Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 96 Ling Qiu

The monks who completed the garrison mission could have rested for a year and worked for the family, so Ling Ruda did not force him, but asked.

Ling Pengyun did not have any objection to Ling Ruda's proposal, but was very happy because his parents were both in Yunshuifang City, Yunshui County. If he went to Lingyun Mountain, the original tribe mountain in Yunshui County, he would also You can often go to Yunshuifang City to visit your parents.

"I'll take the matter." Ling Pengyun responded without any hesitation.

Ling Ruda had already expected it when he saw Ling Pengyun agreeing so readily. "You don't need to rush to succeed your eighth great-grandfather. On the second day of February this year, your Yang family's cousin Yang Siling and Wu Yan, a descendant of Bailingmen Jindan, can also go with your parents to participate and promote it. The feelings between you.”

"These ten white jade grasses are the wedding gifts that the family has prepared for your family to give to Yang Siling. It is true that you are related, but after all, your surname is Ling, not from her Yang family. There are some interests in the relationship. If the family has any If it’s difficult, it’s better to use your family’s channels to seek help from Yang Siling.”

"As for the one hundred and sixty-eight spiritual stones, two hundred and forty kilograms of white jade spiritual rice, and six first-level top-grade cultivation elixirs Qingling Dan in this storage bag, they are your offerings for the next year. One of them You need 100 materials to refine the green bamboo sword and round iron shield, and you need to refine the magic weapon according to the success rate of 50% and 40%. If you successfully refine a magic weapon, you will still get five spiritual stones. "

"Lingyun Mountain in Yunshui County is too far away from the family mountain and is difficult to transport, so we offer it for one year at a time. As for the offerings you will make when stationed at Lingyun Mountain in the next four years, your fifteenth grandfather, who is in charge of the family's fleet, will send it to you. for you."

After saying this, Ling Ruda handed over ten jade lock boxes and a storage bag.

When Ling Pengyun heard this, he was shocked about the matter of White Jade Grass.

White Jade Grass is not an ordinary thing. White Jade Grass is the main ingredient for refining the first-level high-grade healing medicine White Jade Pill.

This medicine is extremely pampered. If there is any abnormality during the growth process, it will easily wither. If it is planted artificially, it will be even more difficult. It requires the daily care of a first-level spiritual planter before it can be successfully planted.

Moreover, this medicine needs to be cultivated for twenty years before it reaches maturity. As a member of the Lingzhi family, the Ling family would not be able to grow much of this white jade grass.

It is precisely because it is difficult to plant white jade grass in large areas, and there are very few white jade grasses on the market. This indirectly makes the price of this medicine extremely high. One plant can cost at least fifty spiritual stones, and ten plants can be worth five hundred yuan. Spiritual stone.

This value is several times higher than his annual salary.

"The family is willing to give it up." Ling Pengyun secretly praised.

Ling Pengyun has no objection to the family's commission for refining weapons. His success rate in refining the green bamboo sword has reached 70%, and his success rate in refining the round iron shield has also reached Four percent.

After he reached out and took the ten jade boxes, he put them into the storage bag at his waist. The storage bag filled with spiritual objects was put into Ling Pengyun's arms.

As for what Ling Ruda said just now, Ling Pengyun also fully agreed. Although he and Yang Siling were cousins, Yang Siling would definitely help with small things, but if it escalated to the point of endangering Yang Siling's own interests, Yang Siling would definitely consider it.

If there are interests involved, things will be easier to handle.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Ruda chatted for a while and discussed Ling Zhi. By the way, Ling Ruda, a strong man who had perfected Qi training, also gave guidance to Ling Pengyun on the problems he encountered in his cultivation.

As for the improved spiritual rice, it was not yet certain, and Ling Pengyun did not say anything. After all, the improved spiritual rice was still a seed. Even if Ling Ruda showed it, he would not see any changes.

According to Ling Pengyun's plan, he would inform others only after determining whether the improved spiritual rice was an excellent variety.

After the discussion was over, Ling Pengyun considered that he had to go to Lingyun Mountain in Yunshui County to sit down. The family there did not have much power and might cause trouble at night on weekdays, so he used the 160 yuan he had just acquired to Eighteen spiritual stones, as well as the only 400 spiritual stones in the storage bag obtained from last year's mineral vein dividends, I spent 440 spiritual stones in the general affairs hall to buy two magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense.

After buying these magic weapons, he can go down to Lingxiao Mountain, use Lu Xingye to fly in the right direction.

Five days after Ling Pengyun left, the entire Ling family's children who had inspired the spiritual stone test this year, including those in ordinary villages and towns, were all sent to the door of the "Ling Family Ancestral Temple", the core building halfway up Lingxiao Mountain.

Although these children can activate spirit-detecting stones, it is certain that they all contain spiritual roots. However, the properties of their spiritual roots have not yet been determined. This requires the use of a second-level "spiritual-detecting array" test to know.

The Ling family's only second-level spirit detection array is located in the Ling family's ancestral temple. This array was purchased from Bailingmen at a high price when the Ling family founded the clan in the early years.

This is precisely to know the spiritual root attributes of a monk accurately, so as to choose the most suitable method for your spiritual root.

In order to prevent these children from having some strong spiritual roots such as Heavenly Spiritual Roots or Double Spiritual Roots, causing rumors and being feared by other clans.

Therefore, every year, the Spirit Detection Array is used to test the spiritual roots, one by one, and there is a first-level high-grade God Separation Array in the ancestral temple. Even the foundation-building monks cannot detect it with their spiritual sense in a short time. The situation inside the ancestral temple.

At this time.

Outside the ancestral temple, there were two boys, one girl, three young children, and Ling Jinda, the elder of the Ling family. There was no one else around, and the door of the ancestral temple was open.

Ling Ruda, the elder of the Ling family, who was standing outside the gate of the ancestral temple, saw that the three children who registered this year with spiritual roots had all arrived, and then he spoke.

"I am Ling Ruda, the elder of the Ling family, and I am the thirteenth in the Ru generation. You are all in the Peng generation. You can call me the eleventh great-grandfather in the future."

"The first one to enter the ancestral temple to use the spirit test array to test the spiritual roots is Ling Qiu from Qingshi Mountain."

Ling Qiu, one of the three children, was a little nervous when he heard himself being called.

Although he was the only one born in the mortal world among the three people who had spiritual roots this year, he had been brought to Lingxiao Mountain by the elder "Ling Ruda" using the fairy crane a day ago, and entered the clan school to learn about the knowledge of the world of immortal cultivation for a day.

Through this day's study, he also understood that having spiritual roots is indeed a happy thing for mortals, but for a cultivator, if he cannot have good spiritual roots, it is not a happy thing. That feeling is better than being a mortal who knows nothing.

"Ling Qiu, don't be nervous, go in quickly." Ling Ruda, who was guarding outside the ancestral temple, saw Ling Qiu's nervous expression and spoke to comfort him.

Ling Qiu nodded slightly after hearing the urging, and then walked into the gate of the ancestral temple.

As soon as he entered the ancestral temple, the heavy door that was open was also closed by Ling Ruda using his spiritual power.

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