Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 80 Fish School

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, in mid-January, the "Spring Festival" came again.

On this day, Ling Pengyun, who was originally stationed in Qingshi Mountain, and Ling Pengli, who was stationed in Guofeng Ridge, sneaked into Qingshi Lake and came to the Xuanshui iron ore vein. They gathered with Ling Ruxian, the elder of the family, to chat with each other and spend time together. This day of family reunion.

This night seemed very short in the chat, but it passed in the blink of an eye.

On a new day, Ling Pengyun and Ling Penlin said goodbye to Ling Ruxian one after another and left the Xuanshui iron ore vein.

But when the two of them came out of the mine hole, they noticed a group of inch-sized white phosphorus fish wandering around the entrance and exit of the mine.

Ling Pengyun, whose spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a monk who has perfected his Qi training, slightly noticed that one of the fish had strange scales. Half of its body was blue scales and the other half was ordinary white phosphorus. There was a faint trace of it in its body. of aura.

"Spirit fish?" Ling Pengyun's expression moved slightly and he muttered.

Before he was sure, the group of small fish were frightened and swam quickly towards the depths of the underground river.

Ling Pengyun didn't have time to think, he held up the "water-controlling light curtain", pushed the light curtain with his spiritual power, and chased after the group of fish.

Although the speed of the group of white phosphorus fish in the water was extremely fast, Ling Pengyun was not bad at all. He caught up with the group of fish in just a few breaths, and then created a "water restraint", which blocked the group of fish dozens of feet away in front of him. A blue-scaled fish whose head looks like a "spiritual fish" is trapped.

As soon as the small blue-scaled fish was trapped, the rest of the fish in the school stopped swinging their tails and moved forward in the water. They swarmed around the blue-scaled fish and protected it. They all glared at Ling Pengyun who was coming.

Seeing this scene, Ling Pengyun showed a smile on his face, and used the "deterrence technique" with his hands to bless him.

Once this deterrence technique is completed, Ling Pengyun's aura is like a giant beast in the eyes of the ordinary white phosphorus fish, frightening the bodies of those ordinary small fishes to tremble constantly, and they dare not look at Ling Pengyun who is coming.

Taking this opportunity, Ling Pengyun also increased his spiritual power to push forward the water-bending light curtain that enveloped him.

A moment later, he came to the side of the "half-blue scale fish" trapped by the water ball light curtain. His consciousness swept through its body, and his expression suddenly brightened.

"There is indeed spiritual power in this fish's body, but it contains very little. Although it has not yet reached the first level, it is still half-stepped into the realm of Qi training. Once enough spiritual power is accumulated in the future, it can officially enter Qi training. realm.”

"The blue, crescent-shaped scales on the body of this fish are somewhat similar to the appearance of the Blue Moon Spirit Fish."

Ling Pengyun's consciousness swept across the other white phosphorus fish surrounding the trapped "half-blue scale fish" and realized that their cultivation levels had at least reached the innate realm, and he couldn't help but feel a hint of joy on his face.

"No wonder, these fish have just gathered at the entrance and exit of the Xuanshui mineral vein. They are probably absorbing the water aura dispersed by the mineral vein to practice their cultivation."

"After giving them some time to allow this group of small fish to absorb enough water spiritual energy and enter the realm of Qi training, they should all be promoted to blue moon spiritual fish like this blue-scaled fish king."

The Blue Moon Spirit Fish is a low-level spirit fish with scales all over its body in the shape of a blue crescent.

Its body contains extremely pure water spiritual power, and its biggest advantage is that the meat is extremely delicious. It is extremely popular in the market, and one piece can be sold for a high price of two spiritual stones.

While Ling Pengyun was stunned for a short while, Ling Penglin, who had just emerged from the mine veins into the underground river, also rushed over.

She looked at the fish with half blue and half white scales surrounded by many white phosphorus fish, frowned, thought about it for a while, and then asked.

"Myna, why does the fish trapped by your water restraint look a bit like the Blue Moon Spirit Fish?"

Ling Pengyun said with a smile. "Nine times out of ten, it is the Blue Moon Spirit Fish. However, this fish king has not yet entered the realm of Qi training, so the blue moon-shaped scales on the Blue Moon Spirit Fish are not yet obvious. If the Spirit Qi is enough, this group of Among the other ordinary small fish, it is estimated that a few are half as good as the Fish King and will enter the realm of Qi training in the future."

"If we can use this group of small fish as a basis and spend some time, we may be able to cultivate a group of Blue Moon Spirit Fish."

Ling Penglin said happily. "I didn't expect that we would encounter such good things just after the New Year."

"Tenth sister, go find the Thirteenth Great-Ancestor in the mine veins. I will guard these fishes here." Ling Pengyun said.

Ling Penglin nodded lightly, then returned along the original path of the underground river, followed the entrance of the mineral vein, and entered the mineral vein.

After a while, she took Ling Jinxian, who was sitting in the mine veins, to where the underground river was, beside Ling Pengyun.

Ling Jin first looked at the small fish with strange scales among the fish in front of Ling Pengyun, his expression lit up, and he said with a hint of joy in his words. "This Fish King does have some characteristics of the Blue Moon Spirit Fish. In no time, when this fish starts to practice Qi, it is estimated that it will truly transform into the Blue Moon Spirit Fish."

"Peng Yun, Peng Lin, this is a good opportunity for you. Unexpectedly, these fish were lingering at the entrance and exit of the mine, and I didn't notice it."

Ling Pengyun said. "Thirteenth great-grandfather, you are in the depths of a mineral vein, two or three hundred feet away from the underground river. This distance has long been beyond the scope of your spiritual detection. Moreover, under ordinary circumstances, you rarely come out of the mineral vein, and It’s normal not to notice this school of fish.”

Ling Ru heard the words first, with a rare smile on his cold face, and asked the two of them. "What do you think about this Blue Moon Spirit Fish that is about to break through in Qi training?"

Ling Penglin on the side also saw that Ling Ru first asked Ling Pengyun, but the person who was interested did not speak and just stood quietly aside.

Ling Pengyun thought about it carefully and said. "The ordinary white phosphorus fish in this fish school all have innate cultivation. If the water aura is sufficient, a few blue moon spirit fish should be born in the fish school. According to my idea, I plan to use it on this fish king. Recognize the master of the ban, and then use the fish king to control the entire fish group, release them into the underground river, let them absorb the water aura released from the entrance and exit of the Xuanshui mineral vein, improve their cultivation, and increase the pace of the fish in the fish group. The probability of entering the Qi training period and transforming into a Blue Moon Spirit Fish.”

"As for the ownership of this school of fish, it is divided into three. Me and Shi Mei each get 30%. If you work harder to take care of this school of fish, you can get 40%. I don't know if it is okay."

Ling entered the first path. "Forget it, I have no heirs, I don't have much longevity, and it's useless to ask for spiritual stones. These fish schools will all belong to you two little guys. But after my death, I won't be able to take care of this fish school. , you need to turn this fish group over to the family.”

"Okay." Ling Pengyun responded directly without any hesitation.

His mission of garrisoning Qingshi Mountain for just one year will be over. Ling Penglin will stay in Guofeng Ridge for at most four years. Both of them hold positions in Baiyi. After completing the garrison mission, it is impossible to come here again. , and have no time to take care of the fish in this dark river.

Ling Ruxian was only over ninety years old and had at least ten years left to live. Within these ten years, it would be enough for Ling Pengyun to earn some spiritual stones from the fish.

Furthermore, even if the fish school is turned over to the family, Ling Pengyun will still receive dividends from the fish school in the future. The family will not treat any dedicated clan member badly.

Ling Penglin looked at Ling Pengyun, hesitated for a moment, and said. "Myna, I didn't do anything about the discovery of the school of fish this time. I'd better forget about the dividends from the school of fish."

"I just moved a little faster. This is our opportunity. Everyone who sees it has a share, it's 50-50." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

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