Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 842 Dragon Vein Conflict (2000 words, please subscribe)

After the war.

Python Island.

"Thank you for your help in protecting this territory for our sect. The benefits of the magic weapon I promised you before will be delivered to you within a month."

"As for the 50,000 spirit stones our sect promised each of you when we first invited you to come, our sect cannot yet provide it. We can only wait for the monster chaos to end and then slowly give it to you."

With a slight apology on his face, Qin Shi walked up to Ling Chengyuan and others who had just emerged from the body of the Black Armored Turtle and said to them.

Then, after hesitating for a while, he spoke again.

"In addition, I have something to ask for. The grudge between the ancestor of the Spiritual Formation and our sect is not small. Even if he is defeated by us this time, I am afraid that the old thief of the Spiritual Formation will not give up."

"And I currently only have one golden elixir puppet and the blue jade dragon in my hand, which is equivalent to the combat power of two golden elixirs. On the other hand, the ancestor of the spiritual formation and Mo Qianqiu are not only stronger than the puppet and the dragon in my hands, Moreover, they are good at formations and are very good at breaking formations, and they have a powerful earth dragon as a spiritual beast. "

"Under such circumstances, once everyone retreats, if the Spirit Formation Ancestor and others attack again, it will be difficult for me alone to defend this place."

"Therefore, I want to seek your help again. I wonder if you can leave one or two golden elixirs to help our sect stay here. Of course, the benefits will not be small."

Ling Chengyuan, the leader, said lightly with a smile on his face.

"The Jindan of your sect has already told the Jindan of our clan about the later payment of the reward for this support, and our clan has already agreed to this matter."

"But in addition to the benefits of those spiritual stones and magic weapons, my clan should also take half of the third-level spiritual veins here that I wanted earlier."

"In this way, the spiritual veins here can be regarded as belonging to our clan. Naturally, our clan should send golden elixirs to help your sect guard it."

"It just so happens that fellow Taoist needs the golden elixir to stay here, so I asked my clan's black armored turtle to help your sect. Its strength is not weak. Combined with the puppet in your hand and the water dragon to block the spiritual formation, the old thief and others should Not a problem.”

"During the Monster Beast Rebellion, it will remain here. After the Monster Beast Rebellion is over, our clan will send another golden elixir here."

"It's time to hand over the matter of spiritual veins. How about fellow Taoist Qin Shi leading the way?"

Hearing this, Qin Shi felt a bitter look on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, this matter is too big. Please ask the noble Jindan to negotiate with my sect's Jindan. It is difficult for me to make the decision alone. Before my sect agrees to your sect, this spiritual vein cannot be handed over."

"I made a heavenly oath about that place without the approval of the sect's golden elixir. If I take people there at will, I'm afraid that when I enter the place of spiritual veins, it will be the day of my death."

Ling Chengyuan still looked calm and aloof, but the words he spoke were extremely offensive.

"I have already used the means of communication to inform the Jindan stationed in the Baiyun Mountains on the front line of the Yan Kingdom by my clan. I think the Jindan who came to your sect there also knew about it, even if your sect did not agree... ...I’m afraid I have to agree, and Taoist friends will probably receive the summons notice from Guizong Jindan soon.”

"Since it is inconvenient for fellow Taoist, I will go and investigate alone, so as to save time and return to my Ling clan's land as soon as possible."

After saying that, Ling Chengyuan sat on the back of the black-armored turtle, put away the golden elixir demon corpse, and then rode the black-armored turtle slowly towards the depths of Python Island.

The water dragon named Lan Yu beside Foundation Establishment Perfection cultivator Qin Shi saw this scene, and a hint of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The third-level spiritual vein on Jiao Python Island is a dragon vein, and it is also the home where it has lived since childhood. Now, if an outsider comes to occupy half of it, how can it be willing to do so?

Immediately, it roared at Ling Chengyuan.

"Boy, if you dare to go to the place where I live, I will take action."

Ling Chengyuan, who was on the back of the black-armored turtle, turned his head, looked at the blue jade dragon and sneered.

"You can give it a try. Our Ling family happens to have a few dragons and half-dragons. I don't mind. I can use your essence, blood and flesh to make elixirs to help our dragons and half-dragons improve their dragon bloodline."

At this moment, the Frost Spirit Tree, which had been silent and stood quietly in an open area of ​​Python Island, swayed, and the water-wood sword that it had withdrawn into its body was immediately summoned by it, and countless sword intentions suddenly appeared. It turned into a huge torrent of sword light and aimed at the water dragon named Lan Yu.

Although the dragon named Lan Yu was angry at this time, when he saw the Frost Spirit Tree's move, his face was suddenly full of fear.

Although it is stronger than ordinary golden elixirs of the same level due to its strong dragon bloodline and mastery of several magic weapons, the Frost Spirit Tree's cultivation has reached the peak of the early golden elixir, and it also masters the art of sword cultivation, so its strength is completely comparable to it.

However, it does not want to give in because the dragon vein is too important to it.

If half of the dragon's vein share is taken away, the amount of dragon spiritual energy it absorbs during future practice will be reduced, and the speed of refining the dragon's blood in its body will also be slower, and its speed of increasing strength will also be affected.

Suddenly, this place was tense.

Liang Mingtu, who is an affiliated force of the Ling family, the Liang family, has long planned to follow the Ling family. Therefore, even though he has lost one out of ten due to the method of improving his strength, at this moment, he stands beside Ling Chengyuan. He also took out his magic weapon and prepared to protect Ling Chengyuan.

Yang Siqi from the Yang family cast an apologetic look at Qin Shi and walked to Ling Chengyuan's side.

Qin Shi, who was also from Bailing Sect, saw this and his face was full of worry. With the strength of Bailing Sect left here, they were no match for Ling Chengyuan and others. However, the water dragon named Lanyu had a bad temper and it was difficult to change its mind once it made up its mind.

However, at this moment, the storage bag on his waist suddenly flashed with spiritual light. His expression changed and he quickly took out the object that had moved in the storage bag. It was a third-level communication mirror.

Previously, when Jiaomang Island was in crisis, Qin Shi used the third-level blood jade token to ask for help, and this method was faster.

And using the communication mirror requires step by step to pass the message to the Bailing Sect monks in other realms, so that it can finally reach the hands of the Bailing Sect Jindan stationed in the Baiyun Mountains.

As Qin Shi transferred a spiritual power to the communication mirror, the face of Bailing Zhenren suddenly appeared on the surface of the mirror.

"Greetings, Sect Master."

Qin Shi immediately saluted him.

But Bai Ling Zhenren seemed very annoyed, and just talked to himself.

"I have agreed to the half share of the dragon vein that Ling family wants, and no one can interfere."

As soon as these words fell, the communication mirror lost its luster and turned into an ordinary mirror.

At the same time.

Deep in the mountains of Baiyun Mountains on the front line of Yan State.

On the north wall of Baiyun City, a small incident occurred.

Bai Ling Zhenren, who had previously used the communication mirror to communicate with Qin Shi, and the other Jindans stationed here by Bai Lingmen were surrounded by Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, Ling Yunhong, Ling Penglin, Ling Chengxin, the mysterious red-robed Jindan, and the eleven Jindan demon corpses of Ling family here.

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