultivation of the first level of Qi training when it was born half a year ago.

Since this tree successfully survived by cuttings, Ling Pengyun also spent a lot of spirit objects and hundreds of fresh Qi training monster corpses to feed this tree.

In addition, the long banner floating on the top of the tree is Ling Pengyun's third-level lower-grade ghost-controlling banner. In addition to the six mountain-moving evil ghosts in the early stage of the Golden Core, the banner also stores the souls of a large number of monsters or cultivators killed by Ling Pengyun in his early years.

Ling Pengyun has no use for these souls, so he uses them to supply the small Wanyu Blood Jade Fruit Tree here to improve his cultivation.

And this tree, with the help of the blood from the corpse of the Qi-training monster helped by Ling Pengyun and the souls in the ghost-controlling banner, was able to improve its cultivation by one level in just half a year, reaching the second level of Qi training.

As for the young cultivator with a fairy-like appearance here, it is naturally Ling Pengyun.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun saw that the "child tree" he cultivated with the mother tree of Danyang Island and a breath of Yin-Yang Taichu Qi also had extraordinary qualifications, and the speed of cultivation was extremely fast, as if it was no worse than the mother tree of Danyang Island. He also had a special idea in his mind.

"This tree can absorb blood and soul to increase the speed of cultivation, which is an extremely powerful advantage."

"And since this tree was brought into the Yin-Yang Taichu Qi, the Jiamu power in it has become extremely stable. This spiritual tree can also breed spiritual seeds like ordinary spiritual trees, and its branches can be cut off and cut to cultivate new spiritual trees. It's just that the qualifications of the new spiritual tree will still be poor due to cuttings."

"In this case, if this tree can be used with the help of secret methods to breed spiritual seeds, it will be very useful. Take out a spiritual fruit of the Wanyu Blood Jade Tree, and sacrifice it to be the natal spiritual plant. I think the speed of its absorption of blood and soul into cultivation can be accelerated. "

"It is even possible that this spiritual plant will be like ordinary spiritual plants. After being sacrificed and refined into the natal spiritual plant, it can feed back the ability to absorb blood and soul into cultivation to the master."

The Jiamu power in the mother tree of Danyang Island is extremely unstable. Even a fourth-level spiritual plant husband has little chance to help the mother tree breed a spiritual seed with the help of secret methods.

When Ling Pengyun thought about it, his heart became hot.

Since half a year ago, after coming from the Wubianhai Xiuxian world, he has been using the natal spiritual plant "Renshui Blue Cloud Grass" that has entered the golden elixir realm to comprehend the third-level spiritual plant.

Because of his deep foundation in the spiritual plant in his early years, coupled with his extraordinary aptitude, it is natural for him to comprehend the third-level spiritual plant.

He was sure that within a year, he could push the spiritual plant to the third level and become a third-level spiritual plant husband. At that time, he could also sacrifice another spiritual plant as his life spirit plant.

In the past, he planned to cultivate the spiritual seed bred by the third-level inferior "Longevity-increasing Spiritual Apricot Tree" obtained from the Qiu family of Tianxing Country in the early years, and sacrifice it as his life spirit plant. In this way, he could use the life span of this tree after it turned into his life spirit plant to feed back and add a lot of life.

But at present, life span is not what he lacks, but cultivation is.

You know, he is only more than 120 or 30 years old now, and he still has more than 370 or 80 years of life left. Life span is particularly sufficient. According to his cultivation speed, it is no problem to break through to the Golden Core Perfection before breaking through the Nascent Soul Realm.

On the other hand, although his cultivation is now at the sixth level of the Golden Core, it can be high, but now the Ling family and even the Yan Kingdom in the near future will face the revenge of the Red Gold Bear Clan during the monster beast chaos.

Even if he escaped the revenge this time, Yan State could be saved, but as long as the Red Gold Bear Clan was not destroyed, the clan would surely attack again during the next hundred-year monster rebellion.

Only if his cultivation level was improved as soon as possible and he entered the Nascent Soul stage, could he break through.

And to do so, it was not possible to sacrifice the spirit seed of the "Zeng Yuan Ling Xing Shu" as the natal spirit plant.

Under such circumstances, Ling Pengyun quickly made up his mind.

"In the future, my third natal spirit plant will be the spirit seed that this tree may breed in the future."

"As for the third-level Zeng Yuan Ling Xing Shu, which I have used for many years to breed spirit seeds, if it can breed spirit seeds in another ten or twenty years, and accumulate thirty-six years, it will be left in the clan for future use."

"Even if it hasn't been conceived, there's no harm in waiting another thirty-six years."

"On the contrary, Nianchuan boy, who has the most outstanding Lingzhi talent among the younger members of the family and has been called a genius of Lingzhi since he was a child, is devoted to swordsmanship and follows the path of Lingzhi as a supplement and combat power as the mainstay. Even if the family has With the spiritual seed of the Yuan-Zeng Ling Apricot, if this kid reaches the third level of spiritual implantation in the future, he will most likely not want the spiritual seed of the Longevity-increasing Apricot Tree as his natal spiritual plant."

"There is a greater chance that this son is still looking for the spiritual seed that the Frost Spirit Tree, the clan-protecting spiritual tree with extraordinary combat power, may give birth to in the near future."

"In recent years, this Frost Spirit Tree has been sitting at Lingxiao Qianxing Lake, and I have rarely used the method of nurturing spiritual seeds on it. I think that after coming to this tree for more than ten years, I can gather enough for thirty-six years. Within the time limit, the probability of being able to give birth to a spiritual seed is not very high.”

"After my spirit implantation reaches the third level, I will have to use more secret techniques to increase the cultivation of spiritual seeds. This will also prepare Nianchuan for his spiritual implantation to enter the third level in the future."

"However, the elder of the family, Cheng Yuan, is close to breaking through to the realm of golden elixir. He is also a spiritual plant husband. His talent in the spiritual plant is second only to Nian Chuan. His probability of entering the third level spiritual plant is He is not young at all, and he has always had a stable mind, and is known as not doing dangerous things, not going to dangerous places, etc. "

"I estimate that if this boy's spirit plant enters the third level in the future, he will think of ways to obtain the spiritual seeds of the Zengyuan Spirit Apricot Tree as the third kind of natal spiritual plant."

Whether it is a spiritual tree or spiritual plant such as elixir, the higher the grade, the lower the probability of breeding spiritual seeds, and the longer it takes to breed spiritual seeds.

And among spiritual plants, spiritual trees are the most difficult to breed spiritual seeds.

It is even more difficult for spiritual plants that have entered the third level to breed spiritual seeds.

Even if the third-level low-grade longevity-enhancing apricot tree acquired by the family in the early years had Ling Pengyun, a veteran spiritual planter, who had saved it for thirty-six years with the help of secret methods, there was only about a 30% chance of producing a spiritual seed.

Once it fails, thirty-six years will be in vain, and everything will have to start all over again.

As for this small tree, it cannot be directly refined into a spiritual plant by a spiritual planter. Its Qi mechanism has not yet been established, and it is difficult to turn it into an object of the same origin with the help of the spiritual plant secret method. It can only be condensed by the spiritual plant. The spiritual seed that has taken shape but has not yet achieved its own Qi will be baptized by the spirit planter with secret methods for a period of time before it is possible to refine it into its own spiritual plant.

After considering so much, Ling Pengyun also recovered his mind.

Then, he directly used the method of increasing spiritual seed breeding on the "Little Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree" that was only in the realm of Qi training.

Although, the higher the level of the spiritual plant, the higher the qualifications of the spiritual plant will be in the future.

However, this kind of situation only occurs in ordinary spiritual plants.

It has always been difficult for mutant spiritual plants such as the Xiaowanyu Blood Jade Tree to breed spiritual seeds, but once they are conceived, the qualifications of the spiritual seeds will not be bad.

Furthermore, Ling Pengyun has already planned to bring the primordial Qi of Yin and Yang into it and increase the qualifications of the spiritual seeds that the tree will breed in the future. He also does not plan to wait for the tree to reach the level of foundation building or the golden elixir to breed spiritual seeds. .

In contrast, although the spiritual seeds bred by such mutated spiritual plants generally have good qualifications, once the spiritual seeds are bred, the source of such mutated spiritual plants will also be extremely consumed, and it will also take a long time to heal and recover afterwards. origin.

And with the use of the secret method of nurturing spiritual seeds, the small Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree also gradually mobilized a trace of vitality to the middle position of the main trunk.

At that place, a vortex the size of a fingernail was gradually formed, but it exerted a strong suction force, thereby slowly absorbing the spiritual power mixed with a large amount of blood in the tree.

And every time it absorbs a trace of this special spiritual power, the vitality of the vortex will become stronger.

However, this vitality is only the vitality of the "Little Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree" after all. Only when a new breath of vitality evolves in this special "vital vortex" can this tree have the possibility of giving birth to spiritual seeds.

Soon, Ling Pengyun ended the spell casting.

In the future, even if the method of increasing the probability of spiritual seed breeding is no longer used on this tree, this tree can slowly use the vortex of vitality as a seed to try to breed spiritual seeds on its own.

Of course, it would be best to use the technique of nurturing spiritual seeds on it every day. This can also increase the probability of the tree nurturing spiritual seeds.

"Based on the current speed at which this tree is producing spiritual seeds, the time it takes for this small Ten Thousand Jade Blood Jade Tree to produce spiritual seeds should be the same as that of ordinary spiritual plants in the early stages of Qi training, which only takes three years."

"In this way, if this tree can give birth to spiritual seeds at once, I can sacrifice it into my third natal spiritual plant before the chaos of monsters."

"At that time, maybe I can find some opportunities during the monster chaos."

"And all of this... just depends on this tree."

Ling Pengyun had a look of anticipation on his face.

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