Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 851 Elite members of the Ling family (2200 words, please subscribe)

Deep in the "Bear-Mieting City", a major city in the north of Tianxing, a subordinate of Yan State, which resists the Red Gold Bear Clan, the City Lord's Mansion.

"Brother Tianhuo, according to the news from Yan State, the Xuanshi Sect that caused chaos in our Tianxing Sect a dozen days ago also sent a lot of demon cultivators to Yan State."

"Brother Liu Haochan is also in Yan State. Should we send people to support him?"

The old Taoist Feiying, a Jindan mid-stage cultivator who was in charge of various news channels of Tianxing Sect because of his old age and retired to the second line, asked the Lord of Bear-Mieting City "Tianhuo Zhenren" in front of him.

Yan State is very far away from Tianxing State, with a land area of ​​tens of millions of miles. Under normal circumstances, it is extremely difficult to transmit news between the two places, and it is even more difficult to transmit news during this period of monster beast chaos.

Therefore, the news that Yan State was invaded by demon cultivators took more than ten days to reach the hands of Taoist Feiying.

And this old Taoist flying eagle was the Jindan who had contact with the Ling family in the early years. He also had a flying eagle spirit beast in the middle stage of the Jindan, which was extraordinary.

After hearing this, Tianhuo Zhenren frowned slightly.

"This group of demon cubs are too arrogant. First, they sent Yuanying demon corpses to our Tianxing country to cause chaos, and now they sent demon cultivators to cause chaos in Yan country under our sect. They are really damned."

"Yan country is extremely important to our sect, and Junior Brother Liu Haochan is the only Yuanying seed of our sect. This country really needs to send people to support it."

"But although the Yuanying demon corpses sent by the Xuanshi Sect to cause chaos in our Tianxing country were repelled by the sect master, there are still many demon cultivators wandering around in our country to cause chaos. Most of the cultivators in the city have gone to the hinterland to kill demon cultivators. Now there are not many cultivators in the city, and we still need to guard against the red gold bear. The clan's sneak attack, so the number of cultivators sent to Yan State for support should not be too many. Later, we will gather the Jindan garrisoned in the city to discuss and make plans. "

"However, this demon sect has always been resisted by the Fuyun Immortal Sect among the three major immortal sects of my formation. How come the Xuanshi Sect has sent demon cultivators to our territory for so long, and no one from this sect has come yet?"

There are only three immortal sects in the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World that can be listed as immortal sects. They all have many Yuanying sitting in the seat, and they are the main force to open up the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World. They are backed by powerful forces in other immortal cultivation worlds, and their strength is extremely extraordinary. Fuyun Immortal Sect is one of them.

In the past, during the monster beast chaos, this sect would send troops to attack the Xuanshi Sect in the Eastern Demon Realm to contain the demon cultivators of this sect, and at the same time, it was necessary to send troops to resist a Yuanying demon tribe.

Therefore, as early as a month ago, when the demon cultivators of the Xuanshi Sect helped the Red Gold Bear Clan and the Golden Winged Tiger Clan to resolve the crisis and invade Tianxing Country, the Flying Eagle Taoist of the Tianxing Sect specially sent a Jindan to Fuyun Xianzong to seek support.

"According to the time, the Jindan Junior Brother I sent is probably on the way back from Fuyun Xianzong if nothing unexpected happens."

"But the people from Fuyun Xianzong probably have no hope."

"You know the nature of Fuyun Xianzong, Senior Brother Tianhuo. I guess Fuyun Xianzong also wants to take advantage of the fact that many demon cultivators of the Xuanshi Sect have invaded our Tianxing Country and the number of demon cultivators in the mountain gate of this sect has decreased. They think that they can send less troops to surround this sect and block the demon cultivators of this sect, so that the main forces can be all attacked to the Yuanying demon clan that is hostile to this sect, so as to occupy some territory."

The Flying Eagle Taoist said helplessly.

The face of the Tianhuo City Lord was gloomy, and he said no more.


This day and night.

In the heart of Tianxing Country.

On a wasteland, nine black shadows slid silently across the ground, stopping and starting, as if they were searching for something in the wasteland.

After several days, they had searched the wasteland thoroughly, and they stopped outside a dense forest, the only part of the wasteland they had not searched.

Their figures also appeared.

If there were any Ling family cultivators here, they would be shocked.

Therefore, these nine people are the most talented among the young generation of the Ling family. If this group of people met with an accident, the young generation of the Ling family would be seriously broken.

And this group of people are Ling Chengxia, the son of Ling Pengyun, Ling Chengping and Lin Fan, who were originally transferred to the Tianxing Kingdom to garrison in the Bear-Bearing City by the Tianxing Sect along with Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi, as well as Ling Pengyun's only disciple Qian Fei, as well as Ling Wanchuan, the spiritual plant genius of the Ling family's six sons, Ling Wanduo, the earth-based magic cultivator, Ling Wanxu, who has the talent of divine consciousness, Ling Wanliang, the battle madman who is originally an alchemist but loves fighting, Ling Libing, the demon corpse genius, and Ling Lihu, the beast control genius.

According to the agreement signed by Ling Pengyun and the Tianxing Sect to refine the demon corpse, Ling Chengxia and other Ling family cultivators did not need to go out to kill the enemy, and they could stay in the Bear-Bearing City.

However, Ling Chengxia, Ling Chengping, and the six members of the Ling family are not idle people. They all want to hone their combat power through this monster beast chaos to impact their realm.

Especially Ling Chengxia, his cultivation has reached the ninth level of foundation building. In less than ten years, he will be able to enter the perfect foundation building, and then he will have to face the impact of the golden elixir realm.

And fighting is the best way to master one's own strength, which is also very beneficial for the impact of the golden elixir.

For this reason, Ling Chengxia and his group of like-minded people accepted the task of killing demons from the Tianxing Sect with the approval of Ling Pengyun, and left the Bear Destroying City to the heartland of the Tianxing Kingdom to kill the rebellious demon cultivators.

Ling Chengping's husband Lin Fan and Ling Pengyun's disciple Qian Fei, who is a spiritual plant husband, were unwilling to follow and take risks. They are both relatively stable cultivators.

But Lin Fan was afraid that his Taoist partner Ling Chengping would have an accident.

Qian Fei and Ling Wanchuan, the spiritual plant genius among the six sons of the Ling family, grew up together under Ling Pengyun. The two have a very deep relationship and have developed some feelings for each other, but there is still a layer of window paper between them. Therefore, Qian Fei is also worried that Ling Wanchuan will encounter an accident during the demon slaying.

Under such circumstances, they also followed together.

However, Lin Fan and Qian Fei are both strong. As the chief beastmaster of the Ling family, Lin Fan has several foundation-building spiritual beasts under his control, and his own strength has reached the late stage of foundation building.

Although Qian Fei has been comprehending spiritual plants for many years, she has good spiritual root aptitude, with three spiritual roots, and her personality is well-behaved. She is loved by Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi. The two also gave Qian Fei a lot of cultivation resources, and her cultivation level has also improved rapidly. Now, her life span is not even seventy or eighty, but her cultivation level has entered the seventh level of foundation building half a year before the monster beast chaos, and her strength is particularly strong.

Of course, Ling Pengyun would let these Ling family elites go out on adventures, and he had prepared a lot of life-saving items for them. Even if they encountered a cultivator or monster in the early stage of the Golden Core, they were sure to kill them.

"According to the information provided by the Tianxing Sect, the group of demon cultivators who successively destroyed the three foundation-building families in Jiaoyang County near this wasteland are most likely hiding in this wasteland, and the forest in front of us is the only place we have not searched. I am afraid that the group of demon cultivators is hiding in it."

"Be careful when you enter this forest later, don't be careless. It is said that the group of demon cultivators who committed a lot of murders has a number of three or four hundred, and there are about five foundation-building demon cultivators who have appeared."

Ling Chengxia is the one with the highest cultivation level and the strongest strength among this group of people. He has led his people into the land of the demon clan to kill monsters for many years and has extremely high combat experience.

Therefore, as early as when this demon-slaying team was established, he was elected as the leader.

Ling Chengping and others also looked more solemn.

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