Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 780 Various inheritances appear in the world (2600 words, please subscribe)

The weapon spirit said. "Yes, there is, but when I followed the master to fight a fire phoenix of the Burning Demon Fire Phoenix Clan tens of thousands of years ago, I was almost burned to ashes by the fire of the fire phoenix, and I suffered irreversible injuries. Later, I fought with the Yuanying of the three major forces of the Extreme Cold Immortal Sect, and my injuries worsened. At that time, I was about to die."

"Even after spending nearly tens of thousands of years, I have only recovered 10% of my injuries."

"And if you want to speed up recovery, the simplest way is to put me on a high-level ghost vein to absorb ghost energy to recover, but even with this method, it will take at least a thousand years for me to slowly heal my injuries and recover to the Yuanying state."

"Another shortcut is to find a large amount of third-level ghost spirit iron for me, plus a piece of fourth-level top-grade Xuanyin ghost iron as the core, and let me recast it myself. Within a hundred years, I can recover some of my injuries. . "

"And the ordinary third-level ghost iron is easier to find. Our sect has it in a secret vault in the Zhongzhou Xiuxian world. However, when our sect was captured, in order to prevent it from being discovered by outsiders, I had sealed the place directly in the void with a formation. Even if I use that formation again, it is difficult to find it back. And that place is a small secret realm. If you want to break it, only a fourth-level formation can do it. "

"But... the fourth-level Xuanyin ghost iron is also a superior existence among the fourth-level ghost irons. It is extremely rare. At that time, the quasi-fifth-level ghost vein of our sect accompanied the ghost pond. It can produce a piece of this iron every ten thousand years. But when the sect was broken, I detonated the ghost vein with a formation... to prevent the three bastards of the Jihan Xianzong from getting the ghost vein of our sect. "

Ling Pengxing frowned more tightly when he heard this, but he did not change his mind about taking the opportunity of the Ghost Xianzong.

Since he has decided to embark on this dangerous but promising road, he will not turn back.

At most, before the Nascent Soul, he will not step into the Zhongzhou Xiuxian World and the Jibei Xiuxian World except for searching for the secret library left by the Ghost Immortal Sect.

If there is a chance to try to break through the Nascent Soul, he will wait for the Ghost Immortal Lamp to recover to the Nascent Soul before trying to break through.

In this way, he will not involve the family that has cultivated him for many years.

Afterwards, the Ghost Immortal Lamp Spirit and Ling Pengxing concluded a special restriction.

This restriction only has the effect of positioning. In the future, the Ghost Immortal Lamp can also use this restriction to find Ling Pengxing's traces at will, and can remove this restriction at will.

Then, it also took out all the inheritance of the Ghost Immortal Sect, and countless neatly arranged classics appeared in the space of dozens of feet inside the Ghost Immortal Lamp.

Any one of them taken out is enough to amaze the ghost cultivators in the other Xiuxian worlds, and even attract them to snatch it.

What's more, there are five supernatural powers and one great supernatural power, "Ghost Immortal Possession".

Great supernatural power is a powerful supernatural power that is stronger than the superior supernatural power. It is said that mastering such great supernatural power is even powerful enough to fight against the enemy of a higher realm.

And such great supernatural power level treasures are pitifully rare even in the entire Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World, and will not exceed the two-handed technique.

The Five Elements Pure Yang Treasure Thunder, which is a combination of five single-attribute pure yang supernatural power treasure thunder techniques, is a great supernatural power of this level.

And this ghost immortal possession technique is also extremely powerful, which can be exchanged for ghost immortal possession, allowing the cultivator's strength to increase several times in a short period of time.

However, the requirements for performing this technique are also extremely high. Only ghost cultivators can perform this technique, and only after entering the Nascent Soul stage can they have the ability to comprehend this technique, and only when they reach the God Transformation stage can they fully exert the power of this technique.

In addition, all kinds of ghost arts and secret techniques of the Golden Core and Nascent Soul realms, as well as various fourth-level Hundred Arts inheritances, are available here, and there are also a few righteous and other magic arts.

There is even one fifth-level Hundred Arts inheritance here, which is a weapon refining inheritance.

The Ghost Immortal Sect's sect-protecting technique "Ghost Immortal Treasure Book" that can directly reach the middle stage of the Spiritualization Realm is also among them.

However, the weapon spirit has kept a hand, and most of the inheritances are just introductions, or incomplete, even the Ghost Immortal Treasure Book only has the Golden Core Initial Chapter.

And those subsequent inheritances can only be obtained when Ling Pengxing's cultivation breaks through to a higher level.

The weapon spirit is also afraid that if Ling Pengxing is given all the benefits at once, Ling Pengxing will not obey.

Ling Pengxing doesn't care about this. At this moment, he is carefully reading the top-notch superior technique, the Ghost Immortal Treasure Book, the Golden Core Initial Chapter.

After reading it, he was extremely surprised.

This Ghost Immortal Treasure Book is several times stronger than the superior technique he is practicing now, the Ink Ghost Mysterious Yuan Treasure Book. If he can switch to that technique, the ghost power in the ghost pill in his body can be at least several times purer, and his strength can also be indirectly improved.

Moreover, through this treasure book, one can also cultivate a "pseudo-ghost mysterious treasure body", which can increase the probability of entering the golden pill realm by 10%.

The various secret techniques attached to it are also particularly powerful.

"It's a pity that this technique is too complicated and it is difficult to switch to practice in a short time. Now it is close to the monster beast chaos, so I can only wait until the monster beast chaos is over before switching to practice."

Ling Pengxing secretly regretted it.

Then, he put down the technique in his hand and asked the spirit of the weapon.

"Senior, I wonder if I can pass on some of these inheritances to my clan?"

The spirit of the weapon was silent for a while before speaking.

"It is useless for me to keep these inheritances. Apart from the Ghost Immortal Treasure Book of my sect, the fifth-level weapon refining inheritance that I will give you after you enter the Golden Core stage in the future, and the great supernatural power and other core of my sect, if your clan wants the rest of the inheritance, just take it."

"But I don't recommend it!"

"Once your clan gets too much inheritance from my clan, the cause and effect between us will be stronger."

"And the size of a family is much larger than yours. By then, even if I enter the Nascent Soul stage, I am afraid it will be difficult to use the cause-severing technique to sever the cause and effect between our clan and your clan."

"In my opinion, given the current situation of your family not having many ghost cultivators, even if you take most of my clan's ghost inheritance, it will be useless. Instead, it will increase the cause and effect with my clan. It would be better to wait until your clan has a ghost cultivator with strong qualifications, and then bring him into my lamp, so that I can choose the appropriate skills for him to inherit. "

"As for those hundred arts inheritances, most of them are related to my ghost way, and there are very few contents related to the righteous way, but they are also somewhat helpful to those righteous hundred arts practitioners in your clan."

"If the hundred arts practitioners of your clan need it, it would be better to let them bear the cause and effect and accept the inheritance alone."

"In this way, the cause and effect between your clan and my sect will be transformed from the entire clan to an individual. At that time, as long as the members of your clan take less inheritance, even if I use the art of cutting the cause with my current cultivation, I can easily cut off this cause and effect."

Ling Pengxing heard this and nodded lightly, agreeing to this method.

Then, he said hello to the ghost fairy lamp, and left the ghost fairy lamp and went out to the outside world.

And at this moment, Ling Pengxing also saw that the ghost fairy lamp floating in front of him directly merged into his body and entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

Because he knew the details of the ghost fairy lamp, he didn't care about it.

However, this move surprised the two ghost cultivators in the early stage of foundation building and the spider monster in the middle stage of foundation building who had been waiting outside.

They knew about the existence of the ghost fairy lamp for decades, and this was the first time they saw that the ghost fairy lamp could be integrated into Ling Pengxing's body.

However, seeing that Ling Pengxing did not have any abnormalities or reactions, everything was normal, they just thought that the strange movement of the ghost fairy lamp was because Ling Pengxing's cultivation level was improved to the perfect foundation building, thus stimulating the other effects of the ghost fairy lamp.

The three of them also said respectfully to Ling Pengxing at this moment.

"Congratulations to the master for successfully entering the perfect foundation building."

Among them, the ghost cultivator "Wang Shi" who looked older in the early stage of foundation building was even more flattering, and smiled at Ling Pengxing.

"Master, you are truly a gift from heaven. You will surely enter the Golden Elixir Avenue in a short time and live a carefree life from now on."

"Don't say these nonsense anymore."

"The monster rebellion is coming. You should practice hard and try to break through one more realm within a year."

Ling Pengxing only responded to this lightly, and then left this cave, and even the Ghost Star Valley.

The old ghost cultivator "Wang Shi" and his pretty ghost cultivator granddaughter "Wang Li" beside him, although they had already known that the monster rebellion was coming, they were a little panicked when they heard it.

On the other hand, the ghost spider had a face full of fighting spirit, without any fear, but looked forward to it.

It also spoke human words in its mouth, muttering.

"The war is coming, and there will definitely be countless powerful monsters participating in the war. I haven't eaten the essence of the perfect foundation-building monsters for a long time, and I miss the taste a little."

While it was talking, a lot of sticky saliva flowed out of its ferocious mouth.

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