Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 81 The Development of the Bee Colony

When Ling Penglin saw this, she didn't want to say anything more and thanked Ling Pengyun. "Thank you, Brother."

Ling Pengyun waved his hand and spoke to Ling Jin first. "Thirteenth great-grandfather, this fish school will be managed by you in the future, so you can use the Recognition Restriction on the fish king."

Ling Jin nodded first, fired a spiritual light, cut his finger, squeezed out a drop of ordinary blood, used the blood as the source to set up a master recognition restriction, and hit the body of the fish king who was about to transform into the Blue Moon Spirit Fish.

Even though the Fish King struggled to resist, its cultivation was still within the innate realm after all, and it belonged to an ordinary fish. In just a moment, the master-recognition restriction was successfully arranged.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also removed the water restraint that trapped the Fish King.

Just like the "Fruit Flower Bee Queen" who was used to being the boss when Ling Pengyun tamed him, this fish king was very rebellious. After Ling Jinxian, a monk with a high level of Qi training, knocked him unconscious several times, the fish king gradually obedient.

Seeing that the Fish King was completely tamed, Ling Pengyun and Ling Penlin had no worries, so they left this place along the underground river and returned to their respective stations.

Time flies, but in the blink of an eye, the winter snow melts, the spring breeze blows across the earth, and everything wakes up from its deep sleep.

Hibernating animals leave their nests and go out to look for food. The seeds of weeds buried deep in the ground absorb nutrients from the earth and thrive. Many trees, vines, and weeds also have flowers blooming on them...

Without the cold wind in winter, the villagers of Qingshi Village have also left their warm houses and gone to work in fields, vegetable fields, and orchards.

And when the earth is just waking up, in addition to the work of the Qingshi Villagers carrying feces in the Qingshi Orchard, there are also small fruit bees landing on the flowers on the branches of the fruit trees to collect pollen and transport it to their nests. , brewing honey.

This day, it’s noon.

Deep in the bluestone orchard.

Next to the fruit bee nest, Ling Pengyun stood here, looking at the twenty-nine fruit flower worker bees and a fruit flower queen bee in front of him, with a bit of joy in his expression.

"This queen bee did not disobey my original decision to preserve as much high-grade fruit flower honey as possible to cultivate ordinary fruit bees. Now the number of fruit flower worker bees in this bee colony should have reached the limit that the queen bee can control. Next, this bee The development plan of the group should also be changed from quantity to quality," Ling Pengyun secretly planned.

In the early stage of Qi training, the queen bee can only control up to thirty worker bees of the same level. Once the number exceeds, the bee colony will not be controlled by the queen bee, and the worker bees may even devour the master bee, devouring the queen bee, and become the king on her own.

Ling Pengyun thought for a while, raised his hand, pointed at five peak-level Qi-training worker bees that were far superior to other worker bees, and then gave instructions to the queen bee in front of him.

"Now you have twenty-nine worker bees in the early stages of Qi training in your colony. In the future, the fruit and nectar you need to leave me every year will also increase to twenty-nine pounds."

"In addition to the fruit nectar that needs to be handed over to me, the fruit nectar brewed by the qi training worker bees will also fully support you and the five worker bees whose cultivation is at the peak of the first level of qi training. You can use the fruit nectar to improve your cultivation as soon as possible. Advance to the middle stage of Qi training, and use this to brew me first-level middle-grade fruit nectar.”

Thanks to the help of the Lord Recognition Restriction, the Fruit Flower Queen Bee was able to understand Ling Pengyun's meaning even though she was a monster.

Hearing this, it immediately looked overjoyed and quickly used the Recognition Restriction to express its gratitude to Ling Pengyun.

It was tortured to death last year. In order to comply with the wishes of its master, it could only suppress its desire to improve its cultivation. It did not dare to touch a drop of fruit flower honey for a full year. It has always used the fruit honey as its food. Food.

All this is done to save fruit flower honey and increase the number of worker bees in the bee colony during the Qi training period.

The advanced fruit flower bees contain spiritual energy. Ordinary fruit flowers are often eaten, and the spiritual energy contained in honey can be used to enter the realm of Qi training.

Seeing the queen bee doing this, the master Ling Pengyun was very satisfied. His expression moved slightly as he thought of something.

"It turns out that the orange trees in the barren hills where the bee swarm built their nests are probably in bloom, so the five worker bees with the peak level of Qi training that I just pointed out and you yourself all fell on my shoulders. I'll take you to Guohualing to recognize your face."

When the fruit flower queen bee heard this, her expression became even more joyful.

It remembers how delicious the fruit nectar brewed from the spiritual energy pollen in the flowers of that spiritual orange tree is, and how pure the spiritual energy contained within it is.

If it weren't for the fact that winter had just passed and everything was just blooming, it would have gone to Guofeng Ridge to collect some spiritual pollen from the "fruit flowers" bloomed by the spiritual orange tree.

It quickly called out to the five worker bees with the best cultivation among the twenty-nine Qi Practicing Worker Bees, and landed on Ling Pengyun's shoulders. Then it used a special way of communication to tell the remaining twenty-four Qi Practicing Worker Bees to take care of their home. , collect pollen well.

Ling Pengyun thought to himself when he saw Queen Bee's arrangements were orderly. "This queen bee does have some brains, but that's right. As the only leader of a bee colony, a queen bee cannot be this queen bee without brains. In the future, if this queen bee shows good qualifications and can enter the late stage of Qi training alone, in the future On the contrary, you can also give it a breath of yin and yang primordial energy to help it change its qualifications and increase its chances of breaking through to a higher realm. "

Looking beyond the sky, Ling Pengyun felt that the "yin and yang primordial energy" was becoming increasingly insufficient.

"The unhatched Feng Ying Peng needs a breath of Yin and Yang's primordial energy, and the queen bee also needs a mouthful. In the future, if the weapon refining can be more refined, a large number of spirit stones can be earned, and even if we can't keep them all, we will tame one more spiritual beast that mainly focuses on defense. I also need a mouthful. If I am lucky enough to break through to the foundation building and add a natal spiritual plant, I will also need a mouthful..."

"The road is long and we still need to keep moving forward."

Ling Pengyun sighed with emotion, shook his head, and put aside all the clutter. He raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, calling out a small green leaf full of aura.

Injecting spiritual power into a small green leaf, the green leaf quickly grew in size.

But in an instant, it swelled to the size of a washbasin, just enough for a person to stand.

Ling Pengyun tapped the ground lightly and jumped onto the green leaves. His consciousness moved slightly and he flew quickly into the distance.

The Qingshi villagers who were working in the orchards saw a figure flying across the sky. When they took a closer look, they saw that it was the immortal elder from Qingshi Mountain, and their expressions suddenly became respectful.

The fact that the fruit trees in the Bluestone Orchard can double in size to two thousand acres is an act of mercy from this immortal.

With these more than a thousand acres of fruit trees, once these fruit trees grow up, bloom and bear fruit, and sell the fruits to Xiazhui Town, three hundred miles away, at least the more than 3,000 villagers in Qingshi Village can have a few more mouthfuls of wine and meat.

At the same time, a feeling of envy surged into my heart.

Walking on the leaves is a magical trick that no one would want to possess.

Although the name of this busy village in the orchard has been tested and found to have no spiritual roots, they have children and grandchildren. There is no guarantee that if smoke comes out of the ancestral graves, there may be an immortal among the descendants.

Three years ago, Lingshan, a child from Qingshi Village, was lucky enough to be brought back to the fairy mountain by a flying immortal.

Among the twenty villagers working in the orchard, the oldest one, Ling Yang, who was over sixty years old, looked at the retreating figure of Ling Pengyun, the "immortal leader", and his thoughts moved slightly.

"Qiu'er will be eight years old next year. I wonder if this child has a destiny."

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