Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 843 Five Outsiders (2000 words, please subscribe, there will be another update later)

After Master Bailing put away the communication mirror in his hand, he looked coldly at Ling Pengyun and other Ling family's golden elixirs.

"That's enough, right? What else do you want to do?"

Ling Pengyun, the leader, had a cold expression on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, as the golden elixir of Yan Kingdom, I will naturally not do anything to you, but I hope that you will always abide by the fact that the interests of the dragon veins in Jiaomang Lake are half of our clan. If not, I made an agreement with you back then. I will definitely break the thousand-year friendship agreement between the two forces! I will bear all the consequences!"

In response to Ling Pengyun's naked threat, Master Bailing could not help but feel a lot of anger no matter how calm his heart was. However, Ling's family had too many golden elixirs, and there were even more golden elixir demon corpses. Once there was a fight, I was afraid that Even he could not be spared, not to mention the other Bailingmen Golden Pills beside him.

At this time, Liu Haochan, who was in charge of the defense of Baiyun City, came out to resolve the situation.

"Everyone, you have not wasted much time. It is time to return to the garrison. If this city is destroyed, the entire Yan Kingdom will inevitably fall, and your own forces will not be spared. I hope you will not forget this."

Master Bai Ling snorted coldly, then took the remaining Bai Ling Sect golden elixirs, sacrificed their magic weapons, and returned to the battle.

Ling Pengyun looked at Bailingmen, his eyes darkened.

"This person can endure it. It took him nearly a hundred years to seize the Dragon Python Lake with dragon veins, and quietly cultivated a dragon with extremely strong blood. If he was given a little more time, I'm afraid there would be more dragons from Bailingmen. ”

"In retrospect, the family was able to obtain the share of dragon veins thanks to Cheng Yuan. In the future, we can prepare a few more golden elixir spiritual objects for him in case he fails to break through the golden elixir. We can also prepare a set for him. A good material for refining natal magic weapons.”

"And since the family has obtained the share of the dragon vein, Cheng Xia's four golden dragons in the late stage of foundation building have a more ambitious path."

"Brother Pengqiu's half-dragon in the late stage of foundation building has the possibility of transforming into a dragon."

Afterwards, he also left the area with the Ling family's golden elixir monks and the golden elixir demon corpse who surrounded Master Bai Ling. He walked aside and began to resist the siege golden elixir.


at the same time.

Python Island.

"Ancestor Lan Yu, the sect leader has spoken."

Qin Shi put away the communication mirror in his hand, with a look of helplessness on his face, and said to the angry blue jade dragon on the side.

The blue jade dragon was extremely unconvinced when he heard this, but Master Bai Ling was its master, and it had been taken care of by Master Bai Ling since childhood. Therefore, it obeyed Master Bai Ling's words.


"But I have to go with that black-armored turtle and that boy from the Ling family."

It responded impatiently.

"Senior, if you want to follow, come with us."

"Fellow Daoist Qin Shi, now you can lead the way, and save me the trouble of fumbling."

Ling Chengyuan, who was sitting on the back of the black-armored turtle, said relaxedly.

"It's natural."

Qin Shi responded and took the lead to walk towards the depths of Python Island.

Ling Chengyuan rode a black armored turtle and followed closely with the blue jade dragon from Bailingmen.

The frost spirit tree on the side also withdrew the torrent of sword light and stood in the open space without moving. However, its water-wood flying sword magic weapon was not put away by it and remained suspended in the outside world.

As for Yang Siqi and Liang Mingtu, although they also wanted to go to the depths of Jiao Python Island to see what treasures there were on the spiritual vein that could make Ling's heart beat, they were concerned about Ling's power, so they could only Able to stay at the edge of the island with the Frost Spirit Tree.

On the front line of the monster chaos in the Yan Kingdom, deep in the Baiyun Mountains of the Baiyun Mountains.

Baiyun City.

After several days of fierce fighting, the monks stationed in Baiyun City relied on the advantage of thirty-two golden elixirs. During this period, they killed three old demon kings who were in the early and middle stages of the golden elixir.

The number of Jindan Demon Kings attacking Baiyun City this time has also dropped sharply to eighteen. Originally, there were twenty-five demon kings in this group.

Those demon kings in the late stage of the golden elixir and the old red bear with the perfect golden elixir are too strong. Although there are many golden elixirs in Baiyun City, most of them are monks in the early and middle stages of the golden elixir. Even if they work together in pairs, they can't It can only barely hold on to those demon kings in the late Golden Core stage, and it is simply difficult to kill them.

However, these monsters were entangled by the combined efforts of the golden elixirs stationed in Baiyun City, making it difficult for them to succeed.

Even, due to the sharp decrease in the number of Golden Core Demon Kings, many Golden Cores stationed in Baiyun City have some spare capacity to help the low-level monks in Baiyun City kill the low-level monsters attacking the city.

There were originally more than two million low-level monsters in the outside world, but now there are only about 1.5 million left. It can be said that the loss is not small.

Under such circumstances, the pressure on the last third-level high-grade defensive formation in Baiyun City was greatly relieved.

It is easy for this formation to withstand attacks from external monsters.

Originally, this city had three defensive formations, but the other two were breached.

However, as time went by, and with the help of the third-level high-level formation mage Liu Haochan and the third-level low-level formation mage Ling Penglin in the city, who used formation secrets, soon, the third-level high-level "Golden Moon Gangyang Formation" was breached. " Then he restored some of his origins, opened it again, and transformed into a huge light curtain that enveloped the entire Baiyun City.

However, because this formation had been defeated before, and now it was activated again in a short period of time, its power was only about 70% of what it was when it was completely victorious.

Only after spending a lot of time and using spiritual objects to re-refine the formation flag of that formation can this formation restore its full victory power.

However, even so, the power of this formation is still good, much stronger than the ordinary third-level middle-grade defense formation.

Baiyun City has also become more solid because of the reopening of this formation.

The old red bear who led the army of monsters to attack this place was very troubled by this.

It made a solemn promise in front of the True Lord Chijin that it would definitely avenge the Red Kite Bear Queen.

But now, Liu Haochan, who killed the Red Kite Queen, is hiding in Baiyun City and it has no chance at all.

If it continues to fight like this, I am afraid that the last broken formation in Baiyun City will be simply repaired and restarted by Liu Haochan and Ling Penglin.

By then, Baiyun City will return to the time of full victory. With the protection of three formations, it will have no chance to break through that place.

But at this time, five black escape lights flew rapidly from the distant sky.

When they were about 30,000 to 40,000 miles away from Baiyun City, the leading beam of light stopped, revealing the figure of a cultivator with white hair, an old face, but a very sturdy body.

The other four beams of light also stopped and revealed their figures.

The five of them were suspended in the air, quietly watching the battle taking place in Baiyun City in the distance.

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