Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 779 Ling Pengxing's Way (2400 words, please subscribe)

"This person's character is quite good, he could even think of taking this step."

The weapon spirit, which had never been seen before, heard what Ling Pengxing said and secretly praised it in his heart.

Then, it slowly replied.

"Before the Nascent Soul, I could use magic to shield you from our sect's karma, but when you enter the Nascent Soul, the karma between you and our sect will be even deeper. With my current serious injury, it will be difficult to shield you from me. The cause and effect of the sect.”

After Ling Pengxing heard this, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuanying is a bit far away from him now. He has not even entered the golden elixir, so he naturally does not consider the matter of Yuanying.

As long as he enters the golden elixir and the ghost fairy lamp can cover up the cause and effect between him and the ghost fairy sect, he will be satisfied.

Then, he asked again.

"That's good, senior. If I dare, I have one last question. What is the strength of the righteous forces that destroyed the remaining power of your Ghost Immortal Sect? Who are those righteous forces?"

As soon as he mentioned this matter, Guixian Dengqi Ling became a little angry.

"Those rats were just a group of Nascent Soul forces. Back then... if our sect had not suffered heavy losses due to the destruction of the Burning Demon Fire Phoenix Clan, how would those mere Nascent Soul-level rats dare to run rampant in front of our sect."

"As for those forces... there are three of them, namely the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect, Piao Yu Pavilion, and the Xuanyuan... royal family in the Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World. My friend, do you know the current situation of these three useless families?"

After saying that, the weapon spirit added another sentence.

"More than 130,000 years ago, I lost consciousness after hiding in this barren Northern Wilderness Immortal Realm, and gradually fell into a deep sleep. It wasn't until thousands of years ago that I woke up. At that time, in order to condense the ghost vein here, I After spending a lot of energy, I originally wanted to use the ghost energy produced by this ghost vein to slowly heal my wounds, so I have been sleeping. If it weren't for your extraordinary qualifications, little friend, I would not forcefully wake up and talk to you. Therefore, I don’t know much about the outside world.”

When Ling Pengxing heard this, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Then, he also spoke.

"Senior, I have never heard of the name Piaoyu Pavilion, but the names of Jihan Immortal Sect and Xuanyuan Royal Family are well known in several circles of immortal cultivation today."

"According to the information my family has searched in various major immortal worlds in recent years, the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect is the strongest among these two forces. However, this sect is not in the Zhongzhou Immortal World, but in the Far North Immortal World. Although I don’t know the strength of this sect, this sect is praised by the world as the largest force among the three forces of good, evil and demon in the world of immortality in the far north. I am afraid that this sect is terrifyingly powerful.”

"But the Xuanyuan royal family is still in the world of immortal cultivation in Zhongzhou. Although its strength is not as strong as it is, it is not weak. It is said that this clan has four Nascent Souls sitting in command. Even in the prosperous and vast world of immortal cultivation in Zhongzhou, this clan It can also be ranked close to the top five among countless righteous forces."

As early as after the war between good and evil in the Yuan Kingdom, Ling Pengyun, the strongest member of the Ling family, obtained some common information from other immortal cultivation circles through various channels, and he also placed this information in his clan.

Although Ling Pengxing is now a ghost cultivator, it is difficult to leave the ghost vein for a long time, but the "Star Gold Sword Move" he created has not been completed yet. He has always been concerned about this matter and wants to travel out to obtain the created sword move. inspiration.

Therefore, he also admired other immortal worlds other than the Beihuang Immortal World and wanted to go and have a look. For this reason, he had already finished observing the information about the immortal worlds collected by Ling Pengyun.

At this time, the weapon spirit seemed to be even more angry, and it also said angrily.

"It's really unfair."

But after saying that, it became discouraged and its mood was extremely low.

"These forces are so strong, I am seriously injured, and I don't have the fourth-level ghost blood to help me. Even if I come for hundreds of thousands of years, I am afraid that my injuries will not be fully recovered... I don't know when I will be able to help the sect and live up to the master of the past. Entrusted to me when I passed away."

Then, it saw Ling Pengxing's expression of embarrassment, and guessed what Ling Pengxing was thinking, so it spoke.

"My little friend, I also know your difficulties, and I will not force you to shoulder the responsibility of supporting our sect."

"But you have gained some inheritance from our sect, so you owe our sect a favor."

"And over the years, I have also accumulated a medium-grade ghost fairy light, which can help you enter the golden elixir. If you can succeed, I hope you will consider this cause and effect, and the favor and face before, see you in the future. If you find people from the three major forces who are enemies of our sect, and if you have the right opportunity, just kill the three golden elixirs from these three major forces for me."

"In addition, take me to travel around the world of immortality to find a suitable successor for me."

"Of course, if you are willing to take over all the inheritance and cause and effect of our sect, all the magical powers and secrets of our sect, and even some of the... resources that our sect has hidden in the dark in the early years... will all belong to you, but you have to bear the burden. There will be more, and it will not be as simple as just helping me kill the three golden elixirs from the three major forces."

"However, I can guarantee that as long as you are willing to take over this inheritance, your chance of entering the Nascent Soul in the future will be at least 30%."

"I don't know...what choice did you make, little friend?"

When Ling Pengxing heard these words, his eyes suddenly lit up with fire.

Two opportunities, one strong and one weak, even the weak one has hope of stabilizing the Golden Elixir Avenue.

And if he opens his mouth and agrees to inherit the cause and effect of the Ghost Immortal Sect, he will have a strong chance to touch the path of Nascent Soul.

In the realm of Nascent Soul, he is the strongest person in the world of cultivating immortals in the Northern Wilderness.

If he could enter such a realm, he could intervene in the direction of the righteous forces in the Beihuang Immortal Realm.

But...if that were the case, he would be standing on the opposite side of the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect and the Xuanyuan Imperial Family.

These two forces were two giants in front of him and the Ling family.

Even if he could enter the Nascent Soul, I'm afraid those two forces could destroy him with a wave of their hands.

Ling Pengxing's mind was more complicated with many thoughts.

But this made his Tao heart a little unstable.

He was on the path of swordsmanship that cut through everything.

And now, although there was a better path, he didn't dare to set foot on it, which was really against his Tao heart.

"If I don't break through, with my current situation... I have no hope of Nascent Soul in this life."

Thinking of this, the sword energy surrounding Ling Pengxing suddenly became a little more fierce.

He also confirmed his own ideas, and then he replied.

"Senior, I will take over the inheritance of the Ghost Immortal Sect."

"However... this matter is dangerous. I am not the only one behind me. It is useless to simply cover it up. I wonder if you can help me cut off the cause and effect between me and my clan in the future. If I have the opportunity to enter the Nascent Soul Realm in the future, or if my identity is known in advance by people from the Nascent Soul Sect such as the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect and the Xuanyuan Royal Family, it will be difficult for them to involve the family behind me through the long river of cause and effect."

"This way, it will be much more convenient."

Things have changed, and this matter of cause and effect has become more important. It cannot be solved by covering it up.

The spirit of the weapon felt better when he saw Ling Pengxing agreed to take over the inheritance.

The Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation Realm is extremely remote. It was only developed by the human race ten thousand years ago. Now the ghost cultivators here are extremely rare, and there are not many of them.

Among them, those with talents comparable to Ling Pengxing have not seen it in the thousands of years since it woke up.

Of course, this is also because it has not seen many ghost cultivators.

In addition, it watched Ling Pengxing turn to the ghost path step by step.

Over the years, it has been with Ling Pengxing and is very familiar with him. It knows Ling Pengxing inside and out.

If such people were placed in the Ghost Immortal Sect back then, they could be cultivated as "own people" and be regarded as confidants.

Then, the spirit of the weapon spoke.

"It is not difficult for me to cut off the cause and effect. I also master this technique, but now I am seriously injured. There is no natural high-level ghost vein in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. The second-level ghost vein in this valley was hundreds of years ago. The origin has recovered a little, and it has gathered the surrounding thin ghost energy to condense."

"Relying on that ghost vein, my strength has only recovered to the perfection of the golden elixir now."

"But after my strength recovers to the Nascent Soul, I can cut off the cause and effect between you and your clan."

Ling Pengxing asked.

"Senior, is there any way to speed up your recovery?"

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