Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 95 New Mission (Please read on)

The next afternoon, Ling Pengyunyu sent Lu Xingye back to the clan mountain "Lingxiao Mountain" safely after five years away.

Lingxiao Mountain is more than 700 feet high, towering into the clouds, and half of the mountain is in the clouds.

The mountain is not only rich in spiritual energy, but also planted with many spiritual plants.

As the Ling clan mountain, Lingxiao Mountain, which has a second-level lower-grade spiritual vein, naturally also has a second-level middle-grade formation. This formation is called "Clouds and Mists Floating Rain Formation". It was purchased from Bailingmen by Ling Yunhong, the patriarch of the Ling clan, after he followed Bailingmen to fight monsters and occupied Lingxiao Mountain several years ago.

This cloud and mist formation is the same as the "Etu Liangyi Formation" of Qingshi Mountain. It is a dual-purpose formation for attack and defense. When defending, it can gather clouds and mist into a cloud and mist light curtain, covering the entire Lingxiao Mountain. With the help of the continuous spiritual energy of the second-level lower-grade spiritual vein of Lingxiao Mountain, even if five cultivators in the early and middle stages of foundation building attack at the same time, it will be difficult to break through without a day.

When this formation attacks, it uses clouds and mist to transform into water-based spells. The formation is fully powerful. Even cultivators in the early stage of foundation building can hardly hold on for ten breaths, and cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building will be seriously injured after ten breaths.

Before going down the mountain five years ago, Ling Pengyun was still a young boy who was a little ignorant of the world of immortal cultivation.

When he returned five years later, not only did his cultivation level rise to the late stage of Qi training, but he also mastered two arts, spiritual plant cultivation and weapon refining. The former was of the first-level middle grade, and the latter was of the first-level low grade. He even had several lives on his hands. Ling Pengyun had learned a thing or two about the cruelty of this world of immortal cultivation.

According to the family's rules, after returning to the family mountain, the clan members who went out to work for the family must go to the family's general affairs hall and register their garrison situation with the elder who manages the general affairs hall.

Lingxiao Mountain, General Affairs Hall.

Ling Pengyun brought the flying little Feng Yingpeng with him, and ordered the green leaves under his feet to land outside the general affairs hall, and walked into the general affairs hall.

"Eleventh great-grandfather, I'm back!" Ling Pengyun looked slightly happy, and greeted Ling Ruda, who was flipping through the account book and turning the abacus at the counter of the general affairs hall.

Ling Ruda, who was calculating the family's expenditures last month, heard the call and immediately raised his head. Seeing Ling Pengyun appear in front of him, his expression moved slightly. He activated his spiritual sense to scan Ling Pengyun and found that Ling Pengyun's aura was strong and not as empty as a few months ago. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said.

"It seems that the Earth Spring Spirit Milk you bought at the Huaishui auction has taken effect. This little Fengyingpeng was hatched by the Fengyingpeng egg you bought at the Huaishui auction."

Ling Pengyun was not surprised that Ling Ruda knew about the "Earth Spring Spirit Milk" and "Fengyingpeng Spirit Egg". When the two spiritual objects were auctioned, the clan leader Ling Yunhong was by his side. It was normal for Ling Ruda, who was "both a teacher and a close great-grandfather" of Ling Pengyun, to be told by Ling Yunhong about these things.

Ling Pengyun replied. "Yes, it was hatched by that spirit egg."

"According to the time calculation, your Peng bird may have hatched not long ago, but now I see that the internal force in this bird is strong. I am afraid that within half a year, it will be able to break through to the Qi training realm. I think the innate cultivation of this Peng bird was extremely high when it hatched?" Ling Ruda turned his head to look at the basin-sized Fengying Peng that landed at Ling Pengyun's feet and followed Ling Pengyun closely. He asked with a slightly surprised look.

"This Peng bird of my eleventh great-grandfather hatched with innate perfect cultivation." Ling Pengyun replied with a little complacency and a smile.

"This aptitude is not bad. It is worthy of you to spend so many spirit stones to buy it. If you cultivate it well in the future, the aptitude of this Peng bird is enough to become a great help to you after it grows up. Some time ago, the clan leader tried to step into the alchemy path and refined a lot of first-level pills, among which there was a batch of first-level inferior spiritual feeding pills. Do you want to buy some?" Ling Ruda thought of something and asked again.

When Ling Pengyun heard the word "Feeding Spirit Pill", his expression suddenly brightened. Like Qi-training Pill and Huangya Pill, Feeding Spirit Pill is a cultivation pill, but this Feeding Spirit Pill is specially developed for monsters. After taking it, monsters can improve their cultivation.

The appearance of Feeding Spirit Pill means that the little Feng Yingpeng will enter the realm of Qi training faster, and can also enter a higher realm faster in the future, becoming his means of transportation and his helper.

According to Ling Pengyun's plan, after returning to the clan this time, he will buy a few first-level low-grade spiritual fruits for Feng Yingpeng to take, but now that he has this Feeding Spirit Pill, he doesn't need to buy spiritual fruits, after all, the price of spiritual fruits is expensive.

"Of course I have to buy some, eleventh great-grandfather, I wonder how many contribution points are there for the Feeding Spirit Pill in the General Affairs Hall?" Ling Pengyun asked as a second choice.

"Same as the Qi-training Pill, three contribution points for two." Ling Ruda replied, then took out a thick book from the storage bag on his waist, flipped through it, and said. "Now you only have 29 contribution points left in your account."

The price of spiritual objects in the General Affairs Hall is cheaper than in the outside world, but these spiritual objects can only be purchased with contribution points, and contribution points are obtained by completing tasks for the family.

Ling Pengyun's contribution points are additional rewards from the family for stationing in Qingshi Mountain. He stationed in Qingshi Mountain and managed six acres of spiritual fields for five years, earning 50 contribution points.

However, during these five years, Ling Pengyun once asked Ling Rufan, who was delivering the offerings, to use contribution points to buy three first-level high-quality spiritual fruits worth seven contribution points from the General Affairs Hall, leaving only 29 contribution points.

"Then use 27 total contribution points to buy 18 spiritual pills." Ling Pengyun gritted his teeth and spoke.

"After buying eighteen Spirit Feeding Pills, if you still have two contribution points left on your account, I will round them up and reduce your contribution points by one, allowing you to buy two more Spirit Feeding Pills, for a total of twenty. All the contribution points from your account will be deducted," Ling Ruda said with a smile.

After saying that, Ling Ruda picked up eight medicine bottles with the words "Feeding Pill" written on them from the area where bottles and cans were placed on the long counter in the general affairs hall and handed them to Ling Pengyun.

"Thank you, great-grandfather." Ling Pengyun took the medicine bottle with a slightly happy expression, and turned his hand to Ling Ruda to thank him for reducing his contribution points to purchase the Spirit Feeding Pill.

"It's a small matter, have you dealt with the affairs of Qingshi Mountain with that kid from Pengliang?" Ling Ruda waved his hand and asked.

"Everything has been handed over to the sixteenth brother." Ling Pengyun said.

Ling Ruda smiled. "That's good. The family is now short of manpower. The family plans to send you to Yunshui County to take care of Lingyun Mountain, the family's original place."

"There are three reasons for sending you. First, you must be aware of what happened to the Yang family in Pingyun, Huaishuifang City last year. The family sent you to Yunshui County mainly because of your relationship with the man who is about to marry in Bailingmen. Yang Siling, the descendant of the real person Lingfu, is related, and I want you to get closer to the Yang family in this capacity. The Yang family's Bailingmen Jindan supporter has just entered the Jindan family and has hundreds of years to live. The Yang family will definitely take advantage of this If we take this opportunity to develop freely, it will be a great benefit for our family to board this fast ship.”

"Secondly, your success rate in refining weapons is not low now, but the magical weapons you can refine are all only first-class low-grade magical weapons after all. After all, the first-class low-grade magical weapons are of lower grade, even in Huaishuifang City. , not many monks will buy it, and the sales speed is slow. Only the first-level mid-grade magic weapons refined by Yun'an are easier to sell."

"The purpose of sending you to Yunshui County is to let you refine magic weapons and sell them in the Lingxiao Sundry Hall opened by your parents in Yunshuifang City. Although there are many people in Yunwu Market, there are also some Many casual cultivators with lower cultivation levels put you and Yun An in two baskets respectively, so that the family can make more money in addition to the magic weapon. "

"Thirdly, the Eighth Brother who was originally stationed in Lingyun Mountain and managed the spiritual plants in the mountain, that is, your eighth great ancestor Ling Rucong, is now one hundred and eight years old. His life span is not long, and he should live a peaceful old age. "

"I wonder if you are willing to take this job?"

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