Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 830 The Spiritual Array Ancestor Returns for Revenge (2200 words, please subscribe)

As for the number of cultivators in the city, many independent cultivators were attracted by the four major forces of Yan State, Ling Family, Bailing Sect, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple, which increased the number of war merits exchanged for monster corpses before the monster rebellion.

As a result, there were nearly 100,000 cultivators from all parties in the city.

In order to avoid Liu Haochan's ambush in the places where they had to pass, the two million huge monster army led by the red-explosive old bear spent a lot of time exploring the road with their spiritual sense when they were on the road. After several days, they finally reached the outside of Baiyun City.

The three third-level formations in Baiyun City also rose up immediately, supporting three thick defensive light curtains.

With the support of the four major forces of Yan State, the cultivators in the city successively supported hundreds of formations, most of which were first-level and second-level formations, and there were only a dozen third-level formations.

However, compared with the demon army brought by the old Red Explosion Bear, the cultivators in Baiyun City are much richer.

This is because the Red Gold Bear clan is not good at formations, but is mainly good at refining weapons. This leads to the fact that the more than two million demon army brought by the old Red Explosion Bear this time did not have many formations, and there were only a few formations that entered the third level, and there were only two third-level top-grade formations.

Under such circumstances, the cultivators in Baiyun City have an advantage in the number and quality of formations. The cultivators in Baiyun City also took advantage of this advantage to activate those powerful formations and fought a 50-50 situation with the two million demons.

The twenty-five golden elixir demon kings seemed to be many, but when Ling Yunhong, Ling Penglin and other Ling family cultivators successively took out eleven golden elixir demon corpses, the number of golden elixir combat power on both sides was immediately equal, both 25.

The two sides also fought back and forth.

It is worth mentioning that the control of the three third-level formations in Baiyun City was handed over by Ling Yunhong to Liu Haochan, a third-level top-grade formation master.

The power of these three formations increased several times in his hands. He also relied on the power of these three formations to temporarily block the red-explosive old bear with perfect golden elixir and the silver-backed spider with the peak of the ninth level of golden elixir.

The cultivators and the demons also began to fight a protracted war, and neither could do anything to the other.


At the same time.

Millions of miles away.

In the hundreds of thousands of miles of wasteland between the Jiaomang Lake under the Bailing Sect and the Golden Horn Grassland of the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan, on a barren mountain.

The former Bailing Sect’s Grand Elder Lingzhen Laozu, who had disappeared in the Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm for a long time and went to the Boundless Sea Cultivation Realm under the Muyuan Immortal Sect to establish a family, and his grandson Mo Qianqiu, are now standing here, looking at the Jiaomang Lake, the only third-level spiritual vein in this area.

From time to time, the two of them would look at the third-level high-quality mother-child token floating in the air in front of them.

This token was specially purchased by him in the boundless sea with great effort. As long as the distance between the mother token and the child token does not exceed tens of millions of miles, the two objects can sense each other's breaking.

At this moment, the token in front of the two was the mother token, and the child token was placed in the hands of a Bailingmen foundation-building cultivator stationed in Baiyun City.

Although they had left Bailingmen for many years, and their forces in Bailingmen were eliminated by Bailingmen's master Bailing Zhenren, there were still some people in this sect who belonged to them secretly.

Of course, this was in exchange for benefits.

And they returned to Yan State from the Northern Wilderness Xiuxian Realm half a year before the start of the monster beast rebellion.

At this time, the mother token floating in front of the two suddenly broke.

Both of them were attracted, and soon, they showed some joy on their faces.

"The front line of the Baiyun Mountains finally fought with the old red bear."

"According to the agreement between us and friend Lingtu, if the front line had not been involved in a protracted war, he would not have crushed the token we gave him."

"Under such circumstances, the fake Danjing Baoyuan kid who left Jiaomang Lake a few days ago, and the Wu Yan family who have been stationed at the front line of the Baiyun Mountains, will definitely not be able to return in a short time."

"Qianqiu, we should also start planning the precious land of Jiaomang Lake."

The Lingzhen Patriarch said to his grandson Mo Qianqiu with a bit of heat in his eyes.

"Grandpa, I listen to you."

Mo Qianqiu always took the Lingzhen Patriarch as his master, and he nodded.

After that, he and the Lingzhen Patriarch quickly removed a third-level middle-grade breath-retaining formation in the mountain and rushed to Jiaomang Lake.

If they had not set up a third-level middle-grade breath-retaining formation in the mountains, the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan Jindan Demon King who had attacked Jiaomang Lake from the Golden Horned Grassland would have discovered them long ago.

Soon, the two of them arrived near Jiaomang Lake.

At this moment, the situation in Jiaomang Lake was not good, because Jiaomang Lake was the territory of Bailingmen in the hinterland of Yan State that was closest to the demon clan, and the situation was the same as the Ling family's Purple Scorpion Ridge territory.

This made it so that at the moment when the demon beast chaos began, Jiaomang Lake was besieged by the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan, the overlord of the Golden Horned Grassland next to it, with more than 200,000 demon beasts.

Among them, there were two Golden Horned Mad Bulls in the Golden Core Realm.

If it were not for the third-level upper-grade formation set up by Bailingmen in Jiaomang Lake to protect it, I am afraid that Jiaomang Lake, which now only had one Golden Core Early Stage Puppet and more than 5,000 Bailingmen Qi Training and Foundation Building Monks, would have been breached long ago.

Bailingmen originally had three golden elixir puppets. In recent years, the wealthy Bailingmen has successfully refined two more, making them five. However, the other four have been destroyed by Wu Yang, Yang Siling, Wu Hong's family, and those in the fake elixir realm. The hundred-yuan master took one statue and took it to the realm of Baiyun Mountain.

After all, that place was quite dangerous, so they did this just in case.

The puppet in the early stage of the golden elixir in Jiaomang Lake is controlled by Qin Shi, the capable general under the command of the ancestor of Ling Fu.

With his cultivation level, if he didn't drive the other magic weapons to fight, he could barely drive the puppet to exert its full power.

Speaking of Qin Shi, he also had a good relationship with Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi in their early years. The two have kept in touch for many years, but they have less contact.

His master, Zhang Yan, ran out of life and died a few years ago.

The ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu, who were hiding in the dark, waited quietly for half a day. They saw the army led by the Golden Horned Bull Clan create a crack in the Jiaomang Lake defense formation. They immediately took action, using their respective formations, and unleashed a powerful attack, which directly expanded the crack several times.

The ancestor of the spiritual formation also greeted the Golden Horned Mad Bull King, who was the highest among the three golden elixir demon kings of the Golden Horned Mad Bull Clan.

"You two, my Taoist name is Lingzhen. Decades ago, I was squeezed out of Bailingmen by the master of Bailingmen, Master Bailing. This time, my grandson and I came here to help the nobles capture this place. Revenge for what happened back then.”

"After the matter is completed, I only want the third-level high-grade formation here."

"If you don't agree, with your clan's strength, it will be difficult to capture this place in a short time."

At this moment, the three golden-horned mad bulls of the golden-horned mad bull clan were still surprised by the sudden appearance of the ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu, the two human golden elixirs.

But when they heard the words of the spiritual ancestor, their eyes suddenly lit up.

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