Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 810: Solid and Thick (2600 words, please subscribe)

A few months later.

The "Tianxing Kingdom", one of the seven great powers in the Northern Wilderness, is close to the border of the Red Gold Bear Clan in the boundless vast swamp in the north, the Howling Grassland.

This grassland stretches for millions of miles and was snatched from the demon clan by the Tianxing Sect thousands of years ago.

There are thousands of spiritual veins here. In fact, because this place is the northernmost end of Tianxing Kingdom and there is a place bordering the Red Gold Bear Clan, it is the place where the Tianxing Sect fought against the Red Gold Bear Clan. The overlord of Tianxing Kingdom, the Tianxing Sect, also spent countless resources here to cultivate three quasi-fourth-level spiritual veins.

Moreover, the Tianxing Sect, which is good at formations, also used the formation to connect the three quasi-fourth-level spiritual veins that are close to each other, making the spiritual energy of the three quasi-fourth-level spiritual veins only one or two percent weaker than the real fourth-level inferior spiritual veins.

The Tianxing Sect also arranged a fourth-level formation at the location of the three quasi-fourth-level spiritual veins, and built a city called "Mie Xiong City".

This city symbolizes the destruction of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

In normal times, this Mie Chi City is an ordinary medium-sized market that can accommodate nearly 100,000 cultivators to trade at the same time.

But during the monster rebellion, this place will turn into a fierce city and become the stronghold of the Tianxing Sect to resist or attack the territory of the Red Gold Bear Clan.

At the same time.

Four huge flying boats glided across the sky and rushed to Mie Xiong City.

However, just when the four flying boats were close to Mie Xiong City 30,000 miles away, a strong voice came from the city.

"Daoists from Yan State, you need to register your name and approximate cultivation before entering the city, and you need your cooperation."

The cultivators on the four flying boats that were flying were the four cultivators of Ling Family, Bailing Sect, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple who set out from Yan State a hundred days ago.

In order to avoid trouble on the way, the four families traveled together.

The number of golden elixirs from the four families was different. The Ling family needed to provide two golden elixirs, but only Yan Siyi had arrived so far.

The Bailing Sect had a large number of golden elixirs, and there were seven golden elixirs from the two major factions of Bailing Zhenren and Lingfu Laozu. Tianxing Sect also selected three golden elixirs from this sect, including Bailing Zhenren, who was also selected by Tianxing Sect to be present, and Bailing Zhenren's disciple "Baoyuan Zhenren" who was at the third level of golden elixir, and Wu Hong from Lingfu Laozu's faction.

Baiyuan Zhenren, Yang Siling and Wu Yan, and Lingfu Laozu, who were at the fake elixir level of this sect, were stationed at the sect.

Yaowang Valley and Qingxin Taoist Temple were also selected for golden elixirs. The two major forces sent the strongest forces, Yaowang Zhenren and Qingxin Laodao.

The total number of golden elixir cultivators recruited from these four forces was seven, which was one-third of the current number of golden elixir cultivators in the Ling family.

The Jindan of the four forces had no objection to the arrangement of the voice in the Bear-Destroying City. Yan Siyi and others who controlled the four flying boats also landed the flying boats outside the Bear-Destroying City.

At this time, the cultivators of the four forces of Yan State also felt the magnificence of the Bear-Destroying City very intuitively.

The Bear-Destroying City covers at least 10,000 miles of land, which is extremely large, and the city has four walls that are thousands of feet high and deep into the sky.

And those walls are still shining with steel luster, and their aura is also the aura of the magic weapon. Obviously, those walls are not ordinary things, but are assembled together by the magic weapons that have been refined.

But on such a wall magic weapon, there are countless scratches of the claws of monsters, and countless bloodstains that have long been dried, which only adds a bit of the fierceness of this city.

Even a Jindan cultivator like Yan Siyi, who came here for the first time, couldn't help but be stunned.

At this time, hundreds of cultivators wearing Tianxing Sect robes also landed on the southern wall of the Bear-Bearing City in front of them.

The sturdy leader did not conceal his aura, and even the Qi-cultivating cultivators could intuitively feel his aura of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

This person also greeted with a smile, walked to Yan Siyi and other Golden Core cultivators from the four forces of Yan State, and greeted them.

"Thank you for cooperating with our sect's dispatch. It will take some time for our sect's cultivators to count the number of cultivators you brought and their approximate cultivation. I hope you can wait for a moment."

Yan Siyi heard this and immediately realized that this person's voice was the voice that asked them to control the flying boat to stop under the Bear-Bearing City.

Looking at the sturdy middle-aged face, his strong blood and aura of the ninth level of the Golden Core, she couldn't help but think of a Golden Core cultivator from the Tianxing Sect who was famous for his system.

"May I ask, fellow Taoist, are you the Taoist Hou Quan of Tianxing Sect?"

The sturdy middle-aged cultivator "Truthless Hou Quan" said.

"That's right, the fairy is Madam Ling, right? I have heard for a long time that Madam Ling has a profound cultivation and a beautiful appearance. Today, I see that it is true. Fellow Taoist Ling Pengyun has married a good Taoist partner. This makes me particularly envious."

Yan Siyi saw that Taoist Hou Quan affirmed, and she also felt a touch of respect for him in her heart, and then she bowed to him.

"Fellow Taoist, you are too kind. It is my honor to be able to marry my husband."

"Fellow Taoist, I am disrespectful."

This Taoist Hou Quan is very famous. He not only holds a high position in Tianxing Sect.

He is also the strongest among the contemporary cultivators who focus on cultivating the sect in Tianxing Sect, which is not a strong sect.

During the last monster rebellion, this Master Hou Quan was still at the eighth level of the Golden Core. He led a group of cultivators deep into the monster clan's territory and successively destroyed three Golden Core monster clans, becoming famous in one battle.

It is rumored that this man also fought against a Golden Core Perfection monster with his physical strength and remained undefeated.

For this reason, it is rumored that this Hou Quan Zhenren will reach the Golden Core Perfection sooner or later, and is expected to become the next Grand Elder of the Sect, but it is impossible for him to become the Sect Master.

This person is over 400 years old, and has long passed the best age to break through the Nascent Soul. There is little possibility of impacting the Nascent Soul in the future.

However, the position of the Sect Master requires the Nascent Soul cultivation.

At this time, when Hou Quan Zhenren saw Yan Siyi talking, she always mentioned her husband Ling Pengyun. He really envied Ling Pengyun, who was famous in the Ling family and whom he had never seen before.

No matter where in the immortal world, high-level female cultivators are generally very rare, and female cultivators who can enter the Golden Core realm are all people who seek the Tao and have very high vision.

The female Jindan cultivators who are willing to become Taoist partners with Hou Quan Zhenren all look at his strength.

In this way, even Hou Quan Zhenren has not found a female cultivator Taoist partner who is suitable for him and can spend the rest of his life. He does not like female cultivators in the Foundation Establishment period.

If there is a good Jindan Daoist partner, it can be regarded as a great help.

"Mrs. Ling and Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun have a deep relationship."

"By the way, why didn't Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun come?"

Master Hou Quan showed some kindness to Yan Siyi, and looked at the group of Ling family cultivators behind Yan Siyi, and said with a smile.

"My husband has other things to do, and he will not come with our large army, but he will rush here before the monster beast chaos."

Yan Siyi explained.

"It's a pity."

"I just happened to have a spare Jindan late stage monster corpse on hand. I originally planned to give it to Fellow Daoist Ling Pengyun before the monster beast chaos, and let him help refine it into a beast puppet to increase combat power and deal with the monster beast chaos."

"It seems that this matter can only wait until after the monster beast chaos."

Master Hou Quan said with a little regret.

After speaking, he paused slightly and spoke again.

"Madam Ling, if you encounter any trouble in Red Bear City, feel free to come find me."

When Yan Siyi heard this, she immediately understood why Master Hou Quan was only showing kindness to her.

However, Master Hou Quan was extremely powerful and had a very high status in the Tianxing Sect.

She and a group of Ling's cultivators would also stay in Miexiong City for a long time, and it would be beneficial to make friends with Master Hou Quan.

For this reason, she also said.

"In this case, I will trouble you, Daoist Fellow Hou Quan. When my husband arrives in Red Bear City, I will definitely go with him to visit you."

Master Hou Quan, who was already generous, said.

"Hahaha, you're polite."

After that, Master Hou Quan even ordered the hundreds of Tianxing Sect cultivators who followed him from the city wall to first count the number of the fifty foundation-building cultivators and three thousand Qi-training cultivators that Yan Siyi brought this time, as well as their exact cultivation levels.

As a result, the Ling's cultivators took the lead in entering Miexiong City after a while.

Although this matter made Bai Ling Zhenren and others from Bai Ling Sect unhappy, they did not dare to say much.

However, the cultivators from Qingxin Taoist Temple and Yaowang Valley, who were on good terms with Ling, did not have any objections to this, and just waited a little longer to enter the city.

They even had some expectations, thinking about whether they could use Ling to establish some relationship with the ninth-level Jindan body cultivator Hou Tu Zhenren in the future, so that when the monster beasts were in chaos, they could arrange their forces to some safe places.

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