Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 852 Ling Chengxia shows his power (2000 words, please subscribe)

Afterwards, Ling Chengxia took everyone and sneaked into the dense forest.

However, Ling Chengxia, who had not gone deep into this dense forest for long and had already raised the intensity of his consciousness to the early stage of the golden elixir through the technique of tempering his spiritual consciousness, felt that something was wrong.

"There is the aura of the formation ahead. As long as we go deeper about a hundred feet, the formation will probably be propped up. I think the strength of the formation is probably that of a second-level high-grade formation."

"This place is already full of doubts. It is also a deserted land with no spiritual veins. A large formation of this level will definitely not rise for no reason. Be prepared to break the formation."

Lin Fan, the more stable beast master, tried to persuade him.

"Brother Cheng Xia, is this too reckless? If this is where our righteous monks live, it would be a bit unethical for us to attack the great formation here."

Ling Chengxia considered that Lin Fan had been in the family all year round taking care of the family spirit beasts and did not have much combat experience. In addition, the two of them had a good relationship, so he explained it in detail.

"Even if we are wrong, I, the Ling family, can afford to pay for a second-level high-grade formation. Moreover, the demon cultivators have always been fierce in fighting. Once we give them a chance, we will miss the opportunity. Only by being decisive can we be the first to take advantage."

When Lin Fan heard this, he felt it made sense, and he followed suit.

"It's because brother is inexperienced."

Ling Chengxia waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, go out and walk around more. Brother-in-law, you will naturally know these things. Dad values ​​you very much. Don't just live in the narrow lane of beast control. Cultivation is the foundation."

Then, he took out his golden dragon, all four of which were in the late stage of foundation building, and several magic weapons.

But the eyes of the beastmaster Lin Fan revealed a touch of unexpected joy, and it was not difficult for him to hear another meaning from Ling Chengxia's mouth.

At this moment, he also made up his mind that he would go out more often to train himself in the future.

Waving his hands with distracting thoughts, he followed Ling Chengping and others to summon many spiritual beasts and produced many sophisticated magic weapons.

At this moment, the magic array also noticed the traces of Ling Chengxia and others, and the magic array also opened.

Dozens of spiritual beasts and dozens of magic weapons immediately bombarded the magic array, causing it to sway.

"What kind of thief dares to attack this old Taoist's secluded place?"

The next moment, a white-bearded old man in the late stage of foundation building rose into the sky and cursed angrily at Ling Chengxia and others.

Ling Chengxia just took a look and realized that there was a trace of devilish energy in this man, and a look of contempt suddenly appeared between his brows.

"A mere demon cultivator dares to pretend to be a righteous cultivator like me. When the formation is broken, I will definitely kill you here."

The face of the white-bearded veteran in the formation suddenly fell. He wanted to explain, but when he saw that the formation he had set up seemed to be blown away under the rapid attack of Ling Chengxia and others, his expression changed. Suddenly it went dark.

"You are a bunch of righteous hypocrites. Since you want to fight, I will fight with you."

"Come out, don't hide."

As soon as these words came out, the white-bearded old Taoist who had previously returned to the Immortal Wind Dao Bone and carried countless spiritual energy suddenly released countless demonic energy from his body and turned into a demon cultivator in the late stage of foundation building.

And from the depths of the second-level high-grade formation, more than four hundred demon cultivators sprang out at this moment.

Among them, there are more than 400 Qi-training Demon Cultivators, and as many as 11 Foundation-Building Demon Cultivators.

However, most of them were demonic cultivators in the early and middle stages of foundation building. There were only three demonic cultivators in the late stage of foundation building, and there was only one demonic cultivator who had completed foundation building.

There are even three demon cultivators in the early stages of foundation building whose auras are extremely vague, as if they had just entered the foundation building.

As soon as these demon cultivators came out, they also summoned thousands of famous demon corpses from the Xuan Corpse Sect.

Thirteen foundation-building demon corpses also appeared.

As a result, the Qi-training combat power within the formation would be one thousand five hundred, and the foundation-building combat power would be twenty-four.

"The strength of the demon cultivator in Jiaoyang County far exceeds the intelligence."

"No wonder, this group of demonic cultivators were able to destroy the three families in Jiaoyang County who all had multiple foundation-building cultivators in a short period of time."

"However, the information on the Tianxing Sect was obtained from the surviving monks of the three major families in Jiaoyang County. It seems that these demon cultivators were hiding something when they destroyed the three major righteous foundation-building families in Jiaoyang County. ”

"You still have some brains."

"But, what's the use of hiding my clumsiness!"

Ling Chengxia saw this scene, but he was not worried. Instead, there was a hint of coldness on his face.

"Don't hide your methods. Except for the one-time consumable spiritual objects, I can use all the other powerful objects."

Then, Ling Chengxia raised his hand and sacrificed his two natal magic weapons, "Yin Xuan Mirror" and "Yang Xuan Mirror".

Many years have passed, and the appearance of these two mirrors has remained unchanged. However, after years of tempering by Ling Chengxia and the incorporation of a large number of spiritual objects into them, their grades have reached the level of prototype magic weapons.

With Ling Chengxia's fingering, the two mirrors immediately merged into one, turning into a "Yin Yang Xuan Bao Mirror", and its aura was infinitely close to the level of a third-order magic weapon.

The mirror of this treasure also shot out a huge yin and yang two-color light beam that was comparable to 70% of the power of a first-level golden elixir monk's full blow. It bombarded the second-level high-grade formation, and a huge roaring sound suddenly sounded.

A huge crack also appeared in the place where it was bombarded.

As Ling Chengping, who was in the late stage of foundation building, launched a Miasma Breaking Baby Cone at the prototype level of a magic weapon, the crack spread rapidly, and a large hole suddenly appeared in that area.

Lin Fan and others also used powerful attacks to quickly expand the hole.

"Come in directly with me."

Ling Chengxia turned over and jumped on the back of a golden dragon next to him, and he roared.

Then, he rode the golden dragon and led the other three golden dragons into the formation along the huge hole.

The cultivation of the four golden dragons has reached the late stage of foundation building, and with the bodies of dragons, their strength is particularly strong. Their physiques are completely comparable to those of perfect foundation building monsters. The attack methods of those demonic cultivators in the formation are also difficult to achieve at all. No harm to them at all.

They also activated the fusion spell "Golden Dragon Shadow" attached to the twin spirits, transforming into a golden dragon shadow that had reached the perfection of foundation building and ran rampant among the group of demon cultivators.

Even the demon cultivator with perfect foundation building among the demon cultivators could not resist the phantom of the golden dragon, and was beaten back by the phantom.

Ling Chengxia was also at this moment, using the Yin Yang Xuan Bao Mirror to kill, but no demon cultivator could withstand three attacks in his hands, not even the foundation building demon cultivator.

The area around him suddenly turned into a sea of ​​corpses.

Ling Chengping and others also followed.

Each of them has several second-level high-grade defensive magic weapons, especially Ling Chengping, who also has a magic weapon at the prototype level. In this way, five hundred demon cultivators and a thousand demon corpses here attack at the same time, and it is difficult to defeat them. Open their defenses.

Instead, those demon cultivators continued to suffer casualties.

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