Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 822 A visitor from the family (2000 words, please subscribe)

But the Ice and Snow White Lion King did not stop. When it opened its mouth, it spit out the Ice and Snow Flying Sword, the treasure of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan.

This sword was made by the first white lion of the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan who had reached the Golden Core Perfection five thousand years ago. It was made with the help of the thousand-year-old black ice and according to his own mental method.

After that, this sword was nurtured by the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan’s successive patriarchs, and its grade reached the third-grade upper grade realm. Its aura is more than 20% stronger than ordinary magic weapons of the same grade. I am afraid that if it is nurtured by the Ice and Snow White Lion Clan for thousands of years, this sword will have the opportunity to enter the level of quasi-fourth-grade spiritual treasure.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that this sword was severely damaged by Zhao Baigang, the patriarch of the Black Mountain Zhao family, who had reached the Golden Core Perfection, during the monster rebellion a hundred years ago. However, after a hundred years, the Ice and Snow White Lion King also used the ice energy contained in the third-level upper-grade ice spirit vein in the clan land to successfully restore the sword to its full victory.

Now this Ice and Snow White Lion King, with the help of the power of his bloodline and the years of nurturing this sword, is no different from his master and can fully exert the power of this sword.

Moreover, the Ice and Snow White Lion King is also a rare sword cultivator who has comprehended the sword realm to the third level for many years. He is one of the most famous sword cultivators in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World.

At the same time, the Ice and Snow White Lion King's expression condensed, and infinite sword intent burst out from his body, causing the Ice and Snow Flying Sword to constantly revolve around the Ice and Snow White Lion King.

The Ice and Snow White Lion King also followed suit, transferring his sword intent and spiritual power into the Ice and Snow Flying Sword.

A sword sound suddenly resounded in the air, and the Ice and Snow Flying Sword suddenly surged to a size of 140 feet, and nearly 10,000 long sword energy threads as long as hair appeared around the flying sword.


After the Ice and Snow White Lion King shouted at the Purple Scorpion Mountain with countless murderous intent, the Ice and Snow Flying Sword suddenly turned into a torrent of sword light with thousands of long sword energy threads, and also bombarded the Purple Scorpion Mountain's formation.

However, what was surprising was that both the huge Ice and Snow Flying Sword and the thousands of long sword energy threads around it had extremely strong power to break the barrier. After a few washes of this huge torrent of long sword energy threads, a small crack was actually created in the Black Evil Curtain Formation of the Purple Scorpion Mountain.

The countless ice arrows and feathers that were transformed from the ice and white cloud formation formed by the five monsters outside the mountain, as well as the 300,000 monsters outside the mountain, were also controlled by the ice and snow white lion king at this moment. They all spent their spiritual power to bombard the crack and expand it.

In just a few breaths, the crack was already about ten feet in size.

Many monsters close to the crack took this opportunity to directly break into the mountain and rushed towards the nearest cultivators.

Fortunately, the cultivators in the mountain were all from the four major families of Ling, Pingyun Yang, Poyun Liang, and Qiu. They had a lot of combat experience and were not comparable to those casual cultivators of the fish, dragon, and emperor. Those monsters that broke into the formation were easily killed by a group of cultivators.

Ling Penglin, who was on the top of the Purple Scorpion Mountain and presided over the formation, saw that the army of monsters no longer took the way of a protracted war to wear down the formation in the mountain as before, but took the means of strong attack. She suddenly showed sorrow between her brows.

"The Golden Core Perfection Demon King has a lot of cards. I still underestimated them."

"But according to the current situation, the advantages brought by the appearance of the three Golden Core Beast Puppets will also become nothingness, and the formation in the mountain may not last more than three days."

Helplessly, she could only take out a large number of spirit stones from the storage bag and send them into the Black Evil Transformation Curtain Formation in the mountain as she did at the beginning.

The formation in the mountain has enough spiritual energy as support, and it can repair the damaged parts of the formation in a short time.

But this is not a long-term solution. This also makes all the cultivators in the Purple Scorpion Mountain feel bad.

The atmosphere of the entire Purple Scorpion Mountain has become gloomy.

Time passes slowly.

In just one day, Ling Penglin's storage bag, which originally contained 180,000 spirit stones, only has 100,000 spirit stones left.

This matter also made Ling Penglin even more worried. There were nearly 20,000 cultivators in the Purple Scorpion Mountain. Once the formation in the mountain was broken, the nearly 20,000 cultivators in the mountain were no match for the more than 300,000 monsters in the outside world. At least 99% of them would die here.

Even Ling Penglin, whose strength was comparable to that of a third-level Jindan cultivator, did not dare to guarantee that the formation in the mountain would be broken and he could get out.

In addition, the geographical location of the Purple Scorpion Mountain was also particularly important. This mountain was the only third-level spiritual vein in the Purple Scorpion Ridge, and it was also the first line of defense in the Lingxiao Mountains of the Ling clan.

Once this mountain fell, the cultivators in the mountain would also be 99% destroyed. The Ling clan would have difficulty in having spiritual veins and enough cultivators to build a stronghold in this area again to resist the revenge army led by the Ice and Snow White Lion King. The loss of this area became inevitable.

At that time, the Ice and Snow White Lion King will be able to march straight into the Ling family mountain territory behind the Purple Scorpion Ridge.

According to the information Ling Penglin has currently obtained, because the family has deployed heavy troops in the more dangerous frontier areas of the White Cloud Mountains and the Purple Scorpion Ridge of the Yan State, there are no Jindan cultivators in the Ling family mountain territory where the family is located.

Only Elder Ling Chengyuan has a demon corpse in the early stage of Jindan in his hands.

This kind of strength is a few points weaker than the current strength of the cultivators in the Purple Scorpion Mountain, so how can it resist the invasion of the Ice and Snow White Lion King.

"If this mountain is lost, I will definitely become a sinner of the family."

"And two days later, if Grandpa Yunhong and others who are stationed at the boundary of the Baiyun Mountains are unable to support them and resolve the crisis here, I will have no choice but to use the... life-saving thing that Master left for me. "

Ling Penglin touched the storage bag at her waist and secretly made up her mind.

The master she spoke of was naturally the great elder of Canglan Bihai Sect whom she had worshiped during the time of the Canglan Bihai Sect because of the formation technique. He was also a quasi-fourth-level formation mage, Master Lei Yun.

But at this moment, the sound of an eagle's cry came from the direction of the Lingxiao Mountains.

Ling Penglin and Ling Chengxin, who were standing on the top of the Purple Scorpion Mountain, suddenly felt very familiar. They turned around and saw a green light flying rapidly towards the sky in the direction of the Lingxiao Mountains. In terms of speed alone, I am afraid that Only monks in the middle stage of Jindan can achieve it.

Upon closer inspection, the two discovered that the escaping light was the form of a roc covered in blue feathers.

There are two monks sitting on it. One of them is Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan. The other one is wearing a red robe and a black gauze. His face is not exposed at all, but his murderous aura can be felt from tens of thousands of miles away. A middle-aged monk whose aura is extremely rich and reaches the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

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