Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 811 City Lord Tianhuo Zhenren's Commission (2400 words, please subscribe)

Time passed slowly.

November of this year.

The Monster Rebellion was approaching, and there was only one month left before the Monster Rebellion would begin.

The Monster Rebellion, a period of arbitrary fighting set by the three forces of the righteous path, the monster clan, and the demon path, was extremely accurate, not a day or a millimeter off, and no force had ever violated it.

At the same time, the forces under the Tianxing Sect had basically arrived at the Bear-Bearing City.

In addition, the Tianxing Sect also summoned a number of independent cultivators.

As a result, this city gathered nearly 200,000 cultivators.

The Tianxing Sect also arranged the tasks required by many cultivators in the city during the Monster Rebellion.

Yan Siyi and others who were transferred from the Ling family were given the safest task of guarding the city because of the Tianxing Sect's ninth-level Jindan body cultivator, Hou Quanzhen. During the Monster Rebellion, they stayed in the Bear-Bearing City protected by the fourth-level formation and relied on the formation to garrison.

Such a job is very good.

Ordinary Jindan forces under the Tianxing Sect, and even some ordinary Jindan elders of the Tianxing Sect, are not available.

The three forces of Bailingmen, Qingxin Taoist Temple, and Yaowang Valley, which are also from Yan State like the Ling family, are like this. The three forces were arranged by the Tianxing Sect to attack some Jindan monsters in the Destroying Bear City during the Monster Beast Rebellion. They were taken away from Destroying Bear City by the Tianxing Sect monks early and went to other places in the Tianxing Kingdom.

However, the Tianxing Sect did not reveal which side those Jindan monsters belonged to.

Another half month passed in a blink of an eye. In the last half month before the Monster Beast Rebellion was about to begin, Ling Pengyun, who had gone to the Wubianhai Xiuxian World, finally arrived at "Destroying Bear City".

What surprised him was that as soon as he entered Destroying Bear City, he was called to the City Lord's Mansion by the City Lord of Destroying Bear City, "Tianhuo Zhenren".

This Tianhuo Zhenren is the famous second elder of Tianxing Sect. His cultivation is as high as the realm of perfect golden elixir. He also has a middle-level fire magic. His strength is extraordinary. Even in the entire Yuanying Sect Tianxing Sect, this person's strength can be ranked in the top five.

If not, this person would not be able to become the "city lord" of the most important Miexiong City.

Soon, Ling Pengyun, under the guidance of a Tianxing Sect foundation-building cultivator, met the city lord of Miexiong City, "Tianhuo Zhenren".

Tianhuo Zhenren is old, with an ordinary appearance, ordinary, but his eyes are extremely sharp. Ling Pengyun can even feel a burning feeling when he looks at him.

In addition, Ling Pengyun has reached the third level of spiritual plants and is extremely sensitive to vitality. He also noticed that Tianhuo Zhenren's vitality is a little weak.

However, he was a little surprised about this.

You know, Tianhuo Zhenren had entered the realm of Golden Core Perfection a hundred years ago, when he was as old as 420 or 430 years old.

A hundred years later, he is as old as 520 or 530 years old.

The lifespan of a Golden Core cultivator is only 500 years.

If you calculate carefully, Tianhuo Zhenren should have passed away now.

"At this age, he is still weak, not decayed and dead. I think this senior has at least 500 or 60 years left."

"I don't know what kind of high-level life-enhancing things this senior has taken."

Ling Pengyun, as a junior who practices Taoism, was also quite respectful to Tianhuo Zhenren, who was more than 500 years old.

"Senior Tianhuo, I wonder if you have called me here, but is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes, after the monster rebellion begins, we cultivators will definitely be able to obtain the corpses of Jindan monsters, and the intermediate techniques of refining beast puppets that you have mastered can transform Jindan monsters into Jindan beast puppets with extraordinary strength."

"Therefore, I plan to let you work with an elder of my sect who also masters an intermediate corpse refining technique to help my sect refine the corpses of Jindan monsters into beast puppets, so as to help my sect improve its combat power."

"When the monster rebellion begins, as long as you don't If there is an accident, you can practice in the city like the other Hundred Arts practitioners of our sect, without participating in the war. "

"As long as you can ensure that the success rate of corpse refining reaches 30%, for every beast puppet of the initial, middle and late stages of the Golden Core, our sect can reward you with 100,000, 200,000 and 300,000 war merits respectively, and these war merits can be exchanged for many spiritual objects in the War Merit Hall of our sect in the city. "

"The magic materials required for corpse refining are also provided by our sect. "

"I wonder if you are willing to help our sect?"

Ling Pengyun was moved when he heard this.

Miexiong City is the place where the Tianxing Sect and the Red Gold Bear Clan fought. It is extremely dangerous and there will be many Golden Core Monster Kings.

And once you accept the commission of refining corpses from the Tianxing Sect, you can stay in Miexiong City and don't even need to garrison the city.

Even, maybe, if you are lucky, he can quietly get through the entire monster chaos without leaving the quiet room.

Compared to fighting with the demon king, Ling Pengyun naturally hoped to survive the monster beast chaos.

However, he did not agree, but asked Tianhuo Zhenren.

"Senior, I just returned to the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm from other cultivation realms and came to this city. I don't know what spiritual objects are in the War Merit Hall of this city. I wonder if you can let me see what spiritual objects are there?"

Tianhuo Zhenren nodded slightly because Ling Pengyun mastered the rare method of refining beast puppets, took out a spiritual object album from his arms, and handed it to Ling Pengyun.

After all, the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm was just opened up by the major cultivation realms for ten thousand years, and there are fewer inheritances in this cultivation realm.

For example, there are not many methods of refining corpses, and the methods of refining corpses in the hands of the group of demon cultivators in the Eastern Demon Realm are mostly methods of refining demon corpses with higher intelligence.

However, there are very few methods of refining beast puppets with the corpses of demon beasts with low intelligence.

After all, demon beasts have low intelligence, and the beast puppets refined from them are just like puppets, requiring a lot of spiritual consciousness to control.

Demon cultivators with the talent of refining corpses are unwilling to spend time to comprehend the way of refining beast puppets. It is better to be honest and follow the predecessors to comprehend the way of refining demon corpses with the corpses of cultivators.

Moreover, the Eastern Demon Realm where demon cultivators gather is an ally of the demon clan, so demon cultivators rarely hunt demon clans.

Under various circumstances, the entire Northern Wilderness cultivation world is not proficient in the way of refining beast puppets. The top-level lower-level beast puppet refining methods are extremely rare, and the beast puppet method that can enter the middle level is only mastered by a few powerful Jindan corpse refining demon sects.

Only two or three Jindan Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm have mastered the top-level middle-level beast puppet refining method.

As for the superior beast puppet refining method that can refine beast puppets that are 50% to 60% stronger than ordinary cultivators of the same level, it is said that only the "Xuanshi Sect" among the three Yuanying Demon Sects in the Eastern Demon Realm, which is good at corpse refining, has mastered it.

But no one knows whether this is true.

Under such circumstances, it is enough to see how rare it is for a righteous cultivator to master a middle-level beast puppet refining method.

It is for this reason that Tianhuo Zhenren attaches so much importance to Ling Pengyun and personally meets him.

Of course, Tianhuo Zhenren knows that the beast puppet refining methods that Ling Pengyun has mastered are all at the top middle-level level. After all, the Jindan Demon Corpses that Ling Pengyun has mastered have the strength of top middle-level quality beast puppets.

But he knows that Ling Pengyun intends to hide his weakness, and it is said that there is a Yuanying Sect behind him in the Boundless Sea, so he did not name it.

At this time, after Ling Pengyun received the War Merit Hall Spiritual Item Atlas from Tianhuo Zhenren, he skipped the first- and second-level spiritual items and turned to look at the third-level spiritual items recorded in the atlas.

After a while, his eyes lit up.

Because the third-level spiritual items in the atlas were all extraordinary.

There were three "Five Elements Golden Pills", the golden elixir spiritual item that could increase the probability of a cultivator entering the golden elixir by 30%.

There were ten and twenty ordinary golden elixir spiritual items and second-rate golden elixir spiritual items respectively.

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