Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 776 The story between Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanliang (Subscription required)

Deep in the Ling clan's territory.

Among the "Seventy-two Mountains", the top of a high mountain was covered by countless flying sand and rocks.

Countless violent spiritual power fluctuations continued to spread out from it, rippling around, shaking the mountain constantly.

If it weren't for the protection of a second-level formation on this mountain, I'm afraid this mountain would have collapsed long ago.

In addition, there is a light curtain covering this place, which blocked all the abnormal movements on the top of the mountain and did not spread to the outside world to affect other spiritual mountains.

At the same time, it concealed the situation in the mountain.

And if there were cultivators in this mountain, they would be able to see two cultivators fighting among the flying sand and rocks.

Obviously, the abnormal movement on the top of this mountain was caused by those two people.

However, the two people fighting were both extraordinary. The middle-aged monk, who looked calm but steady, could cast an earth spell with a raise of his hand, transforming countless earth spikes or quicksand, like a magic turret. He could cast all kinds of spells at will, and the whole sky was covered by the spells cast by this person.

The middle-aged man with a wild look and a tuft of beard on his chin was much taller than ordinary people. He was several feet tall, like a little giant.

He also held a huge mace. Whenever he swung the mace, it would cause countless sounds of breaking through the air, and many spells that came would be smashed by him.

However, the bearded monk was still inferior. After only a few hundred moves, his defense was not good enough, and several earth spikes drove straight into his body.

It was just surprising that the earth spikes bombarded this person, but did not cause any damage to him, nor did they see any blood. Only a few roars sounded, and the earth spikes gradually broke apart as if they hit an iron wall.

And through the earth spikes piercing the damaged part of the Taoist robe on the bearded monk, it can be seen that the monk's skin that was attacked had turned fiery red, and there were only a few white spots on the fiery red skin.

But at this moment, more earth-based spells broke his offensive and killed him.

The bearded monk saw this and his face suddenly became solemn. He immediately slapped a black beast bag on his waist and summoned a demon wolf with black hair all over his body, but with many fiery red flame patterns.

When this demon wolf appeared, it brought a huge aura of a great demon in the early stage of foundation building and enveloped the surroundings.

"Phantom fire."

At this moment, the middle-aged giant with a beard roared.

The demon wolf seemed to be in tune with him, and immediately raised its head and roared. Fire flashed around its body, and the flame patterns in its hair became vivid.

A black and red light curtain was immediately propped up by the wolf, and at the same time protected the middle-aged monk with a beard, blocking all the attacks from the earth-type magic cultivator in the distance.

At this moment, the middle-aged monk with a beard also climbed onto the wolf demon, and with the help of the light curtain propped up by the wolf, he resisted the countless earth-type spells that attacked, and directly killed the magic cultivator in the distance.

However, this move made the earth-type magic cultivator in the distance smile like a winner.

He also slapped the beast bag on his waist and summoned a spirit beast.

This is a yellow-haired bear demon, and its aura is as high as the initial stage of foundation building, but in terms of power, it is weaker than the black-haired wolf demon here.

As the earth-type magic cultivator thought, the yellow-haired bear demon also activated the inner alchemy secret technique and held up a thick protective light curtain to cover him.

No matter how the bearded body cultivator riding the wolf attacked, it would be difficult to break the light curtain in a short time.

And the magic cultivator also relied on the spirit beast yellow-haired bear demon to help defend, so he had the opportunity to attack with all his strength.

Within dozens of moves, he relied on countless magic spells to break the light curtain held up by the wolf demon and suppressed the bearded body cultivator riding the wolf.

The bearded body cultivator riding the wolf resisted for a few moves, and seeing that he was already defeated, he felt frustrated in his heart and sighed helplessly.

"I didn't expect that I was still not a match for Brother Wan Liang after entering the third level of foundation building."

Then, he begged for mercy from the magic cultivator.

"Brother Wan Duo, I admit defeat in this competition, stop it."

The magic cultivator really stopped when he heard this.

This person also had a smile on his face, but when he saw the frustrated look on the bearded cultivator's face, the smile on his face immediately disappeared, and he became serious and angrily rebuked him in the tone of an elder.

"Brother Wan Liang, don't take the failure of the competition too seriously. Don't forget why we compete once a month!"

"Only if we constantly expose our own shortcomings and then make up for them, can our strength be enhanced, and we can also catch up with our two brothers Wan Xu and Wan Chuan."

"And the main reason for your defeat in this battle is still the same as before, you are not good at long-range attack methods, which led to my use of magic cultivation methods to kill you in a guerrilla battle."

"I have told you countless times that you have entered the foundation building stage. Do you think you can defeat your opponent by fighting as hard as you did when you were practicing qi? Don't forget how difficult it is to build a foundation, and how many of those who can enter the foundation building stage are mortals."

"Although you physical cultivators have weak spiritual consciousness and weak attack power of magic weapons, if you can comprehend a magic to the perfect level, the power you exert will not be weaker than that of ordinary cultivators."

"And as a physical cultivator, you are good at close combat. If you have a perfect level of magic to help you, your strength will definitely increase exponentially."

"Don't always think that the help of your Phantom Fire Wolf, who is good at using fire magic, can make up for this defect."

"This defect is yours, not the Phantom Fire Wolf's."

The bearded physical cultivator "Ling Wanliang" riding the black-haired wolf demon heard this and immediately raised a bitter smile on his face.

"Brother Wanliang, you know that I don't have much talent in magic."

The seemingly very stable magic cultivator "Ling Wanduo" saw Ling Wanliang's disappointing appearance and scolded him again.

"If you have no talent, you should practice hard. There are many cultivators in this world who have no talent for magic, but there are many cultivators who have comprehended one or two magics to the perfect level and can reach the point of instant."

"Don't use your laziness as an excuse."

"If you had listened to me earlier and practiced a magic, I'm afraid that after many years, even if your magic talent is poor, you can at least comprehend it to the level of great success and reach the point of instant in two seconds."

"Now that your cultivation has broken through to the third level of foundation building, it will be difficult to improve it in a short time. In the next year, you should comprehend a magic well. Even if it is not perfect, it is better to comprehend it to the state of great success."

"Also, don't forget that the monster beast rebellion is approaching, and those monster beasts will not be polite to you at that time."

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