Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 853: Harvest and Danger (2000 words, please subscribe)

In just half a cup of tea, only the three late-stage foundation-building demon cultivators and the demon cultivator with perfect foundation-building skills were left here, and the remaining five hundred demon cultivators and thousands of demon corpses were left here. They all died tragically on the spot.

"You all have extraordinary strength. We are unable to defeat you. We are willing to surrender. Not long ago, we destroyed three foundation-building forces in Jiaoyang County. I wiped out all the spiritual beings in these three families. However, we did not It is not on my body, but I have hidden it in other places. As long as you fellow Taoists of the right path are willing to let me and my three junior brothers go, I am willing to tell you the place where the spiritual objects are stored. "

Seeing the situation in front of him, the demon cultivator who had completed the foundation building said helplessly.

"Do you believe what you said?"

Ling Chengxia sneered.

His four-headed golden dragons are not very sensitive to ordinary spiritual objects, but they are extremely sensitive to spiritual iron-type spiritual objects.

Just now, his four dragons all discovered that the demon cultivators here had a large amount of spiritual iron aura.

Ordinary demon cultivators rarely have righteous spiritual beings, so this is an abnormal situation.

Following that, Ling Chengxia poured more spiritual power into the yin-yang-transformed mysterious mirror, and inspired a pillar of mysterious light that was comparable to a full-strength strike from a first-level golden elixir monk, directly knocking out the foundation-builder. The perfect demon cultivator flew away.

The phantom of the Foundation Establishment Perfection Golden Dragon, which was transformed by the combined force of the four golden dragons, immediately followed and tore the Foundation Establishment Perfection Demonic Cultivator into pieces.

Not long after, the other three late-stage foundation-building demon cultivators also followed in his footsteps.

After the war, Ling Chengxia also led everyone to clean up the battlefield. They used a large number of storage bags to collect the corpses of the demon cultivators and even the remains of the demon corpses.

The Ling family has a lot of demon corpses. Although the remains of those demon corpses are useless and it is difficult to extract any monsters, this thing is a great supplement to other demon corpses and can improve the skills of other demon corpses. Cultivation.

The corpses of those demonic cultivators can be handed over to the Tianxing Sect in exchange for military merit.

After that, they quickly fled away from this forest and even this wasteland. They finally stopped in a deserted valley tens of thousands of miles away, and spent about two days to conquer this area. The storage bags on the bodies of the eleven Foundation Establishment Demonic Cultivators who arrived were all opened.

As a result, everyone saw a large number of righteous spiritual beings.

The number of spiritual stones alone is a full 35,000.

There are also two second-level high-grade formations. In addition to the second-level high-grade formation used by the demon cultivators before, this time they have three full formations of this level.

On the market, a large formation of this grade is worth seven to eight thousand spiritual stones, which amounts to about twenty thousand spiritual stones.

There are about twenty second-level low-level, mid-level and first-level formations, with a total value of about 20,000.

There are many kinds of low-level spiritual objects, but after all, they are just basic spiritual objects of low value, with a total value of about 30,000 spiritual stones.

As a result, the total value of this batch of righteous spiritual objects is probably around 100,000 spiritual stones.

In addition, there are also a lot of demonic and spiritual creatures.

Most of them are demonic cultivation elixirs, both first and second level. There is even a demonic foundation-building spiritual substance blood condensation pill that is comparable to the foundation-building pill.

There were even tens of thousands of mortal corpses in the storage bags of a dozen demonic monks.

Ling Chengxia looked at the blood-condensing pill in his hand that was still a bit angry, and then at the mortal corpses on the ground, his brows filled with disgust.

"This elixir still has heat. I think it only took a few days to refine it, and this thing is extremely evil. It is mostly made from the flesh and blood of mortals and monks."

"It is estimated that many of the mortals and monks under the three major foundation-building families in Jiaoyang County that were previously destroyed have become part of this elixir."

"The number of these cultivation-type magic pills is even more ridiculous, and their origins are probably similar to that of the blood-coagulating pill."

"These demon cultivators are really a bunch of pests. One day they live, they shake the foundation of my righteous path."

At this point, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Although the demonic monks have done all kinds of bad things, looking at the demonic cultivators in several realms, they are not weak in strength. Even if the righteous monks try their best, they may not be able to destroy them.

Distracted from his thoughts, he also said to Ling Chengping and others.

"We will divide these 35,000 spirit stones first, 4,000 for each person. As for the batch of formations and low-level spiritual objects worth 60,000 to 70,000 spirit stones, we can exchange them for a lot of contributions by turning them over to the Tianxing Sect. Yes, but in my opinion, it is best to bring it back to the family. The family has always been fair and will not treat us badly. It will definitely give us the normal price. I wonder if you are willing to do this? "

Everyone is the elite of the family and has a very high sense of belonging to the family. Furthermore, the family is indeed fair and its treatment of the clan members is the best among the major forces in the Yan Kingdom. Everyone also agrees.

Ling Chengxia also said again.

"As for these demonic elixirs, they also have some effects on the demonic corpses of the family. This blood source elixir is a foundation-building spiritual object. With a special secret method of the family, we, the righteous monks, can also use it, but the effect will be reduced by half. It can be regarded as an ordinary-level foundation-building spiritual object. It is estimated that the family is willing to purchase these spiritual objects, and these spiritual objects will be handed over to the family. "

"Those mortal corpses were also unlucky people when they were alive. They encountered that group of demonic cultivators. Since we have encountered them, we will help them and burn them and bury them. This will also give them a place to stay and prevent them from being exposed in the wild. "

Ling Chengping and others nodded slightly in agreement.

After that, everyone got busy together and worked for half a day before completing this huge project.

This barren valley has also become a grave valley, filled with bulging graves.

Ling Chengxia and others also left this place and rushed to the Huazhou Demon-Slaying Branch Valley, which was under the jurisdiction of Jiaoyang County.

The Demon-Slaying Branch Valley was a small trading center established by the Tianxing Sect during the demon chaos, in conjunction with the large and small forces in Huazhou. After the cultivators who participated in the destruction of the demon cultivators of the Tianxing Kingdom killed the demon cultivators, they could go there to hand in the bodies of the demon cultivators in exchange for military merits.

However, before Ling Chengxia and others had gone far, he felt something, and his body trembled suddenly. He quickly turned around and mobilized his spiritual sense, which was comparable to the strength of a Jindan early cultivator, to scan the direction of the movement.

Immediately, he shouted.

"Not good, a Jindan demon cultivator is approaching."

Before he finished speaking, he successively sacrificed three third-level lower-grade water source talismans, transforming into three huge light curtains that covered himself and the surrounding people.

At this moment, a third-level low-grade magic sword, a Jindan early stage magic corpse, and three foundation-building magic corpses suddenly rushed over from afar.

The magic sword was the fastest and hit the three light curtains first, breaking one in an instant, but was blocked by the second one.

However, when the four magic corpses arrived at this time, they joined forces to attack with their physical strength, and the second water source talisman was also broken.

The light curtain supported by the third water source talisman was also hit and ripples were everywhere.

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