Literary Master 1978

Chapter 137 Is Xiaolin going to the Literature Institute?

Time passed by little by little, and when it was almost half past nine, the award ceremony was about to begin. Several directors, deputy directors and leaders of the jury walked onto the podium.

The director of this jury was Mao Dun, and there were three deputy directors, namely Zhou Yang, Ba Jin and Liu Baiyu. There were also Zhang Guangnian and others from the jury.

After several people came on stage, Mr. Mao Dun gave a speech first. The old man is now the leader of the jury and the director of this jury, so it is reasonable for him to give the opening speech.

"As the director of the award committee, I have done very little work. I would like to state that I have only seen a small number of works because of my poor eyesight. Most of the work was done by other comrades, and I have only heard many reports.

I think this award is very good. Among the 27 comrades who won the award, there are old and middle-aged people, but the vast majority are young people who started writing after the Buzz Buzz Buzz. They are new forces and the future successors of our literary career.

They have taken the first step in the Long March in literature and art. I believe that among these people, there will be the future Lu Xun..."

When Mao Dun said this, Zhang Guangnian on the side interrupted: "It will also produce the future Mao Dun."

There was a burst of laughter in the venue, and the originally serious atmosphere became relaxed and lively because of his jokes.

Lu, Guo, Mao, Ba, Lao Cao, after so many years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, whether it is Lu Xun or Mao Dun, their status in modern and contemporary literature has long been established.

Mao Dun did not mind his interruption at all, and continued to speak with a smile, and then Zhou Yang, Zhang Guangnian and others spoke.

After the speech, it was time to present the awards. The names were called out on the stage, and the writers below came on stage one by one, receiving the award certificates and souvenirs from Mao Dun, Ba Jin and other award presenters, and then took photos.

Although the awards were divided into first, second and third prizes, everyone went on stage together when presenting the awards.

Lin Chaoyang went on stage with the award-winning writers and stood in the middle. His "The Shepherd" was the work with the highest reader votes and expert support this year, so Mao Dun was the first to present the award to him, and then the guests behind him presented the awards to others.

Everyone was busy presenting awards. Ding Ling looked around the stage with the award certificate in her hand for two circles, but couldn't find the target, so she asked: "Is Comrade Wang Qinglai here?"

Zhang Guangnian, who had just finished presenting the award at the other end of the team, immediately ran over and pulled Ding Ling to Lin Chaoyang, "Just give it to him."

Ding Ling was a little stunned, "Receive it on behalf of others?"

Zhang Guangnian laughed and said, "What do you mean by receiving it on behalf of others? He is the author!"

Hearing this, Ding Ling was immediately surprised.

When the people around heard Zhang Guangnian's words, they all looked over. Their eyes first stayed on the certificate in Ding Ling's hand for two seconds. It was indeed written with the name of the award-winning writer "Wang Qinglai".

Wang Qinglai is Lin Chaoyang?

Then everyone's eyes were on the certificate in Lin Chaoyang's hand.

Xu Lingjun and Wang Qinglai are both Lin Chaoyang?

What's going on?

This sudden situation shocked everyone on the stage. The guests under the rostrum could not hear clearly what Zhang Guangnian said just now. They only saw everyone collectively saluting Lin Chaoyang with shocked expressions on their faces. This strange situation immediately attracted everyone's attention and discussion.

Everyone on the stage was watching the excitement, and the audience was buzzing constantly, which suddenly made the originally harmonious and smooth situation in the venue messy.

The organization of the National Excellent Short Story Award is the responsibility of the editorial department of "People's Literature". Seeing that the scene was a bit chaotic, Zhang Guangnian stepped forward and bent down to hold the microphone.

"Hey, hey, hey! Everyone, be quiet for a moment, and maintain the discipline of the venue."

Zhang Guangnian's control restored the order in the venue temporarily, and the award ceremony on the stage continued.

After everyone received the awards, it was time for a group photo. After taking the photo, Lin Chaoyang was left on the stage by Zhang Guangnian.

"Just now, there was a little episode on the stage, and everyone must be very curious.

Let me explain to everyone, you saw that Comrade Chaoyang got two certificates, right?

One is the certificate for "The Shepherd", and the other is the certificate for "Qiu Ju Goes to Court".

Because these two works were written by Comrade Chaoyang, "Xu Lingjun" and "Wang Qinglai" are Comrade Chaoyang's pen names."

As soon as Zhang Guangnian finished speaking, the venue was roaring, and hundreds of guests were all shocked on the spot.

It is not uncommon for a writer to have two pen names, but in one award, two pen names and two works won awards, and they were national awards. Such deeds are too legendary, and anyone who hears them will be shocked.

The National Excellent Short Story Award is the first national literary award in New China. The organizers are authoritative organizations such as the China Association of Literary and Art Circles and People's Literature. The jury includes literary masters such as Mao Dun and Ba Jin.

Even among the award winners, there are famous writers such as Ru Zhijuan, Deng Youmei, Wang Meng, and Gao Xiaosheng.

It is already a rare thing for ordinary people to be included in the award, and it is almost certain that they will have a place in the Chinese literary world in the future.

But who could have thought that someone could win two prizes in such an authoritative and grand award!

Hundreds of eyes in the venue focused on Lin Chaoyang, making him feel that even the air was a little hot.

"Now, please let Comrade Chaoyang give a speech!"

Zhang Guangnian said, handing the microphone to Lin Chaoyang.

According to last year's convention, the writer who won the first prize had the opportunity to speak. Last year, it was Liu Xinwu who spoke.

"The Shepherd" was the first place in this year's award, and this opportunity naturally fell to Lin Chaoyang.

The people in the venue had just been baptized by the news that Lin Chaoyang won two awards alone. Naturally, everyone was curious about Lin Chaoyang's speech at this time.

When he went to the editorial office of "People's Literature" before, Lin Chaoyang was told that he would speak at the award ceremony, so he was prepared.

He stood on the rostrum, looking at the heads of the people below, and took out the state of a worker explaining PPT, and the heads of the people below immediately turned into garlic heads.

"Thank you to all readers and the jury for your affirmation of me and my works.

Just now, several gentlemen reviewed the difficulties and development process faced by my country's literary world over the past years. Compared with you, I am still a primary school student, so I dare to stand in the last year of the 1970s and look forward to the 1980s.

The 1980s I imagine should be an era full of changes and ideals, an era of ideological excitement and cultural prosperity.

In recent years, because of the repression in the past, the people have a great demand and preference for literature. I think this trend will continue in the 1980s.

This is a blessing for our literary world, but it is also We need to treat it with caution.

Literature is like a mirror, reflecting not only the people's tenacity and courage in the historical turning point, but also the responsibility and exploration of our literary workers in social development.

I always believe that the most important value of literature lies in the mirror. Criticism and praise, exposure and praise, these are not enough to summarize the value of literature.

The boundaries of literature should be vast and boundless. The love of the people is the basis for it to take root and sprout, and the people also draw strength from literature.

We literary workers must have a determination, that is, literature should give strength to the people! "

Lin Chaoyang's speech was brief, but every word was carefully considered and sonorous.

As soon as he finished speaking, warm applause broke out from the audience.

If the speeches of Mao Dun, Zhou Yang and others just now still had some official colors, then Lin Chaoyang's speech was full of personal colors.

Especially the sentence at the end, "Literature should give strength to the people", can be said to be deafening, which made many people present a little excited after listening to it.

After speaking, Lin Chaoyang's task was also completed. He walked down the rostrum holding two certificates and souvenirs.

The rostrum was less than 20 meters away from the seats, and everyone's eyes followed his figure.

No one was more prominent than him at today's award ceremony, not even those literary masters.

As soon as he sat down, Liu Xinwu said in an exaggerated tone: "Chaoyang, you have been hiding it from me for a long time!"

Lin Chaoyang smiled and exchanged a few words with him, and the eyes of the people around him were all on Lin Chaoyang.

Everyone knows that "The Wrangler" has the highest vote rate and recognition from expert judges in this award, and Lin Chaoyang, the winner himself, has already attracted much attention.

When it came to the award ceremony, Lin Chaoyang's two pen names and two works were honored at the same time. He seemed to be the brightest star at today's award ceremony.

The award ceremony was over, and today's award ceremony was also coming to an end.

When the ceremony was over, Zhang Guangnian pulled Lin Chaoyang and introduced him to an old comrade wearing glasses and nearly 60 years old.

"This is Director Xie Jin!"

There were hundreds of people from the literary and art circles at the award ceremony today, and it was not surprising that there was a film director.

The domestic film industry and the literary world have always been very close, and many classic film works are also adapted from novels.

Under Zhang Guangnian's introduction, Lin Chaoyang and Xie Jin exchanged a few words.

Because there was a symposium in the afternoon, the two did not talk much. Xie Jin only said that he would find an opportunity to visit.

The symposium in the afternoon was actually more like a meeting.

Unlike the large-scale event with hundreds of people in the morning, the symposium in the afternoon was mainly for the jury and the award-winning writers. The topics of the symposium mainly revolved around the award process and the winning works.

When talking about choosing "The Shepherd" as the first work for this year's award, several judges expressed their opinions.

"I personally think that "The Record of Director Qiao's Inauguration" should be selected as the first work. It has a significant advantage over "The Shepherd" in terms of social effects and the ability to intervene in life. It has the combat effectiveness that literary creation should have.

However, in terms of the public's voice, "The Shepherd" is indeed higher."

Since its publication in July last year, "The Record of Director Qiao's Inauguration" has been widely welcomed and hotly discussed by readers and the literary world.

It has created the category of "Reform Literature", which has a great influence. It is not surprising that there are supporters in the jury.

Sha Ting said: "Each work has its own focus. For example, "The Traitor" has clear likes and dislikes, and it talks about things based on events, with narration and discussion, and is written a little casually. "The Record of Director Qiao's Taking Office" focuses on reform, has a broad perspective, and is of good artistic quality. The advantage of "The Shepherd" is that it is very similar to "Director Qiao", but it has a little more in every aspect of "Director Qiao", so it is reasonable to list it as the first article."

In front of many award-winning writers, many judges reviewed the situation of the review at that time, without any hesitation about their personal subjective views, and discussed the matter, which made many writers present listen with relish, and even those who lost their rankings did not feel resentful at all.

For many young writers who won awards today, it is a great honor to be able to communicate closely with these literary predecessors and masters.

Lin Chaoyang's "The Horse Shepherd" is the work with the highest number of votes from readers and the highest number of experts' support this year. In addition, his feat of winning two awards alone naturally made it the focus of everyone's attention and discussion.

Among the judges, Ding Ling and Feng Mu also wrote reviews of his works. Everyone spoke highly of Lin Chaoyang.

Ba Jin even called Lin Chaoyang to his side and asked with a smile: "Should I call you Comrade Wang Qinglai or Comrade Xu Lingjun?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "Why don't you call me Chaoyang?"

"Wang Qinglai is Xu Lingjun. It's not in vain to attend this award ceremony today. I'll go back and tell Xiaolin, she will be surprised."

Ba Jin's smile was a bit mischievous, and he said to Lin Chaoyang: "I read "Qiu Ju Goes to Court" earlier, and I think it's well written and very realistic.

Xiaolin showed me your "Parents' Love" before, and the style has changed a lot. It is very similar to the style of "The Shepherd" and "The Little Shoes". It's a pity that you don't write about the countryside anymore!"

Ba Jin's words immediately reminded Lin Chaoyang of the letter Li Xiaolin wrote to him before, which was after "Parents' Love" was sent to "Harvest".

At that time, Li Xiaolin wrote to say that "Parental Love" was adopted, but mentioned his father Ba Jin's impression of the novel. He thought it was a pity that Lin Chaoyang did not continue the realistic style that reflects rural life.

There are many writers who write about rural life in this era, such as Gao Xiaosheng in this year's award, but the style of "Qiu Ju Goes to Court" is rare.

However, most writers who write about rural society in this era continue the literary tradition of the 1950s and 1960s, and are born out of the liberated area novels, with strong political elements.

Many novels are similar in creation, with no big differences, such as the character settings, there are hard-working and selfless rural grassroots cadres, activists who are determined to take the road of collectivization, backward elements who waver between the two roads, and class enemies who are sabotaging.

Although each writer's handling of the plot is different, it is more or less trapped in the old-fashioned and stereotyped creation in the literary world.

What is different from the rural-themed novels in China is its spicy writing style and strong irony, which breaks the barriers and styles of rural-themed novels.

"Qiu Ju Goes to Court" is not about the countryside, but the officialdom." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

Lin Chaoyang only answered one sentence, but Ba Jin felt enlightened. He thought for a while and laughed and clapped his hands.

"You, the author, reminded me! Yes, yes, it is more accurate to say so."

After laughing, Ba Jin asked again: "Your style is unique. I think you can continue to write!"

The old senior urged Lin Chaoyang to write more in person, and Lin Chaoyang was embarrassed to refuse, saying: "I will definitely write it when I have the chance."

Ba Jin nodded and encouraged him again.

While the two were chatting, Ding Ling asked Lin Chaoyang, "Xiao Lin, are you going to the Wenjiang Institute?"

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