Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 762 Ling Wanxing Huoxiao Mountain (Subscribe)

When the little girl saw Ling Pengyun coming, she immediately smiled sweetly, and then she bowed to Ling Pengyun and called him.

"I haven't seen you, Grandpa Pengyun, for many days. Xing'er misses you more and more."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

Then, he raised his hand, patted the little girl's head, and said with a smile.

"You want me to bring you something delicious, right? This is a bit like your aunt Cheng Ping back then."

After that, he took out two bottles of fruit flower honey and a few kilograms of spiritual mulberries from the storage bag, handed them to the little girl, and asked another question.

"By the way, have you been following Grandpa Yun Hong to practice alchemy recently?"

The little girl is the only daughter of the family elder Ling Chengyuan. When the Ling family married the two major forces of Wanyao Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple nearly ten years ago, in order to let Wanyao Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple see the sincerity of the Ling family, Ling Chengyuan took a second-level alchemist from Wanyao Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple and a second-level talisman maker as concubines.

At first, he had no wife, but after his second-level alchemist wife "Wan" gave birth to "Ling Wanxing", a daughter with three spiritual roots, Ling Chengyuan liked "Wan" even more. She was also regarded as his wife by Ling Chengyuan. Therefore, Wan's status in the Ling family gradually improved, and the resources she obtained were not comparable to when she was a concubine.

Ling Chengyuan's only daughter "Ling Wanxing" belongs to the Wan generation among the six generations of "Yun, Xiao, Peng, Cheng, Wan, Li" in the family. She just turned nine this year and was diagnosed with three spiritual roots last year.

Such qualifications can be ranked in the upper-middle level even in the entire Ling family.

In addition, this little Ling Wanxing showed a good talent for alchemy half a year ago. She made very fast progress in comprehending the secret method of alchemy. She can be regarded as a little alchemy genius. In the future, this girl has a great probability of entering the second-level alchemy.

After Ling Pengyun learned about this, in view of the contribution of the elder Ling Chengyuan in managing the affairs of the entire family for so many years, he personally found the alchemist "Ling Yunhong" who was in seclusion in Huoxiao Mountain and was the highest level of alchemy in the family, and talked to him about Ling Wanxing.

Ling Yunhong, the clan leader, was also very happy to take Ling Wanxing by his side and personally train her in alchemy.

Ling Yunhong would return to Huoxiao Mountain from Lingxiao Qianxing Lake because of the third-level fire vein in the mountain.

Ling Penglin, the third-level formation master of the family, arranged a third-level lower-grade "aggregate fire formation" in the mountain, and built a third-level alchemy fire mouth in the cave of the mountain, which was of great help to Ling Yunhong, a third-level middle-grade alchemist, in the process of alchemy.

In addition, Ling Penglin also built a third-level refining fire mouth in the cave on the top of the mountain, and five second-level alchemy fire mouths and refining fire mouths at the bottom of the mountain.

The third-level refining fire mouth is a fire mouth dedicated to Ling Pengyun, and the fire mouths at the bottom of the mountain are used to supply the family's second-level alchemists and refiners.

As for the spiritual places such as the earth fire cave and the spirit fire mountain that are more helpful for refining tools and alchemy, although the Ling family, which controls many lands, has many, there are no third-level earth fire caves and spirit fire mountains.

At present, the highest-grade underground fire cave controlled by the Ling family is a second-grade upper-grade underground fire cave, and the family's "dark blue volcano" that has just entered the second-grade realm.

The former was cultivated by the original owner of the Ling family's land, the Wanshou Sect, and the latter was found by Ling Pengyun's wife Yan Siyi in the dark river in the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake in the early years.

Now, these two spiritual places have been brought back to the family land by Ling Penglin with the help of formations, and are located in the "Thirty-Six Mountains" here.

The location of the underground fire cave is called "Underground Fire Mountain", which is the exclusive place of Ling Chengxin, the "young generation of alchemy leader" of the family. Although there are some first-grade alchemy and refining fire mouths in this mountain to supply the clan members with alchemy and magic tools, the rest of the clan members are not allowed to practice in that mountain.

The blue spiritual fire produced by the "dark blue volcano" that can breed demon spirits is also helpful for cultivators to refine magic tools and elixirs. However, in order to speed up the upgrade of the volcano's grade, Ling Pengyun was reluctant to let his clansmen borrow the spiritual fire from the volcano, but sealed the mountain with a formation.

He also spread the word among the clans that the mountain would not be opened unless it reached the third level.

This move did work, and the aura of the spiritual volcano has been steadily improving in the past year.

As for the Lingxiao Qianxing Lake area where Ling Yunhong was stationed in his early years, Ling Pengyun has now delegated power to "Ling Chengping", who he raised since childhood, to manage it.

Her husband "Lin Fan", a beastmaster, is also there.

The girl withdrew her distracting thoughts and saw Ling Pengyun speak out what she was thinking. Two red clouds suddenly appeared on her fair cheeks.

However, when she saw the fruit flower honey and spiritual mulberries handed over by Ling Pengyun, her clear eyes suddenly became bright and a smile appeared on her face.

Therefore, she said to Ling Pengyun sweetly.

"Grandpa is indeed the best grandfather in the world."

"Xing'er has also learned alchemy from Grandpa Yunhong. In a few months, I will officially enter the alchemy world."

Hearing this, Ling Pengyun smiled a little more, and he also said to the little girl in front of him.

"Then I will wait for the day when you enter the Dan Dao. At that time, I will give you a big gift."

When the little girl heard the "gift", the light in her eyes became a little brighter, like two shining gems.

She also said excitedly.

"Grandpa, is it delicious?"

Ling Pengyun was amused by this girl and laughed twice. "Hahaha, you stupid girl, why are you thinking about eating it?"

"However, you have said so. When the time comes, I will go find some delicacies for you that the family does not have."

When the little girl heard this, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva. She had a silly smile on her face, and she was already looking forward to what the elder Ling Pengyun would give her.

When Ling Pengyun saw this girl's appearance, he secretly had an idea in his heart.

"The little girl is quite well-behaved, not as stubborn as Cheng Xia. If we can safely survive the chaos of monsters this time and usher in a safe period for a hundred years, we can try to have another one."

"At that time, I should be able to increase the probability of giving birth to a girl with the help of some of the secret methods of controlling vitality among the third-level spiritual plants."

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun's face became a little more happy.

Then, he also asked the little girl in front of him.

"I almost forgot about business, Xing'er, Grandpa Yunhong is out of seclusion."

Ling Wanxing shook his head and spoke.

"No, Grandpa Yunhong has been very busy in the past year. He has been refining alchemy in seclusion. Only at the end of each month, Grandpa Yunhong will go out to teach me the knowledge of alchemy for a day."

Ling Pengyun frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Grandpa Yun Hong has worked really hard in alchemy in recent years. After this tense period, it's time to persuade Grandpa Yun Hong to stop practicing alchemy and instead go to quiet practice to improve his cultivation."

In recent years, Ling Yunhong has been in seclusion in order to upgrade his alchemy to the third-level mid-level realm as soon as possible so that he can refine some special elixirs to improve the strength of the family's golden elixir and deal with the chaos of monsters. There is not much free time to refine the elixir.

Even the last time Ling Pengyun saw Ling Yunhong was during the war between good and evil in the Yuan Kingdom.

After Ling Pengyun sighed at this moment, he patted the storage bag on his waist, summoned from it the forty third-level low-grade Juyuan grass that he had just obtained from Master Mu Ping, handed it to Ling Wanxing, and said.

"Myolie, help me give these elixirs to Grandpa Yun Hong after he comes out of confinement."

"Okay." After Ling Wanxing responded, he took the Yuan Jucao.

After Ling Pengyun also asked Ling Wanxing to take a good rest, he left this place and returned to the cave at the top of Lingxiao Mountain.

The fire veins in Huoxiao Mountain only produce fire spiritual energy, which is not suitable for monks like him who practice water-based techniques.

The spiritual vein in Lingxiao Mountain is a five-element spiritual vein that can produce the five-element spiritual energy.

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