Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 761 Ling Clan's 72 Spiritual Veins (3200 words, please subscribe)

Master Mu Ping also smiled at Ling Pengyun.

"The nobleman really keeps his word. The quality and quantity of this batch of elixirs are correct."

After saying this, he paused slightly, then spoke again with a hint of curiosity.

"By the way, fellow Taoist, I see that many of the quality of this batch of Juyuan Pills is close to the top quality, which is much better than the quality of the previous batch of Juyuan Pills. However, the noble alchemist has already achieved a breakthrough in alchemy. Bottleneck, entering the third-level mid-level realm? "

Ling Pengyun didn't hide it, nodded lightly and said with a smile.

"Exactly, this matter is also thanks to the sixty Yuan Jucao that fellow Taoists have entrusted to our clan over the years. If it weren't for the help of the sixty Yuan Jucao, the alchemist of our clan would still be stuck in the alchemy process. The realm of the third level."

"On behalf of the alchemist of my clan, I would like to thank my fellow Taoist."

The alchemist the two of them mentioned was naturally Ling Yunhong, the third-level alchemist who was the strongest in the alchemy field of the Ling clan and the leader of the Ling clan.

When Master Mu Ping heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately said.

"This can't be done. Friend Taoist, I really deserve this thank you. With the great benefits that the alchemist prescribed by my friend, the alchemist, to help refine Juyuan Dan, I'm afraid it's selfless. , the nobles can also collect a large number of third-level Yuan Jucao.”

"And now, it is a matter of course that the noble alchemist can enter the third-level mid-level realm."

"On the contrary, I should be grateful to the noble alchemist. If it weren't for the alchemist, I would not have been able to obtain such a huge amount of Juyuan Dan with the help of the batch of Juyuan Grass I planted."

"Unfortunately, that fellow alchemist has been too busy refining alchemy, so it has been difficult for me to meet him. Otherwise, I would have come to thank him."

"Now, these words of thanks can only be conveyed by fellow Taoists."

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Ling, now the alchemist of your clan has also entered the third-level middle-level realm. I wonder if this alchemist will continue to receive alchemy matters based on the previous high success rate and the number of completed pills in the future. ?”

A few years ago, Ling Pengyun agreed to allow the third-level spirit planter Mu Pingzhenren to produce more Juyuan Grass. The probability of success of the Juyuan Pill refined from the Juyuan Grass in his hand was at least 60%. The number of completed pills after each successful furnace is also agreed to be at least four.

And Master Mu Ping would ask such a question at this moment, naturally he also wanted to make another fortune from the Ling family.

Although he has no third-level Yuan Gathering Grass and no other third-level elixirs on his body, he still has several third-level spiritual planter friends in Fuyun Immortal Sect. Those friends, like him, all have friends in Fuyun Immortal Sect. Several acres of third-level spiritual fields are planted with many third-level Yuan Ju grass or other third-level elixirs.

Ling Pengyun was extremely satisfied with what Mu Ping said. After laughing twice, he spoke.

"Haha, I will definitely bring these words of thanks to you next time."

"Fellow Taoist Muping, you are too polite."

"As for the matter of taking over alchemy, I was just about to talk to fellow Taoist."

"Back then, our clan promised our fellow Taoists that the probability of success in refining Yuan Yuan Dan was as high as the quantity of Cheng Dan. This was purely to help our clan's alchemist gather more spiritual materials for refining third-level elixirs. To help him break through to the alchemy level, the idea is not to make much profit."

"But now, the alchemist of our clan has broken through the bottleneck of alchemy and entered the third-level mid-level realm of alchemy. It is natural that the alchemist of our clan should start to earn spiritual stones through alchemy."

"Furthermore, the monster beast chaos that occurs once every hundred years in our Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm is approaching. The alchemist of our clan is also refining several furnaces of third-level elixirs for our clan. There is not enough time. If we want to obtain it externally, If you want to make elixirs, you have to give up refining elixirs for our clan.”

"Therefore, if Taoist friends have spare third-level elixirs in the future and plan to ask our clan to refine ordinary third-level low-grade elixirs, the probability of success in refining the elixirs will be reduced to 50%. The number of pills required to refine one furnace will also be reduced from four to three and a half."

"In other words, after successfully refining two furnaces of elixirs, our clan can only guarantee the number of seven elixirs. Compared with the past, the number of successful elixirs in two furnaces will be one less."

"Of course, for the forty Yuan-Gathering Grasses given by fellow Taoist this time, our clan will still refine them for fellow Taoist according to the previous rules of 60% success probability and four pills."

"I hope fellow Taoists can understand that our clan has changed the conditions for alchemy."

After hearing this, Master Muping felt a little regretful, but he still felt a little more passionate.

Although the conditions for alchemy mentioned by Ling Pengyun this time have reduced the probability of successful alchemy and the number of pills, these conditions are still good.

You must know that the outside world, and even most third-level alchemists from the Fuyun Immortal Sect, can only guarantee a success rate of 30% to 40% for refining third-level low-grade elixirs, and only a few can guarantee a 50% probability.

Generally, the number of completed pills can only be guaranteed to be three. There are very few alchemists who can guarantee the number of completed pills as high as seven in two furnaces.

And this kind of alchemist who can guarantee the high-level success rate and the number of elixirs has basically been booked by the golden elixir monks.

Even Muping Zhenren, who is a third-level spiritual cultivator, can't get that kind of alchemist to help him refine a large amount of elixirs.

Under such circumstances, Ling, who can consume a large amount of third-level elixirs to refine them into elixirs, and can guarantee a very high probability of success and the number of elixirs, is an excellent partner.

"There are some benefits to be gained."

Mu Pingzhen said secretly.

Then, he spoke.

"Such alchemy conditions are already good, I am satisfied."

"And I will be able to harvest a batch of third-level Juyuan grass and a small amount of third-level low-grade Huichun grass in the near future. Then I will have to trouble the noble alchemist again."

The spiritual medicine he was talking about was naturally not planted by himself, but by his friends who were third-level spiritual plants in Fuyun Xianzong.

In the future, as long as he gives those friends enough benefits, he can get the spiritual medicines in his friends' hands, and then take them to Ling's to refine into pills, and earn a middleman fee.

Although this middleman fee is much less than the benefits he could get from entrusting Ling's alchemy with his own spiritual plants in the past, it can also be regarded as a considerable income. It is no problem for him to earn tens of thousands of spiritual stones for one middleman fee.

After Ling Pengyun heard what Master Mu Ping said, he also had a little more joy on his face.

The reason why he gave Master Mu Ping so many benefits from alchemy was naturally to attract Master Mu Ping, a spiritual plant husband who was backed by Fu Yun Xian Zong, to find more third-level spiritual medicines for Grandfather Ling Yunhong to help him refine pills.

In this way, Ling Yunhong can make a lot of money by refining pills.

Since Ling Yunhong entered the third-level middle-grade realm of alchemy, his success rate in refining ordinary third-level lower-grade pills such as Ju Yuan Dan has increased by half a percentage point compared with the past, and can be stabilized at 65%.

Although Ling Yunhong can still only stabilize the number of pills at 40%, there is a 3% probability that he can make five pills at a time.

Under this circumstance, Ling Yunhong, the alchemist, can earn 21 Ju Yuan Dan for every 20 furnaces of Ju Yuan Dan, an ordinary third-level lower-grade pill, for Master Mu Ping, and can get about 60,000 spiritual stones.

After careful calculation, Ling Yunhong can earn benefits worth 2,000 spiritual stones as long as he refines one furnace of pills.

This is also the reason why Ling Yunhong, who has been in seclusion for many years to refine pills, asked Ling Pengyun to help cooperate with Master Mu Ping again.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also said with a smile.

"Daoyou can understand the difficulties of our clan and agree to this alchemy transaction. I am really grateful. It is not a troublesome thing to entrust our clan to refine pills. With the friendship between our clan and Daoyou, as long as Daoyou has enough third-level inferior spiritual medicines and needs help to refine third-level inferior pills, our clan can help."

Then, the two chatted for a few more sentences.

Ling Pengyun also took this opportunity to ask Master Mu Ping when the four third-level inferior broken miasma pills and one fortune purple cloud pill that Master Mu Ping promised to give in the early years would be given.

Master Mu Ping planted a lot of rare spiritual plants in Fuyun Xianzong, including the main material of the broken miasma pill, the broken yuan grass, and the main material of the fortune purple cloud pill, the purple cloud flower.

Five years ago, these two spiritual materials were not yet mature, but two years ago, these two spiritual plants were mature. At that time, Jiamu Zhenren brought the news that he had handed over the Poyuan Grass and Ziyun Flower to a senior alchemist of Fuyun Xianzong to help refine the pills.

"The time required to refine the Poxia Pill and the Creation Ziyun Pill is very long. It is estimated that it will take about one or two years for the senior alchemist of our sect to refine them."

"If those pills are successfully refined, I will definitely deliver them to your door in person, so that fellow Daoist does not have to wait any longer."

Zhenren Mu Ping said.

"Thank you very much, fellow Daoist."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

After that, the two chatted about the experience of spiritual plants, and Zhenren Mu Ping said goodbye and left this place, returning to the direction of Fuyun Xianzong.

And Ling Pengyun also left the reception hall and returned to the Ling family land covered by clouds all day long.

Since Ling Penglin, a third-level formation master, came to this Ling clan land, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

The territory of the Lingxiao clan land has not only expanded from the original five miles to the current 100,000 miles.

In addition, the number of mountains in the depths of the clan land, which originally had only a dozen peaks, has now doubled, and there are currently 36 peaks.

What's more, the number of spiritual veins in the clan land has also increased by one or two times, reaching 72.

The lowest grade of these spiritual veins is second-level, and there are two third-level spiritual veins.

In addition to the original more than ten second-level spiritual veins and one third-level medium-quality spiritual vein, the remaining dozens of second-level spiritual veins were all migrated from various Ling clan territories in recent years by Ling Penglin, the formation master, with the help of the third-level migration formation. The extra third-level spiritual vein is the third-level fire vein that Ling Pengyun learned from Yan Qing.

Last year, Ling Pengyun took Ling Penglin to the Boundless Sea Cultivation World and moved the fire vein and its accompanying "Treasure Refining Fire Pool" to the clan land.

This was done to enhance the spiritual energy within the Ling clan land, to support the large number of Ling clan cultivators in the family, as well as the growth of spiritual plants and the cultivation of captive monsters.

The number of spiritual veins here is mostly determined by these three situations.

The place with the most spiritual veins is the thirty-six peaks deep in the clan land, of which thirty-four have a second-level spiritual vein, and the two deepest peaks, which are thousands of feet high, have the only two third-level spiritual veins here.

One is Ling Xiao Mountain, the Ling clan mountain, where the spiritual vein grade is as high as the third-level middle grade, and the other place with the third-level fire vein is named "Huo Xiao Mountain" by the Ling family.

The two areas with the next largest number of spirit veins are the spirit plant fields on the left side of the clan’s periphery and the captive spirit beast area. There are eighteen spirit veins in each of these two places.

The number of spiritual fields in the spiritual field area has reached hundreds of acres.

The number of captive spiritual beasts has reached more than 3,000. If the more than 1,000 spiritual beasts in Lingxiao Qianxing Lake are added, the Ling family currently has more than 4,000 spiritual beasts.

At the same time, the "72 spiritual veins" in this clan land were also connected together by Ling Penglin using a special formation, which can help the Ling family's clan land to open the third-level upper-grade "Ten Thousand Beasts Futian Formation" that protects the clan at the necessary moment.

The gathering of many spiritual veins here also makes this place more spiritual and the vegetation more lush.

Even the Lingxiao Lake, which is formed by the long river water falling from the sky in the sky of this land, has become clearer.

The speed of the newly born little demon beasts in the group of spiritual beasts that have been living next to Lingxiao Lake for many years has also become much faster because of the spiritual energy of this place.

In addition, the second-grade inferior ghost vein that Ling Pengxing, the first ghost cultivator of the Ling family, found in the border area of ​​Chen State adjacent to Yan State when he was not yet a cultivator, was also moved back to the clan land by Ling Penglin with the help of the formation.

And that ghost vein is now in a small valley in the "Thirty-Six Mountains" area deep in the clan land, shrouded in clouds all day long. Except for the family leaders, the rest of the clan members don't know about this place.

Ling Pengxing, as well as the two ghost cultivators Wang Shi and Wang Yu, who he accepted in his early years, are now practicing in that valley.

And this small valley with ghost veins was named "Ghost Star Valley" by Ling Pengyun after Ling Pengxing's name.

After collecting his distracting thoughts, Ling Pengyun quickly reached the top of "Huoxiao Mountain" in the "Thirty-Six Mountains" deep in the clan land.

This place is extremely hot and the temperature is extremely high, so no weeds grow on the ground, but there are three acres of quasi-third-grade spiritual fields here, in which many fire-attributed spiritual plants are planted.

In addition, there is also a cave here.

Ling Pengyun walked to the door of the cave and knocked gently. Soon, the door was opened, and a little girl with delicate features, who looked very well-behaved, with a scent of elixir on her body, and wearing Ling's Taoist robes, walked out.

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