Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 777: How the two make up for their shortcomings (Subscription required)

Ling Wanliang saw Ling Wanduo, who rarely got angry, like this, and he felt a little more afraid.

Although Ling Wanduo was not his blood brother, he was one of the "Six Sons of the Ling Family" with him. Therefore, he practiced and hunted monsters with Ling Wanduo all year round...

In addition, Ling Wanduo was the oldest among the six sons of the Ling Family, and the leader of the six sons of the Ling Family.

Ling Wanduo was steady and prudent, and gradually, Ling Wanduo was secretly recognized as the boss by Ling Wanliang, and Ling Wanduo's status in his heart was also very high.

"Brother Wanduo... Don't be angry, I will listen to you and stop being lazy."

Ling Wanliang, who was extremely arrogant and fought very hard on weekdays, was a little timid at this moment, and whispered.

"Why don't you go to retreat and comprehend the magic."

Ling Wanduo snorted angrily.

Ling Wanliang didn't dare to stay any longer, so he left here and entered a cave not far away.

Ling Wanduo, who was still on the battlefield, looked at the cave that Ling Wanliang had entered and said secretly.

"I hope Wanliang can remember the lesson this time. Once his magic is successful, with his combat power and the help of the mutant monster Ghost Fire Wolf, I am afraid that there will be few opponents in the same level."

"By then, this kid will not be left too far behind by Brother Wanchuan and Brother Wanxu."

When he thought of Ling Wanchuan and Ling Wanxu, who were both among the six sons of the Ling family, even Ling Wanduo himself couldn't help feeling a little powerless.

Both of them entered the sword cultivation path early and became powerful sword cultivators.

And Ling Wanchuan, who was a genius in spiritual plants, also refined his life spirit plant Qingshui Lingzhu into a life flying sword, making his strength several times stronger than that of ordinary sword cultivators.

Ling Wanxu, who possessed the talent of spiritual consciousness, was also extremely terrifying. His sword cultivation path was different from Ling Wanchuan's. Ling Wanchuan's sword cultivation path was the same as that of Ling's sword cultivator "Ling Pengxing" in the early years, which was a method of breaking with one force.

But Ling Wanxu used the method of bombarding the enemy with sword formations. With his strong spiritual consciousness, he could set up several powerful sword formations once he fought. It was easy to kill the enemy even if he crossed two or three small realms.

Moreover, Ling Wanchuan originally had dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and had extraordinary talent for cultivation.

Although Ling Wanxu had the qualification of four spiritual roots, he relied on the powerful effect of spiritual consciousness. With the help of that powerful spiritual consciousness during the cultivation, his cultivation speed was not slow at all, enough to be on par with ordinary dual spiritual root cultivators.

This also made them both younger than Ling Wanduo, but their cultivation had reached the middle stage of foundation building.

With this cultivation and the sword cultivation skills, these two people have become the strongest among the six sons of the Ling family, and can be compared with the old generation of foundation-building cultivators in the family.

Ling Wanduo, who has three spiritual roots, has just entered the third level of foundation-building a few years ago. Although Ling Wanliang has four spiritual roots, he practices the method of physical cultivation, and the spiritual root qualifications are not very helpful for this.

And this person's physical cultivation aptitude is also quite good. He just entered the third level of foundation-building half a month ago.

As for the other two of the six sons of the Ling family, the beastmaster "Ling Wanhu" and the magic refiner "Ling Libing", they are mainly practicing the hundred arts. Although they have extraordinary strength with the help of spirit beasts and demon corpses, even with the cultivation of the initial stage of foundation-building, they are not much worse than Ling Wanchuan and Ling Wanxu.

But they are not what Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanliang can catch up with. After all, they don't have the talent of the hundred arts, so naturally they can't compare with them.

Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanliang only took the powerful spiritual plant husband Ling Wanchuan and the spiritual consciousness genius Ling Wanxu as their goals.

At the same time, if the two of them, the bottom cultivators among the six sons of the Ling family, showed better qualifications, they could also get more resources from the family.

At present, the resources they can get every month are far less than the resources Ling Wanchuan and others can get every month.

This is also something that Ling Wanduo and Ling Wanliang envy, and it is also their goal.

"I can't be left behind by them. I have to comprehend the earth-based body cultivation method as soon as possible."

"By then, when I comprehend it to the foundation-building level, I should have no problem catching up with my two cousins ​​Wanchuan and Wanxu with the dual cultivation of law and body."

Ling Wanduo swore secretly.

His situation is different from that of Ling Wanliang. He is a law cultivator, and what he needs to make up for is the body.

For this reason, as early as 20 or 30 years ago, after he knew that his physical strength was insufficient, he began to practice the body cultivation method.

Although he was not a genius in physical cultivation, he was also quite good. With the help of a large amount of physical training materials from his family, his physical cultivation was also improving rapidly.

Now, his physical cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, and he is only one step away from Qi training perfection.

After Ling Wanduo cleaned up the battlefield ruins, he went into a cave in the mountain to practice in seclusion.

On the other side.

Deep in the Ling clan's territory, in the "Ghost Star Valley" with a strong ghost aura next to the "Seventy-two Mountains".

In the training room of a cave, there is a black lamp that madly absorbs the surrounding ghost aura into its body, as if there is no limit.

And around this black lamp, there are two cultivators with somewhat illusory bodies and auras like ghosts, and a black spider with a body size of several feet guarding.

The auras of these three are actually as high as the foundation building realm.

Especially the black spider, its aura is as high as the peak of the middle stage of foundation building, and it is only one step away from the late stage of foundation building.

The lamp guarded by these three powerful men is also no ordinary object.

That magical lamp also contains the universe, and the space inside is dozens of feet large.

Moreover, the ghost energy absorbed by this lamp has become extremely pure under the effect of this lamp.

The ghost energy in this lamp is extremely rich, even comparable to the ghost energy on the quasi-third-level ghost vein.

You know, the ghost vein in the outside world is only the second-level middle grade.

And in the center of this rich ghost energy, there is a cultivator sitting cross-legged with countless sword energy surrounding him.

However, this cultivator is a bit strange like the two cultivators guarding the outside of the lamp. Although this person's body is a physical entity, his shawl black hair is a bit illusory.

In addition, this person also exudes a strong ghost aura, as if this person is not a real person, but a ghost.

And not long after, a sudden sound of breaking came from the dantian position of this person's abdomen.

This person's aura also soared to the level of perfect foundation building, and the ghost energy on this person became a bit more rich.

His somewhat illusory black hair also turned into real black hair at this moment, becoming pitch black.

When all the abnormal movements stopped, this person also opened his eyes and showed a bit of joy.

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