Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 859: Ice Soul Black Phoenix (2000 words, please subscribe)

But this kind of situation is not what Ling Pengyun wants to see.

Although the spiritual power in his body has now bottomed out, with the help of his natal spiritual plant Renshui Lanyuncao, which has entered the realm of golden elixir, the spiritual power in his body has quickly recovered to 70%.

After swallowing a third-level low-grade spirit-reviving elixir, his golden elixir was immediately filled up.

He pinched his hands, and the sound of three swords suddenly resounded in the air, and three blue sword lights immediately hit the crack-filled Shahuo Burning Abyss formation of Old Demon Gangsha.

"Die to me."

In just half a moment, a crisp shattering sound suddenly sounded.

The Evil Fire Burning Abyss Formation also turned into countless fragments and dissipated in smoke.

The old demon Gangsha also suffered from backlash from the formation, and the blood in his body surged, and his consciousness was cramped and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, Ling Pengyun took advantage of his illness to kill him and directly used his strongest trump card.

A spiritual talisman with an astonishing aura and depicting a blue phoenix suddenly appeared from Ling Pengyun's storage bag.

As Ling Pengyun channeled his spiritual power into it, a large swath of ice mist swept out of it, quickly transforming into an ice phoenix that was two hundred feet in size, with its body covered with crystal-like feathers and its eyes full of energy.

Its aura has surpassed the realm of ordinary golden elixir, reaching an aura intensity that is stronger than that of the pseudo-infant realm.

When the phoenix sings, the sound of countless winds echoes between heaven and earth.

It also flapped its wings, looked coldly at Old Demon Gangsha and the others, and disappeared into this world into a stream of light.

"Quasi-fourth level spiritual talisman."

The old demon Gangsha, whose face turned pale due to serious injuries, looked at the incoming stream of light, and his face was suddenly full of fear. He didn't have time to think about it, and he directly used his blood and essence to activate a secret escape technique, and he escaped in half a breath. Tens of thousands of miles of land.

"A mere demon cultivator in the late stage of Golden Core wants to escape with the Ice Soul Black Phoenix Talisman transformed by Master. It is a wishful thinking."

Ling Pengyun looked at the escaped old demon with murderous intent and said something contemptuous.

Previously, the quasi-fourth-level talisman he sacrificed was a life-saving thing given to him by his master, the quasi-fourth-level talisman maker "Bishui Zhenren" in Canglan Bihai Sect, in his early years to deal with the chaos of monsters. .

He has been reluctant to use it over the years. If he hadn't been forced to death by the group of demon cultivators this time, he wouldn't be willing to use it either.

At this time, the ice phoenix transformed into the Ice Soul Black Phoenix Talisman also caught up with the old demon Gangsha who had escaped with the secret escape technique. The old demon Gangsha was in a desperate situation. Although he decisively used various strength-enhancing spells, he The cultivation level of the seventh level of the golden elixir has been temporarily raised to the peak of the ninth level of the golden elixir.

But even so, it still failed to catch the ice phoenix's breath of black ice several times, and was turned into an ice sculpture by the black ice frost.

Its vitality was instantly dissipated in smoke.

And his two golden elixir demon corpses also exploded due to the secret technique, and died here.

As for the ice phoenix, it was as easy as waving its hand to destroy the demon, and it only consumed 30% of its power.

Then, under the control of Ling Pengyun, this phoenix quickly attacked the other four middle-stage Jindan demon cultivators who were stopped by Yan Siyi and others in time, as well as the remaining four Jindan demon corpses.

After more than ten breaths, when the remaining power of this phoenix was exhausted, there were only two middle-stage Jindan demon cultivators left here, and the other demon cultivators and demon corpses all died tragically.

However, the two middle-stage golden elixir demon cultivators were also severely injured by the ice phoenix. Not long after, these two demon cultivators were killed by Yan Siyi and others with concentrated fire.

Ling Pengyun, who had swallowed the next third-level middle-grade spirit-restoring pill and recovered 70% of his spiritual power, saw this and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He also looked at the old demon Gangsha and the other five demon cultivators who were still intact. on top of the body.

"These demon cultivator corpses have strong magic power. Relying on their corpses to refine the demon corpse, the cultivation level that will fall when the demon corpse is formed can also be reduced by about 50%."

"Among these five demon cultivators, there are two who are at the fourth level of the Golden elixir, one who is at the fifth level of the Golden elixir, one who is at the sixth level of the Golden elixir, and one who is at the seventh level of the Golden elixir."

"According to my 100% success rate in refining corpses, after refining them into demon corpses, I estimate that I can get two peak-stage golden elixirs in the early stage, two mid-stage golden elixirs, and one demon corpse at the peak mid-stage golden elixir."

"And with their help, the family's strength can also be improved."

"The magic treasures of the five demon cultivators are of good quality and can be used by the family demon corpses."

"Those shattered remains of the nine demon corpses can also be eaten by the family demon corpses."

"Thinking about it this way, the quasi-fourth-level spiritual talisman used this time is not too bad."

"Hopefully, they have some good stuff in their storage bags."

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong and others cleaned up the corpses of the demon cultivators and the remains of the demon corpses outside the valley.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun and others made a plan and rested for a day in the Cloud-Taking Valley. After using the spiritual energy in the valley to restore their spiritual energy, they each used their escape skills and rushed directly to the Yan Kingdom. In the hinterland, he planned to support Bailingmen and other forces.

After all, Bailing Sect and other forces were still in danger before being chased by eighteen Golden Core Demon Kings including Chiba Lao Xiong, plus millions of low-level demon beasts.

That Liu Haochan of the Tianxing Sect was following the large forces of the Bailing Sect and other forces because of the golden elixir-perfect Chibao Old Bear.

The Ling family's support this time is naturally not well-intentioned. Once the golden elixirs of the Bailingmen and other forces are killed by the monsters such as the Chiba Lao Xiong, the Ling family will also bear the offensive of the monsters such as the Chiba Lao Xiong alone. This is very important to the Ling family. That's not a good thing.

It can be said that the support provided by Ling Pengyun and others this time is for the overall interests of Yan State.

As for the fifteen thousand Qi-training and foundation-building monks in Taoyun Valley, Ling Pengyun arranged to garrison Tayun Valley.

Although the Ling family has many medium-sized flying boats that can carry the low-level cultivators, the speed is still too slow, and the maximum travel time is only tens of thousands of miles a day.

On the other hand, the Ling family and other Jindan can use the escape technique to travel more than 300,000 miles a day.

It is precisely because of this that in just one day, Ling Pengyun and other Jindan caught up with the fleeing Yan Kingdom cultivators and joined the camp to help the large army resist the group of monsters chasing behind.

Liu Haochan looked surprised and asked Ling Pengyun.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, why are you here? Where are the Jindan demon cultivators chasing your Ling family?"

Ling Pengyun replied and focused on the battle.

"They have been killed by my clan."

Liu Haochan and the Jindan of the three forces of Bailingmen, Yaowang Valley, and Qingxin Taoist Temple were also shocked.

After the days of guarding Baiyun City together, they were probably familiar with the means and strength of Ling Pengyun and other Ling family Jindan. It was already good enough for Ling Pengyun and other Ling family Jindan to escape the hands of Gangsha Old Demon and other demon cultivators. It was impossible to kill them.

"This Ling family must have some hidden means."

An idea also emerged in the minds of Liu Haochan and other Jindan, and they also paid more attention to Ling family Jindan.

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