Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 760 Master Mu Ping commissioned to make an elixir (2600 words, please subscribe)

Then, Ling Pengyun took out three bottles of first-level lower-grade spiritual water for cultivation from his storage bag, opened the bottle caps, and placed them in front of the "Little Wanyu Blood Jade Tree" in front of him.

As Ling Pengyun's mind moved, the body of the Little Wanyu Blood Jade Tree trembled slightly, and three little finger-thick roots slowly crawled from the roots of the tree, along the mouths of the three glass bottles, and then absorbed the spiritual water in them.

It also slowly used the spiritual water to cultivate.

Because this tree was grafted from the branches of a mutant spiritual plant, its spiritual intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary spiritual trees of the same level. With the help of a breath of yin and yang primordial energy, its spiritual intelligence has also greatly increased.

Although its current spiritual intelligence is difficult to support it to comprehend the profound secret method of the art of spiritual consciousness into language, it has also given it some thoughts.

Therefore, although it is not Ling Pengyun's natal spiritual plant, it can understand Ling Pengyun's command and absorb the spiritual water of heaven and earth in the three glass bottles on its own.

The reason why this tree listens to Ling Pengyun so much is that Ling Pengyun set a special spiritual plant restriction on it when it was born half a year ago. As long as Ling Pengyun has a thought, he can kill it.

In addition, every time Ling Pengyun comes here, he will give it some spiritual objects and treat it very well. This Wanyu Blood Jade Tree, which is still in its ignorant period, has gradually been tamed by Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun is getting more and more satisfied with this obedient little tree. After all, he doesn't want to cultivate a Wanyu Blood Jade Spiritual Tree like the one in Danyang Island that doesn't obey his orders.

For this reason, he has been cultivating this tree more and more vigorously. From elixirs to the spiritual water of heaven and earth today, he has never been stingy with this tree.

The Qi-cultivating monsters found for this tree are all those in the late stage of Qi-cultivation or even the perfect stage of Qi-cultivation. There is not a single one in the early or middle stage of Qi-cultivation.

As for cultivating this tree with the blood and soul of monsters, although it will also cause this tree to cause great killing sins, causing this tree to bear some resentment, making its future path more difficult.

However, this move will cause much less resentment than the tree directly absorbing the blood and souls of the human race as cultivation resources.

Of course, this tree will also be difficult to refine due to the impure blood of the monsters it absorbs, and the power of the monsters' souls is weak, etc., which will cause the cultivation speed to be relatively slow.

However, nowadays, with enough spiritual water from heaven and earth to help, the cultivation speed of this tree will not be worse than the cultivation speed of absorbing the blood and souls of the human race.

After doing all this, Ling Pengyun turned around and followed a passage back to his cultivation cave on the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

Besides him, only Yan Siyi, clan leader Ling Yunhong and other family Jindan knew about the underground space. He did not tell the others. Moreover, he also used an independent third-level lower-grade formation on Lingxiao Mountain to conceal the place.

Even a Jindan early stage cultivator might not be able to detect that the middle of Lingxiao Mountain was empty and there was a mystery hidden inside.

But before he could sit cross-legged in the cave for a few days of meditation, a communication talisman broke the tranquility of the place.

He was also startled and opened his eyes. Then he took the communication talisman in his hand and carefully read the words written in it.

After reading it, his expression also showed a little more joy.

"After two years of waiting, the last batch of Juyuan grass is finally here."

He also stood up and turned into a breeze and left the cave directly.

When he appeared next time, he had already appeared in the reception hall outside the clan land.

A middle-aged monk in black robe, thin and modest, was already waiting here.

Next to him, there was a Ling family Qigong monk who had been stationed in the reception hall all year round, standing next to him, serving tea and water.

This move showed the status of the black-robed monk.

At this time, Ling Pengyun, who had just entered the transmission hall, also smiled and bowed slightly to the black-robed monk sitting on a chair in the hall.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still as low-key as in previous years, and you are dressed so simply."

This is not a derogatory statement.

The black-robed monk here is the third-level lower-grade spiritual plant husband "Mu Ping Zhenren" who met Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi in his early years because he was ambushed.

And this Mu Ping Zhenren came from the "Fuyun Xianzong", one of the three oldest Yuanying sects in the righteous way of the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian world, and his status is extremely high.

As a cultivator of this sect, he naturally has the Taoist robe of this sect.

And Fu Yun Xianzong's Taoist robe is a symbol of status. Compared with the ordinary black robe on Mu Ping Zhenren, the black robe is indeed a bit simpler.

At the same time, when Mu Ping Zhenren saw Ling Pengyun, the "big money owner", coming, his face immediately showed joy. He also stood up and bowed to Ling Pengyun humbly in return.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, please don't make fun of me. You know that I am not strong. If I wear a gorgeous robe, I am afraid that I will be targeted by those powerful evil cultivators, and the scene of me being chased by evil cultivators will reappear."

"By then, with my strength, it will be difficult for me to escape."

"But then again, if I hadn't met you and your wife when I was chased, I am afraid I would not be able to escape at that time."

After saying that, Mu Ping Zhenren still had some lingering fear on his face.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he recalled the time when Master Mu Ping was being hunted down and he took out several third-level defensive magic weapons and a large number of defensive talismans and pasted them all over his body.

He smiled and spoke.

"Fellow Daoist, you are too modest. There were as many as three Jindan who were chasing you back then, but you were still able to handle it with ease. I'm afraid that even without my wife and I, you could have escaped safely."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Fellow Daoist, can you bring the last batch of Juyuan grass that you promised five years ago?"

When Master Mu Ping heard this, he looked a little more happy. Then, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a full forty high-level soul-locking jade boxes, and sent them to Ling Pengyun with the help of the control technique.

At this moment, Ling Pengyun also raised his hand and used the control technique to open the forty soul-locking jade boxes.

Suddenly, he saw that each soul-locking jade box contained a Juyuan grass with a breath as high as the third level, extraordinary value, and green in color.

A total of forty plants.

Seeing that their quality was not bad, and they were of medium quality, and their grades were indeed at the third level, Ling Pengyun smiled a little more. He closed the forty soul-locking jade boxes again and put them into the storage bag.

However, he then summoned a full seventy-two medicine bottles from the storage bag and handed them to Master Mu Ping, saying with a smile.

"These contain the Ju Yuan Dan refined from the thirty third-level inferior Ju Yuan grasses that Daoyou sent to our clan two years ago. There are a total of seventy-two pills, and each medicine bottle contains one."

"The success rate of refining these Ju Yuan Dan is guaranteed by our clan at 60%, and as long as the number of pills that can be refined is guaranteed to be four, it is also in line with Daoyou's expectations."

After hearing this, Master Mu Ping quickly opened the caps of the medicine bottles and carefully checked the quality of each Ju Yuan Dan in them. Seeing that they were of medium quality, his eyes suddenly flashed with a brilliant light.

"I can make a lot of money again. The alchemy agreement reached with Ling's family in the early years is really a sure win. I am also really lucky. I met Ling's third-level alchemist who was in need of a large number of third-level spiritual medicines to refine third-level pills to break through the bottleneck of alchemy, hahaha."

"And the last batch of 40 Juyuan grasses given to Ling's family this time, it is estimated that in a few years, they can also bring me a valuable Juyuan pill under the refinement of Ling's alchemist."

"By then, my wealth will definitely be more substantial."

"My future in this avenue is really promising!"

"Maybe in the future, I will have a chance to explore the late stage of Jindan."

Thinking of this, Master Mu Ping was even more happy.

In the past five years, he has given three batches of Juyuan grass to Ling's family. The first two batches were refined into pills, 30 and 30 respectively, totaling 60 Juyuan grasses. The last batch of Juyuan grass was 40, which was the Juyuan grass that Master Mu Ping just gave to Ling Pengyun.

The Ling family also refined 72 Juyuan Pills from the first 30 Juyuan Grasses. The 72 Juyuan Pills Ling Pengyun gave were refined from the second batch of Juyuan Grasses.

The two batches of pills added together amounted to 144 pills.

The lower-grade Juyuan Pills of the third level were worth at least 3,000 Lingshi on the market, so 144 pills were worth 432,000 Lingshi.

Moreover, this pill was extremely scarce on the market, and many Jindan Zhenren were eager for it. Basically, as long as Juyuan Pills of this grade appeared on the market, they would be snatched up.

He had only paid for 60 Juyuan Grasses in the past few years. Each of these Juyuan Grasses could only be sold for 1,500 Lingshi, and 30 of them were only 90,000 Lingshi.

In just two years, his capital had increased by four or five times, so he was naturally happy.

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