Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 831: The Shocking Appearance of the Golden Dan Water Dragon (2600 words, please subscribe)

With their own strength, it is indeed difficult to capture the Python Lake in a short time, but if it takes a long time, it is possible.

But the premise is that Bao Yuanzhenren, the fake elixir monk of Bailingmen who left Jiaomang Lake before, will not return to Jiaomang Lake to garrison.

Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for them to capture.

But they also covet the millions or even tens of millions of mortals behind the Python Lake, so they have never left.

As the old rivals of the Bailing Sect, they had bribed some human monks in the early years, and they also knew that the ancestors of the spiritual formation were kicked out of the Bailing Sect decades ago.

Now, seeing that the ancestor of the spiritual formation gave priority to attacking the large formation in Jiaomang Lake, and the attack force was not small, they immediately believed that the ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu came for revenge.

However, the ancestors of the Spiritual Formation and Mo Qianqiu were human monks after all. The three Golden Core Realm golden-horned mad bulls were kept away from the embankment to avoid sneak attacks by these two people.

At the same time, the golden-horned bull with the highest cultivation level in the middle stage of the Golden Core took into consideration that Mo Qianqiu's request was not high, it was just a third-order high-grade formation, so it said.

"Okay, I agree to this."

Immediately, this golden horned mad bull in the middle stage of the golden elixir summoned the other two golden horned mad bulls in the golden elixir realm. Taking advantage of more and more cracks appearing in the formation, he sacrificed the only golden horned mad bull of the golden elixir clan. Among the two third-level formations on the 2nd, the lower-level third-level low-level attack formation was activated together, and three bursts of power were comparable to the full blow of a mid-stage Golden Core monk. At that crack, the crack in that place was expanded again.

This situation made Qin Shi, who controlled the golden elixir puppet and slowed down, panic.

"The ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu came to join in the fun."

"Looking at the aura of the ancestor of the spiritual formation, I am afraid that he has entered the middle stage of the golden elixir. The aura of Mo Qianqiu is vast, not even weaker than the aura of Mr. Wu Hong. I am afraid that his cultivation has not only entered the golden elixir state. The state of cultivation is not low."

"It seems that the sect made a miscalculation. The ancestor of the spiritual formation and his subordinates should not have been released from the sect in the first place. They should have been killed directly."

"If it had been like this at the beginning, how could what happened today happen?"

But how could Qin Shi know that at that time, the Bailing Sect let go of the ancestor of the Spiritual Formation who was a murderer of his fellow sects, all because the ancestor of the Spiritual Formation knew the secrets in Jiao Python Lake. Once the Bailing Sect took action against the ancestor of the Spirit Formation, the Jiao Python The secret of the lake is bound to spread to the outside world.

By then, the size of Bailing Sect alone may not be able to monopolize the opportunities in Jiaomang Lake.

Qin Shi had no choice but to send a message to the second-level high-level array mages in the lake who jointly controlled the third-level high-level formation here. Don't save spiritual stones and use all your energy to repair the cracks in the formation to avoid The formation was broken.

The spiritual veins in Jiaoman Lake are only the third-order low-grade. The spiritual energy produced by this spiritual vein alone is not enough to keep the third-order high-grade formation here open, and the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone must be used to make up for it.

Qin Shi's instructions quickly took effect, and the countless cracks on the formation were restored within a short period of time.

But as the third-level mid-level formation mage, the Spiritual Array Ancestor and the third-level low-level formation mage, Mo Qianqiu, their methods are limited to this.

The two of them sacrificed eighteen formation flags one after another, which combined into thirty-six formation flags and were driven deep into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the land began to shake, and the earth gradually cracked, like an earthquake, and strange sounds continued to be heard from deep underground.

Qin Shi's expression in Jiao Python Lake suddenly changed.

"It's actually a third-level mid-level earth-shaking pulse formation! I didn't expect that the ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu could actually obtain such a high-level formation."

"However, the emergence of this formation is not good for the current Jiao Python Lake. There is no third-level formation mage here to stabilize the earth veins deep underground. With the third-level high-grade formation here, I am afraid that after a few days, Those veins deep underground will be destroyed.”

"By then, the power of the pulse-protecting formation here will be greatly reduced. I'm afraid it's just...a matter of time before the formation is broken."

"We can only invite that ancestor. Perhaps with the help of that ancestor's power, the formation here can last a little longer, so that we can wait until Senior Brother Wu Yan and others who are stationed at the boundary of the Baiyun Mountains can return for reinforcements. "

After sighing helplessly, he took out a piece of Zimu Token from his storage bag and crushed it.

At the next moment, a high-pitched dragon roar came from the depths of Jiao Python Lake.

Immediately afterwards, countless water splashes spread out from the lake.

An extremely ferocious-looking dragon that was dozens of feet long, covered with blue tokens all over its body, and had a sharp horn on its forehead, brought countless lake water to the surrounding area and rose into the sky.

The dragon stuck its head out and looked at its surroundings.

When it saw that there were two demon kings in the early stage of the golden elixir, one demon king in the middle stage of the golden elixir, an ancestor of the spiritual formation in the middle stage of the golden elixir, and Mo Qianqiu of the third level of the golden elixir, a total of five golden elixirs with combat power of twenty More than 10,000 demonic beasts were besieging the Python Lake, and its expression suddenly condensed.

It seemed to have a good relationship with Qin Shi, who crushed the mother-in-law token and sought for him to come out of the mountain. It also spoke to Qin Shi with a bit of anger.

"I haven't disturbed my practice for decades, but this first interruption has given me a big trouble. I will remember this, Mr. Qin Shi."

Qin Shi said helplessly.

"Ancestor Lan Shui, you can't blame me for this. If this junior doesn't come out again, I'm afraid this land will be trampled to the ground in a few days."

"Please also ask Ancestor Blue Water to help and protect this land."

The blue dragon said irritably.

"I know, I know. I will do my best in this matter."

After saying that, it burst out with a huge momentum that was no less than Mo Qianqiu's. In fact, its momentum was even more magnificent than Mo Qianqiu's. It had reached the peak of the early stage of the Golden Core, and was only half a step away from entering the middle stage of the Golden Core.

It also sacrificed a slender blue jade flying sword magic weapon and a frost long flag. Although the former was of the lower third grade, it was not far from the middle third grade.

The latter had reached the middle third grade.

However, whether it was the flying sword or the flag magic weapon, the aura was consistent with that of the blue water dragon. It was not like an ordinary magic weapon, but the blue water dragon's life magic weapon. They had reached the middle level, which was more than 30% stronger than ordinary magic weapons of the same level, and looked extremely extraordinary.

The blue jade flying sword trembled slightly, and then turned into a huge sword light of dozens of feet, and the frost flag spewed out countless frost, condensing into a frost dragon phantom of dozens of feet, whose aura was even stronger than that of the blue water dragon, and had entered the middle stage of the golden elixir.

They also killed the spirit formation ancestor and Mo Qianqiu who were setting up the peak earth covering veins formation in the outside world.

The knowledgeable spirit formation ancestor noticed this, and looked at the blue water dragon in the Jiaomang Lake formation, his eyebrows were full of surprise, but also with a bit of assurance.

"I should have thought that the Bailing Sect had the third-level dragon vein treasure land deep in the center of Jiaomang Lake, so there would be no worries about not being able to cultivate Jiaolong. This is a miscalculation."

"When I left the Bailing Sect decades ago, Bailing Laogui and the others had only known about the dragon vein treasure land of Jiaomang Lake for a short time. Bailing Laogui must have cultivated this Jiao for only a few decades. But in just a few decades, this Jiao's cultivation is higher than Qianqiu, and it is full of vitality. It looks like it is less than a hundred years old. This is a strange thing. I am afraid that the blood of this Jiao is rich...extremely."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult for this Jiao to reach such a level of cultivation in just a hundred years, and it would be difficult for it to realize that without the inheritance of the elders of the Jiaolong clan with the cultivation of the initial stage of Jindan Two attack magic weapons, and also upgraded the grade of the long flag magic weapon to the third-grade middle grade realm. "

"Looking closely at the aura of the two magic weapons shot by this Jiaomang Lake, it is somewhat familiar. It is estimated that the materials for refining these two items are all from the body of the ice Jiaomang Lake, which has the highest cultivation among the three Jiaomang Lakes. "

"The ice Jiaoman was killed by Bailing Laogui and others, and its essence and blood fell into their hands. This Jiaomang Lake is also water, and it is born with ice. It is estimated that the essence and blood of the ice Jiaomang also fell into this water Jiaomang Lake. Moreover, this water Jiaomang Lake may have eaten the dragon grass growing on the dragon vein of Jiaomang Lake. It is estimated that the grade of the dragon grass it took is not low. "

A hundred years ago, there was only a female water Jiaomang Lake and a male ice Jiaomang Lake.

However, the mother water dragon was killed by the spiritual formation ancestor at that time when Bailingmen was expanding its territory. Although the ice dragon survived and cultivated a fire dragon in a short time with the help of the dragon vein of Jiaomang Lake, it was still unable to stop the Bailingmen with many golden elixirs and was killed.

Now, the blue water dragon of Bailingmen is indeed as the spiritual formation ancestor said. It not only swallowed all the essence and blood of the ice dragon in the early years, but also swallowed a dragon-transforming grass of the third grade upper grade, which is 500 years old.

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