Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 97: A Small Battle in the Wilderness (Please Read)

Within the ancestral temple.

Ling Yunxi, the fifth elder of the Ling family who was in charge of this spirit detection array and the first-level mid-level array mage, saw Ling Qiu entering the ancestral temple. He put up a smile on his face and said hello.

"My child, I am Ling Yunxi, the fifth elder of the Ling family. I am the fifteenth in the Yunzi generation. You can call me the fifteenth grandma, and quickly enter the formation."

After saying this, Ling Yunxi pointed to the ground in front of her.

There was a white circle about a foot wide on the ground. The white circle was filled with dense array patterns. In the center of the white circle, there were five one-foot-long white jade stone pillars in five different directions.

The young Ling Qiu looked curiously at the red circle in front of him that was said to be the formation, and slowly stepped into it.

As soon as Ling Qiu entered the formation, Ling Yunxi summoned a special formation disk made of jade from the storage bag and injected spiritual power into the formation disk.

"Array up." Ling Yunxi groaned.

All the formations in the white circle where Ling Qiu was standing suddenly flashed with light, floated out from the ground, and passed through Ling Qiu's body one after another.

As soon as the three breaths passed, in the center of the formation, two of the five jade pillars burst out with bright red and earthy auras from the bottom. The two pillars shone with auras of different lengths.

"Nine inches of fire spirit, three inches of earth spirit, two spiritual roots of fire and earth, good!"

"Including this child, our Ling clan has three dual spiritual root monks, and two of them are the youngest members of the Peng generation in the clan. Coupled with Peng Yun, who has transcendent understanding, our Ling clan is really going to Thrive."

Ling Yunxi looked at the length of the twinkling auras on the two jade pillars within the spirit detection array, with a look of joy on her face and laughed to herself.

And Ling Qiu, who was in the spirit detection array, heard what Ling Yunxi said, and his heart suddenly became extremely excited.

Dual Spiritual Roots are considered geniuses among ordinary monks. Not only does their cultivation progress very quickly, but they also have a 10% chance of breaking through the foundation building.

As for the top geniuses in the world of cultivating immortals, it is really rare to have a single "Heavenly Spiritual Root". They can only be born within those big Jindan clans or large sects.

During this brief moment of Ling Qiu's joy, Ling Yunxi also calmed down, with a slightly solemn look on her face, and warned Ling Qiu. "In the future, you must not tell anyone else that you have twin spiritual roots, not even your parents. Do you understand?"

Ling Qiu, who was only eight years old, didn't understand why Ling Yunxi did what he did, but looking at Ling Yunxi's solemn look, he also guessed that the matter of the two spiritual roots was probably not the same thing. Fortunately, he quickly nodded in agreement.


When Ling Yunxi heard the answer, her expression relaxed, a smile appeared on her face again, and she asked.

"You must be Ling Qiu, the only mortal born person with spiritual roots in the clan this year."

"Yes, the fifteenth grandma." Ling Qiu's expression darkened a bit when he heard this, and he slowly lowered his head.

After he entered the clan school yesterday, many children whose parents were monks who studied with him in the clan school did not think highly of him and called him a "countryman". There were only a few monks with the same secular birth as him. , only then can we have a plain communication with him, which can be regarded as a group to keep warm.

Under such circumstances, the young Ling Qiu was somewhat self-conscious about his mortal status.

Ling Yunxi saw the look on Ling Qiu's face when she responded, and immediately understood, a cruel look flashed in her eyes, and she secretly said. "Those children in the clan who have ideological problems should also be rectified."

"Now that you have found out what your spiritual roots are, you should also be given the character generation. You belong to the family and are now the Peng character generation among the four character generations of Ru, Yun, Xiao and Peng. From now on, you will be named Ling Pengqiu. In the Peng character Ranked twenty-seventh in his generation," Ling Yunxi said.

The smile on Ling Pengqiu's face became even brighter when he heard that he had been given the title. Among the nearly 100,000 mortals in the entire Ling family, only a few mortals who had made great contributions to the clan had the title.

As a member of the Ling clan, I am also proud to have obtained the title.

"Thank you, Grandma Fifteen, for giving me the name." Ling Pengqiu said to Ling Yunxi according to the etiquette learned in clan studies.

Ling Yunxi waved her hand, fired a burst of spiritual power, opened the door of the ancestral temple, and said. "If you have a spiritual root, you should have a character. There is no such thing as a gift. Now go out. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

Ling Pengqiu nodded lightly and walked obediently towards the outside of the ancestral temple.

Ling Ruda, who had been staying outside the ancestral temple, saw Ling Pengqiu walking out of the ancestral temple and immediately called the children into the ancestral temple.

"The next person to enter the ancestral temple and use the spirit detection array to test the spiritual roots is Ling Ting."

After about half a cup of tea, after the last child with spiritual roots was tested, Ling Yunxi walked out of the ancestral temple with the child, found Ling Ruda who was guarding the door of the ancestral temple, and brought him in. Inside the ancestral temple.

As soon as he entered the ancestral temple, Ling Yunxi said to Ling Ruda with excitement on his face. "Uncle Eleven, among this group of children this year, another one has twin spiritual roots."

Hearing this, Ling Ruda was very happy and hurriedly asked. "Who is it?"

"That Ling Pengqiu is the Ling Qiu who was found to have spiritual roots by Peng Yun." Ling Yunxi said.

"It turns out to be this person. No wonder when Pengyun left the Clan Mountain and went to Yunshui County, he told me that when Ling Qiu awakened his spiritual roots, the spiritual light of the spiritual stone flashed abnormally." Ling Ruda said with a smile, Then his face gradually became serious.

“However, the matter of Peng Qiu’s spiritual root needs to be hidden, otherwise if other families find out that there are so many talented people among the younger generation of Lingxiao Ling family, they may secretly attack these people. "

Ling Yunxi agreed. "Uncle Eleven, I understand. I have warned Peng Qiu just now."

On the other side.

Although Ling Pengyun has the flying magic weapon Green Leaf to help him travel more than 1,500 miles a day, Yunshui County is too far away. After five days of traveling, he has just entered Yuanqing County occupied by Huxiao Liu.

That night, Ling Pengyun used the flying magic weapon for a long time to travel, which consumed nearly 70% of his inner alchemy. Considering that he was in the outside world and might encounter danger, in order to retain some strength, Ling Pengyun used the Qi-Viewing Technique to observe the surroundings and landed on a barren mountain that stretched for several miles.

In this barren mountain, he found a relatively hidden place and opened a small cave about ten feet long.

Before entering the cave, he first ordered the little Fengying Peng who had been following him to land on a tree branch around the small cave to be alert.

Although Feng Yingpeng is famous for its speed, the Peng bird family has good eyesight. Even in the dark night, the eyesight of the Peng bird will not be affected too much.

After doing this, Ling Pengyun walked into the newly opened small cave with peace of mind. He first absorbed the power of the moonlight for a while, then took out a small jade bottle from the storage bag, poured out several taels of fruit flower honey from it, and swallowed it into his stomach.

Then, he closed his eyes, practiced the skills, and refined the spiritual energy contained in the fruit flower honey in his stomach to restore the spiritual power of the Dantian.

As the night deepened, the surroundings became more silent.

When it was Chou time, Feng Yingpeng, who was standing on a branch of a tree outside the cave, suddenly shook, and his sharp eyes looked at a valley hundreds of feet away.

Less than half a breath later, a red light suddenly appeared in the valley, and a huge bombardment sounded.

Seeing such changes hundreds of feet away, the hair on the neck of Xiao Fengyingpeng quickly stood up. He immediately used the master recognition restriction in his body that was connected to Ling Pengyun to inform Ling Pengyun, who was practicing in the cave, of the unusual movement.

Ling Pengyun raised his eyebrows slightly after receiving the signal, and immediately stopped the practice, stood up quickly, tried his best to gather the breath on his body, and then stepped out of the cave.

He followed Xiao Fengyingpeng's guidance and turned his head to look. Because it was dark and too far away, Ling Pengyun couldn't see clearly for a while, so he cast the Qi-seeing technique and blessed his eyes.

With the blessing of the Qi-seeing technique, the dark environment was as if nothing was there, and he could immediately see what the unusual movement Xiao Fengyingpeng said was.

In the valley where the unusual movement was reported, there were three monks wearing black clothes and black veils covering their bodies, each controlling a magic weapon to besiege a middle-aged man in a linen Taoist robe.

Although the middle-aged man in the hemp robe was not weak, he was still struggling under the simultaneous attack of three magic weapons thrown by three evil cultivators.

However, whenever this man was at a disadvantage, he would throw out a talisman to relieve the pressure and stabilize the situation.

The sudden fire in the valley just now was caused by the several rocket talismans thrown by the middle-aged man.

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