The two sat on chairs on both sides of the desk. Lin Chaoyang directly put the novel manuscript on the table. "I have never submitted a manuscript and I don't know much about it. Please help me take a look."

Lin Chaoyang does not think that time travel is omnipotent. It is as if he cannot completely reproduce the literary works he has read. He can only piece it together with scattered memories and add some of his own creations.

Chen Jiangong said with a smile: "I just submitted a few more manuscripts. This is also a learning opportunity for me."

"Wrangler?" He read softly while looking at the title of the novel on the first page of the manuscript.

"Some time ago, Workers' Daily published a report about Yan Jitong and Wang Boling, college students in the 1950s."

Chen Jiangong thought about it for a moment, "I have the impression that they were the couple who gave up their identity and inheritance as overseas Chinese in Brazil and decided to stay in China to serve the country, right?"

Lin Chaoyang nodded, "This novel is inspired by the story of this couple."

Hearing what he said, Chen Jiangong became interested, "Let's take a closer look. Drink some water first."

Chen Jiangong pushed the tea jar on the table to Lin Chaoyang, and then flipped through the manuscript.

Chen Jiangong was busy reading the manuscript, while Lin Chaoyang had nothing to do, looking around the dormitory.

Male students from the Chinese Department live in Building 32. The Chinese Department occupies the third and fourth floors of the four-story building, while the Eastern Languages ​​Department and the Spanish Department occupy the first and second floors respectively.

The boys' dormitory is a six-person room with an area of ​​more than ten square meters. Three two-story iron frame beds, a desk, and two chairs are all the belongings in the dormitory.

You can see the whole dormitory at a glance, but there is not much to see.

Lin Chaoyang saw that Chen Jiangong was fascinated by the manuscript, so he also picked up the book on the table. It was "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", the representative work of Soviet writer Solzhenitsyn.

The sounds coming from the corridor from time to time did not disturb the two people who were reading, and time passed slowly as the sun shifted.

Lin Chaoyang's novel was born out of the novel "Spirit and Flesh" that he read later. Many people have never heard of this name, but many people should be familiar with the movie "Wrangler". The movie "Wrangler" is adapted from "Spirit and Flesh".

Lin Chaoyang moved the name of the movie to the novel, and the novel was called "Wrangler".

In another time and space, this short story was published in the early 1980s. As soon as it was published, it gained the love of a large number of readers, making the author Zhang Xianliang famous in the Chinese literary world, and also established his position in the history of the development of Chinese literature in the new era.

The article of more than 17,000 words is not very long. Chen Jiangong read it very carefully and took more than an hour to finish it.

He raised his eyes from the letter paper and saw Lin Chaoyang opposite, who was concentrating on reading a novel, his eyes full of appreciation.

He put the manuscript on the table, and his voice startled Lin Chaoyang who was reading.

Lin Chaoyang raised his head, eyes filled with anticipation, "Have you finished reading?"

Chen Jiangong nodded, "I've finished reading."


"Okay! Very good!"

Chen Jiangong expressed his love for this novel in three short words, as if he felt that this was still not enough to express the quality of this novel, and added: "I can't write it better!"

Lin Chaoyang was flattered, "Thank you, thank you. This is my first time writing a novel."

Hearing his words, Chen Jiangong had a wry smile on his face, mixed with a bit of envy.

“It’s my first time writing a novel and I can write it so well!”

Such praise made Lin Chaoyang know that no matter how modest he was, he would be hypocritical, so he just smiled lightly, neither proud nor overly self-effacing.

But in Chen Jiangong's eyes, it is his strong confidence in his own strength and the quality of his works.

As it should be, how could the son-in-law of a professor from the history department of Yanda be an ordinary person?

When we met for the first time a few days ago, I didn't show off anything, just because it wasn't time to reveal anything. Now that the work has been released, it's like a long sword unsheathed, with its sharp edge clearly revealed.

Chen Jiangong was the same age as the Republic of China. He was admitted to university at the age of 28. He had a mature mind and thought that if, as Lin Chaoyang said, it was his first time to write a novel, his future prospects would be limitless.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to stand up and said, "Let's go!"

"Why go?"

"I'll take you to the editorial office of Yanjing Literature and Art."

"Isn't it okay to just write a letter and submit it?"

"Special cases will be handled specially." Chen Jiangong said, his face full of confidence, which was brought to him by the quality of "Wrangler".

Lin Chaoyang reminded him, "Today is Sunday."

"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me."

Only then did Chen Jiangong remember it, but his excitement was still not shattered. As the first reader of "Wrangler", he couldn't wait to introduce this novel to the world.

"Sometimes there are people in the editorial office on Sundays. They go there to try their luck, but no one comes back."

Is it okay to go on weekdays?

I can only keep these words in my heart. Chen Jiangong means well, and in this era of underdeveloped communication methods, everyone is used to searching and waiting. Going to the editorial office one more time is not a problem in Chen Jiangong's opinion.

Chen Jiangong asked Lin Chaoyang to wait for a while. He ran to the Youth League Committee and borrowed a Feige brand 28 bicycle. He patted the back seat of Lin Chaoyang and said, "Let's go!"

Lin Chaoyang's cool and unrestrained posture made Lin Chaoyang feel heroic. He held the manuscript in his arms and got into the back seat.

Yanjing University is outside the Northwest Fourth Ring Road, but the editorial office of "Yanjing Literature and Art" is located at Liubukou on West Chang'an Street, where it was placed at the feet of the emperor a hundred years ago.

It took almost an hour and a half to ride a bike for more than ten kilometers. We arrived at Chang'an Avenue. There was a northern gate on the north side of the street near the intersection of Xidan Road. This was the compound of the Yanjing Municipal Bureau of Culture at No. 7 West Chang'an Avenue where Yanjing Literature and Art was located.

After entering the gate, there was a wide alley. On the east side of the alley were ancient walls made of bricks. After passing an ancient palace, we went west and then north. There was another alley. Going forward, there was a building in front of us, which was the Yanjing Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

It was a lonely building. The lintel looked European, but the internal partitions were Japanese. There were various associations in the building. The cultural circle was in decline, and it looked a little run-down.

There were nameplates hanging in front of the offices of the associations in the building. With Chen Jiangong leading the way, the two quickly found the editorial office of Yanjing Literature and Art.

Just as the two were about to knock on the door, they heard someone next to them calling Chen Jiangong.

Turning back, it was a tall young female comrade, estimated to be over 1.7 meters tall, which is rare nowadays. Although she was tall, she was well-proportioned and had a pretty and dignified appearance.

"De Ning!" Chen Jiangong called out the female comrade's name and introduced her to Lin Chaoyang.

The female comrade's name was Zhang Dening, a young editor of "Yanjing Literature and Art" and also Chen Jiangong's editor-in-charge.

"Didn't you take a break today?" Chen Jiangong asked after greeting her.

"You came at the right time. There are a lot of manuscripts piled up recently, and several of us are working overtime."

Zhang Dening led the two into the office, and saw that several desks were piled with manuscripts. Two female editors, one old and one young, were immersed in the manuscripts and did not pay attention to the sound coming from the door until Zhang Dening called out.

"Old Zhou, Chen Jiangong brought his author friends here."

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