Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 858: Supernatural Powers Revealed (2000 words, please subscribe)

The twenty-one thunderbolts that were shot out of the formation were gradually accumulated when the Ling family cultivators, monsters, and spirit implants were in the golden elixir to overcome the thunderbolt.

The black-armored turtle had a strong physique, so when it entered the golden elixir, it absorbed six thunderbolts to strengthen its body, leaving only three thunderbolts to be absorbed by the thunder-inducing destruction formation.

Renshui Lanyuncao, Fengyingpeng, and Ling Chengxia all passed the thunderbolt in a proper manner, absorbing only three thunderbolts, leaving six thunderbolts each.

Ling Pengxing, as a ghost cultivator, was afraid of thunderbolts, and he did not master the method for ghost cultivators to absorb thunderbolts to strengthen their bodies, so the nine thunderbolts he triggered when he entered the golden elixir were also left.

Under such circumstances, the thunder-inducing destruction formation has only accumulated a total of thirty thunderbolts over the years, but Ling Pengyun used the Thunder Transformation Treasure Realm to take away nine thunderbolts, leaving only twenty-one thunderbolts.

"The twenty-one thunderbolts I summoned just now were hard to come by. Don't let them go to waste. Go all out. It's best to leave all the five Jindan demon cultivators from the outside world to me."

Ling Pengyun put aside his distracting thoughts and said to Yan Siyi, Ling Yunhong, Ling Penglin, Ling Chengxin, and the mysterious red-robed Jindan beside him.

Then, the six Jindan quickly sacrificed their magic weapons and attacked.

The eleven Jindan demon corpses around them also used various magic methods under their control.

The fifteen thousand or so cultivators in the valley, under the leadership of the Ling family cultivator, worked together to arrange three third-level low-grade formations, and in a short period of time, they had the attack power comparable to that of Jindan early stage cultivators.

The three formations worked together to temporarily entangle a Jindan middle stage demon cultivator, which also reduced a lot of pressure for Ling Pengyun and other Jindan.

In addition, the Demon Yuan Demon Ghost Array set up by Gangsha Old Demon and others has been broken, and there is no help from the Wind Demon Ghost of the ninth level of Jindan.

Ling Pengyun and others also rely on the advantage of six Jindan cultivators and eleven Jindan Demon Corpses, and can temporarily fight with the five Jindan Demon cultivators of Gangsha Old Demon, who have a cultivation level of more than the middle Jindan stage, and the six Jindan Demon Corpses they control, so as not to fall into a big disadvantage directly.

After fighting like this for nearly half an incense stick of time, Ling Pengyun Guangu, who jointly activated three third-level inferior attack formations, consumed too much, and the offensive of the three formations set up by those low-level cultivators also slowed down a lot. He frowned immediately.

"If it continues to drag on, I'm afraid the situation will be bad. After all, I can only use that thing."

Ling Pengyun sighed lightly.

Immediately, he said to Ling Yunhong and the mysterious monk in red robes beside him.

"Grandpa Yunhong, brother Pengqiu, help me break the third-grade upper-grade natal formation of the late Jindan old demon."

After the Demon Yuan Demon Ghost Formation was broken, the old demon Gangsha sacrificed his third-grade upper-grade natal "Evil Fire Burning Abyss Formation" to transform into a powerful defensive light curtain to resist the attacks of the demon cultivators.

He also used this formation to transform into powerful evil fires to attack the Treading Cloud Valley. If it weren't for the third-grade middle-grade defensive formation arranged by Ling Pengyun and Ling Penglin, the cultivators in the valley would have suffered.

In terms of power alone, this formation is three times stronger than the previous evil ghost formation.

However, this formation was made by Gangsha old demon after spending hundreds of years of savings, selling most of his property and even some third-grade magic formations saved over the years, and gathering materials not long ago.

That's why he took on the task of helping the old red bear to destroy the State of Yan, thinking of killing some mortals and cultivators in Yan to sacrifice some resources to fill the empty storage bag.

At the same time, Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengqiu, who was wearing a red robe and performing a profound concealment technique, also performed their magic at this moment.

Ling Pengqiu was called back to the sect by Ling Pengyun long before the monster beast chaos, but he had a special identity. In the immortal cultivation world of the boundless sea, he was the leader of the Golden Core force of the Fire Dragon Sect. Ling Pengyun did not intend to spread the news of his entry into the Golden Core, so as to avoid being found out by those who were interested that the Fire Dragon Sect was a branch of the Ling family.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun asked Ling Pengqiu to conceal his identity and help the Ling family survive the monster beast chaos as a friend of the Ling family.

In just a moment, the Cloud Valley was ablaze.

A pure Yang fire dragon that was a hundred feet long and a fire wolf that was nearly a hundred feet long suddenly flew out of it, destroying all the attacks of the magic methods they encountered along the way.

The fire wolf even opened its mouth to emit countless suction forces, swallowing the three third-level middle-grade attack magic treasures that were coming into its stomach.

Once those magic treasures entered its stomach, they were imprisoned in a special way, and their power was greatly reduced. There were also countless purgatory fires around them, constantly refining the magic energy they carried.

Soon, the dragon and the wolf crossed thousands of feet of land and directly hit the evil fire burning abyss formation of Gangsha Old Demon, causing two huge roars.

"Swallow the moon."

The fire wolf took the lead and opened its mouth to emit a huge suction force. The magic energy in the magic formation was forcibly absorbed by the wolf.

"Pure Yang Fire Furnace."


The Pure Yang Treasure Dragon scattered at this moment, transforming into countless Pure Yang Treasure Fires that spread over the magic array, drawing the power of the blazing sun in the sky, forming a huge furnace that enveloped the magic array.

The blazing sun power in the sky was also the source of power for the furnace, and even the countless Pure Yang Treasure Fires that emerged from the furnace became even more violent.

At this moment, those pure Yang treasure fires also swept over the magic array crazily. Every time those pure Yang treasure fires burned a wisp of demonic energy, they would become stronger, and the color of those pure Yang treasure fires would become deeper.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also showed his divine power. The third-grade upper-grade Xuanyang treasure lamp he sacrificed soared into the sky, and countless flames roared out, transforming into a huge fire dragon of more than 120 feet.

The third-grade upper-grade Hualei treasure mirror was thousands of feet above the magic array, attracting a black thundercloud, and dozens of magical powers at least comparable to the first-level Jindan cultivators fell from it.

In addition, Ling Pengyun also directly consumed the remaining spiritual power in his body, and continuously activated two of his own life spells "Blue Sea Sky Sword" to kill.

In an instant, Gangsha Old Demon's evil fire burning abyss formation was shaken by this rainstorm-like attack.

Even if Gangsha Old Demon and other demon cultivators wanted to stop them, they were stopped by Yan Siyi and others who spent all their spiritual power and used various powerful means.

In this way, in just a few dozen breaths, the Evil Fire Burning Abyss formation was covered with cracks and on the verge of breaking.

But unfortunately, the magical skills used by Ling Yunhong and Ling Pengqiu consumed a lot of spiritual power, and they also consumed all their spiritual power at this moment. The Pure Yang Furnace and the Swallowing Moon Fire Wolf that they had previously created also disappeared.

The pressure on the Evil Fire Burning Abyss formation was also greatly reduced, and this situation made Gangsha Old Demon secretly relieved.

This formation is his life formation. Once this formation is broken and severely damaged, he himself will also be backlashed.

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