Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 821 Mimicry Magical Weapon Array (2200 words, please subscribe)

Although, Purple Scorpion Mountain is protected by this high-level formation, it is temporarily worry-free.

However, there are too many monsters attacking outside the mountain, and there are also powerful Jindan Perfection masters like the Ice and Snow White Lion King.

The spiritual energy produced by the third-level lower-grade spiritual vein in Purple Scorpion Mountain is not enough to support the opening of the Earth Demon Transformation Curtain Formation alone. Ling Penglin needs to continuously transfer spiritual stones into the formation to maintain this formation.

Under such circumstances, the spiritual stones in Ling Penglin's hands are rapidly consumed.

When she came here, she brought a total of 180,000 spiritual stones, of which 100,000 spiritual stones were given by Yang and Liang respectively. The Qiu family, which is still a foundation-building force, has recently been very concerned about the Ling family because the Liang family, which is in the same situation, has produced a fake Dan Zhenren. They also took the initiative to hand over 30,000 spiritual stones to the Ling family as war preparations.

The last 50,000 spiritual stones are Ling's own.

The top of Purple Scorpion Mountain.

Ling Penglin, who was in charge of the formation in the mountain, frowned as he looked at the storage bag that was becoming flatter and the formation that was protecting the sacred mountain.

"It has only been a few hours since the war began, and nearly ten thousand spiritual stones have been consumed. If this continues, I am afraid that the spiritual stones in my hand can only last for about twenty days at most."

"After twenty days, the formation in the mountain will be without the huge spiritual energy in the spiritual stones. It will definitely be greatly reduced in power, and it will be broken by the more than 300,000 monsters outside the mountain sooner or later."

"The Baiyun Mountains are more dangerous than this place. I am afraid that Grandpa Yunhong and his men will not be able to support this place in a short time."

"I can only use the trump card that Sister Siyi left for me to see if I can resolve this predicament."

After saying that, she patted the storage bag on her waist and took out three huge black coffins from it.

Three roaring sounds were heard, and the lid of the coffin was immediately blown away. Countless turbid demonic energy also spread out from it and swept around, accompanied by strange howling sounds.

Three lions, which were dozens of feet long, covered with steel and lifeless, but not like puppets, with demonic energy and lively eyes, also rushed out.

Upon closer inspection, their figures were not much different from the ice-white lion king and the ice-white lion queen in the outside world.

And these three lions were made by Ling Pengyun with the help of the corpses of three ice-white lions killed by Yan Siyi and the people of the Black Mountain Zhao family in the early years. Their cultivation bases were all in the early stage of the Golden Core.

However, their strengths were not weak.

They were made by the top-level iron and steel Xuanbing corpse refining method, so their intelligence still retains 50% to 70% and they have the ability to fight independently. They can also activate the magic weapons they made in their lifetime to defend against the enemy.

And because they contain a large amount of spiritual iron in their bodies, they are several times stronger than their bodies in their lifetime. The ice attribute magic they are born with is also more powerful because of the Xuanbing of the corpse.

Under such circumstances, the strength of these three ice and snow white lion beast puppets is 20% to 30% stronger than the demon kings of the same level, and each has the strength comparable to the fourth level of the golden elixir.

They also used this strength to directly use various magic weapons and Xuanbing magic to temporarily resist the three middle-stage golden elixir demon kings who were found by the ice and snow white lion clan outside the mountain.

The alchemist Ling Chengxin, Yang Siqi of the Yang family, and Liang Mingtu, a fake elixir cultivator of the Liang family, who had previously used the defensive power of the formation to barely slow down the offensive of the three monsters, also broke away from this and went to help Ling Penglin to block the golden elixir perfect lion king and the golden elixir late lion queen.

Although the difference in the cultivation between the two sides was huge, the attacks of Ling Penglin and others could not threaten the lion king and lion queen at all, but it was no problem to use the formation to slow down their offensive.

The pressure on the defensive formation of the Purple Scorpion Mountain was greatly reduced, and the number of spirit stones consumed was also reduced by nearly half.

If nothing unexpected happened, the spirit stones in Ling Penglin's hand, combined with the spirit veins in the mountain, could at least keep the formation open for more than 40 days.

This situation also made Ling Penglin very happy.

On the contrary, the ice-white lion king who was attacking the mountain showed a bit of worry.

"If we continue like this, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

"And this place is particularly important. If we evacuate, the rich territory of the Ling family and the more than 10 million mortals under their command will not be used to refine pills and create a golden elixir demon king."

"In this case, the things I originally prepared to use against the enemy, the Black Mountain Zhao family, can only be used now."

Then, it called out to the Taoist companion, the late golden elixir lion queen, and the other three middle-stage golden elixir demon kings who came to help.

"Use that thing."

As soon as the words fell, the lion king opened his mouth and spit out a formation plate with an aura as high as the third-grade upper grade, and 36 formation flags.

The lion queen and the other three middle-stage golden elixir demon kings heard the call and summoned nine formation flags respectively.

In this way, there were as many as 72 formation flags on the scene.

Moreover, the aura and appearance of these 72 formation flags were as if they were carved out of the same mold, obviously a set.

As the five demon kings transferred their spiritual power into the formation flags and formation plates respectively, these formation flags and formation plates suddenly flashed with spiritual light. They spun around and quickly flew to all directions of the Purple Scorpion Mountain, forming a large formation that enveloped the Purple Scorpion Mountain.

In addition, this formation also conjured up a white cloud that was hundreds of feet tall and spread countless cold air in the sky above the Purple Scorpion Mountain, covering the entire mountain. The entire sacred mountain became dark, as if it had lost the sun.

At this time, Ling Penglin, a formation master, also noticed something was wrong. She looked at the white cloud in the sky above the Purple Scorpion Mountain and felt the breath of a magic weapon.

"Could it be a mimicry magic weapon?"

After Ling Penglin recalled it, his eyes trembled and a bit of surprise appeared on his face.

"If it is really a mimicry magic weapon, and this thing has been sacrificed and refined into a formation weapon, the Purple Scorpion Mountain will be in trouble this time."

Mimicry magic weapons are a very special kind of magic weapon, extremely rare. They do not have a normal shape like ordinary flying swords and magic shields.

Instead, they are all like the white cloud above the Purple Scorpion Mountain. They may be all things, clouds, rivers, or even trees, etc.

However, without exception, the power of the mimic attack magic weapon far exceeds that of the same level magic weapon, and the attack method is extremely strange and extraordinary.

The difficulty of refining such magic weapons is also extremely high, and the materials required are also extremely high. At present, even the Ling family has not mastered such a powerful mimic magic weapon.

"Ice Arrow Rain!"


The voice of the Ice White Lion King resounded through the world.

The white cloud above the Purple Scorpion Mountain trembled in the void, and countless ice arrow feathers with power at least comparable to the second-level magic fell, hitting the Black Evil Curtain Array of the Purple Scorpion Mountain, causing countless small waves, and the flashing spiritual light of this array gradually dimmed.

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