Literary Master 1978

Chapter 136 Dimensionality reduction attack

In order to strengthen his persuasiveness, Lin Chaoyang accidentally said something wrong, and Zhang Dening immediately noticed something wrong.

"You also contributed to "Harvest"?"

"This..." Lin Chaoyang hesitated for a moment and said, "It was all in the past, and the novels have been published."

"Which one? Why haven't I read it?" Zhang Dening asked anxiously.

"I didn't use the pen name 'Xu Lingjun', I used 'Wang Qinglai'."

Wang Qinglai?

Zhang Dening's mind quickly flashed through the magazines and novels she had read, her face was a little shocked, and her tone was trembling.

"Qiu Ju Goes to Court?"

"Parental Love?"

Lin Chaoyang was surprised, "Great! Did you also read the one published in Shanghai Literature and Art?"

Zhang Dening said angrily, "Stop smiling at me!"

She questioned, "This year, our royalties are not as high as others, I admit it. Why don't you give us Qiu Ju Goes to Court? Do you still regard me as a friend?"

"Friends are friends, of course." Lin Chaoyang said slowly.

His statement made Zhang Dening feel a little better, but she still felt uncomfortable. It turned out that she had missed so many of Lin Chaoyang's manuscripts without knowing it.

"Wreaths under the Mountains", "Qiu Ju Goes to Court", "Parental Love", and the novel given to Contemporary

Zhang Dening kept repeating like Xianglin Sao: "You are not a good friend!"

Lin Chaoyang shook his head, "Friends are friends, but you can't give up the royalties for friends!"

She stared at Lin Chaoyang, trying to find a few words to refute him, but after thinking for a long time, she was bored.

In the final analysis, the money was not enough.

"It's just the royalties!"

She said unwillingly, with a tone of self-consolation and helplessness of "it's just half a fart".

After chatting for a while, Zhang Dening left with a full heart of depression and melancholy.

On another Monday, Yin Falu was teaching the common sense of ancient Chinese cultural history in the Chinese Department, and Lin Chaoyang went to take another class.

The situation of the Chinese Department of 1977 is special. I entered the school in February 1978, and now it is the first semester of the third academic year.

In the third year, many people have become old hands, and the phenomenon of absenteeism is increasing. There are many people who come to Yin Falu's class, basically because of his reputation.

Some people fell asleep halfway through the class. The students in the Chinese Department are all literary youths, but not all of them are history fans.

Lin Chaoyang was very interested in the class. He read Chinese classical literature and didn't understand many things. It was because he didn't have a deep understanding of ancient culture and history.

Although he would always ask Wu Zuxiang for advice, he only had a superficial understanding and was not systematic. Yin Falu's general knowledge class could make up for his shortcomings in this regard.

After the class, Lin Chaoyang was about to go back to the library when he ran into Hong Zicheng who had just finished teaching the 79th grade Chinese Department next door.

"Brother Zicheng!"

Lin Chaoyang greeted Hong Zicheng and the two chatted as they walked.

Hong Zicheng asked, "I heard you bought a house?"

"Yes." Lin Chaoyang said truthfully.

Hong Zicheng looked envious, "I really envy the royalties you get for writing novels."

"You get a lot of royalties for writing reviews."

"I can't publish two articles a year, which is far behind you." Hong Zicheng shook his head.

Hong Zicheng is now middle-aged and is the backbone of the Chinese Department of Yanda University. His income is not bad in today's society, but his situation is very embarrassing.

These middle-aged lecturers and associate professors do not have the academic status and accumulation of professors, so their treatment is naturally much worse. They all live in the tube building to the east of the student dormitory.

This condition is not bad for young lecturers. It is not bad for a young couple or a family with young children to squeeze into a house of more than ten square meters. After all, everyone is like this now.

But when Hong Zicheng is this age, there are many children and they are old, so the situation becomes embarrassing.

It is even more difficult to change a house, so you can only wait. If you want to buy a house, your income is a little short. Even if the income is enough, who can easily give up the free house in the school?

It's like a carrot hanging in front of the donkey pulling the mill. It's not good to eat it or not to eat it.

Lin Chaoyang is also a faculty member of Yanda University. He can buy a house just by saying that it is not just because of his high income.

In recent years, it is common for couples to work in universities. Many families have a high income, but many people just can't change the concept of "waiting", "relying on" and "asking for".

This concept certainly cannot be said to be problematic, because the current social environment is like this. It can only be said that people have limitations, even those with high knowledge.

On the other hand, Lin Chaoyang has never thought of relying on the school, and things have become simpler.

When he has money, he buys a house, and his behavior is free and unconventional.

Of course, spending money is another matter.

Hong Zicheng had only heard that Lin Chaoyang bought a house before, and didn't know where the house was bought.

The two chatted about the house for a few words. He asked where the house was bought. Lin Chaoyang said it was an overseas Chinese apartment. Hong Zicheng was immediately surprised: "It's all sold to overseas Chinese, right? They all say it's expensive!"

"It's not that exaggerated. It just happened that an overseas Chinese was anxious to sell a house."

Hong Zicheng shook his head and sighed again: "It's because you publish a lot of novels that you don't think it's exaggerated."

Lin Chaoyang smiled, and Hong Zicheng added: "Let me know when you move, and I'll warm up a pot."


When he returned to the library, Lin Chaoyang received a registered letter from the editorial department of "Shanghai Literature and Art".

It turned out that his article "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" published in "Shanghai Literature and Art" at the end of the previous year was also selected for the National Outstanding Short Story Award and won the second prize.

The award ceremony for the National Outstanding Short Story Award will be held on March 26. Lin Chaoyang’s mailing address is in Yanjing. The letter from the editorial department is to inform him to contact the editorial department of Yanjing’s “People’s Literature” in advance, and it is also enclosed with the letter. Letter of certification.

Lin Chaoyang was calm when he heard the news that "The Wrangler" won the award, mainly because he had already expected it, but the award for "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" was really a bit beyond his expectation.

This novel has received a good response since it was published, but its influence is not that high. It is a bit of an unexpected surprise to win the award.

Lin Chaoyang felt happy at the thought of getting two more royalties and bonuses.

A few days later, Tao Yushu got up early that morning, found Lin Chaoyang's navy blue tunic suit, and ironed it twice with an iron.

After Lin Chaoyang put it on, he felt stiff and energetic.

"Brother-in-law, you are so handsome!" Tao Yumo gave Lin Chaoyang a thumbs up and flattered him.

I don’t know since when, the young people around me started to use the word “handsome” to describe a man’s appearance. It is said that people in Xiangjiang and Wandao say so.

"Uncle is so handsome!"

Tao Xiwen also joined in the fun, making the adults laugh.

Today is the day when the National Outstanding Short Story Award is awarded. Tao Yushu gave Lin Chaoyang a good meal before he left the house under the eager eyes of the Tao family.

Lin Chaoyang rode his bicycle all the way to the center of Yanjing. The disadvantage of living in Yanjing University was that it would take too much time to enter the city.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, he finally entered the People's Hall with his work permit, letter of introduction and certification.

Entering the venue, Lin Chaoyang saw Cui Daoyi waving to him.

"You're so energetic in planning!" Cui Daoyi joked as soon as they met.

Lin Chaoyang smiled nonchalantly and said, "Accept the award!"

He looked around again and saw that many people were already in the venue.

Today is the awarding ceremony for the National Outstanding Short Story Award. The venue is the People's Hall. The scene is grand and the guest lineup is even more important.

In addition to the more than 20 highly respected senior members of the domestic literary circle on the judging panel, there are also many cultural officials, well-known writers, editors-in-chief of publications, senior editors, critics and reporters.

At this moment, there is still half an hour before the award ceremony begins, and there are already more than a hundred people sitting in the venue.

Many of them were still chatting with acquaintances, and there was a thriving and harmonious scene in the venue.

"The awards will be awarded later. Everyone will be surprised!"

Cui Daoyi said jokingly, with a sense of schadenfreude in his tone.

Yesterday, Lin Chaoyang just went to the editorial office of "People's Literature". He is the author of "Wrangler" and will be awarding an award soon. It is normal to go to the editorial office to report. Cui Daoyi and others were not surprised to see him.

Then Lin Chaoyang took out the letter sent to him by "Shanghai Literature and Art" and explained the situation, which shocked everyone in the editorial department.

"The Wrangler" and "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" were both written by Lin Chaoyang?

Xu Lingjun and Wang Qinglai are both Lin Chaoyang?

The huge impact caused everyone to fall into a state of speechlessness. They rushed to ask Lin Chaoyang what was going on, and finally even alarmed the editor-in-chief Zhang Guangnian.

It is not unusual for a writer to have two pen names. Not to mention those famous writers who often had dozens of pen names during the Republic of China. Nowadays, many people like to give themselves a few more pen names.

But what is strange is that the works written by Lin Chaoyang under two pen names were shortlisted for this National Outstanding Short Story Award. Who dares to say that this is not a sign of extraordinary literary talent?

Cui Daoyi thought about the shocking scene in his editorial department yesterday, and couldn't help but look forward to the reaction of the people in the venue today when they learned the news.

Lin Chaoyang chatted with Cui Daoyi for a few words and then sat down in his seat.

His seat is in the fourth row, surrounded by this year's award-winning writers.

Lin Chaoyang saw several familiar faces inside, all of whom he would recognize later in life. His eyes swept across a face that he would not only recognize in later generations, but also recognize now.

Liu Xinwu also saw Lin Chaoyang. He jumped two seats and sat next to Lin Chaoyang.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while. Liu Xinwu chatted enthusiastically with Lin Chaoyang for a while, and introduced several award-winning writers to Lin Chaoyang.

Zhang Jie from "Who Lives Better", Deng Youmei from "Talking about Tao Ran Ting", Feng Jicai from "Carved Pipe", Jiang Zilong from "Director Qiao's Taking Over"...

There are 27 winning works in this National Outstanding Short Story Award, and the award-winning authors also cover three generations of writers, old, middle and young.

Old comrades include Ru Zhijuan, Wang Meng, Gao Xiaosheng, etc.; young and powerful comrades include Jiang Zilong, Mu Guozheng, Cheng Zhongshi, Zhang Jie, Liu Xinwu, etc.; young authors also include Chen Shixu, Aikbal Mijiti, Lin Chaoyang, etc. people.

Lin Chaoyang is the youngest among more than 20 award-winning writers, but if we talk about his achievements in literary creation, he has surpassed many people present.

Liu Xinwu became famous early and knew many people. When he introduced Lin Chaoyang to the award-winning writers, everyone was amazed at Lin Chaoyang's age.

Among the award-winning writers present, even the younger ones such as Aikebaier Mijiti and Mu Guozheng were 26 or 27 years old.

Moreover, most of these people only have one work to their credit, and the influence of their works is not great enough.

Lin Chaoyang is only 21 years old this year, but he has written "The Shepherd", "The Little Shoes" and "The Wreath under the Mountain", which have a wide influence across the country. Compared with these young writers around him, it really feels like a dimensionality reduction attack.

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