Literary Master 1978

Chapter 21 Better than

Zhang Dening's voice called out a graceful female comrade in her fifties from the pile of manuscripts. Chen Jiangong greeted her and introduced Lin Chaoyang again.

"Teacher Zhou is the head of the novel group and editorial board member of "Yenching Literature and Art." He said to Lin Chaoyang.

Zhou Yanru waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to mention this matter.

Chen Jiangong talked about Lin Chaoyang's manuscript, first praised it, and then said: "It's a rare good manuscript, I brought him here quickly."

Zhou Yanru was a little moved by what he said, but the editorial department has its own rules. Chen Jiangong is the author in charge of Zhang Dening, and the author he brought is naturally under the responsibility of Zhang Dening, and the first review of the manuscript must also be done by Zhang Dening.

In the eyes of modern Chinese people, the librarian of Yan University has a special meaning. Before reading the manuscript, Zhang Dening first looked at the author Lin Chaoyang in a subtle way.

Lin Chaoyang is not the kind of person who wins by appearance, but he has a sense of self-confidence.

After reading the person and then the manuscript, Zhang Dening was quickly attracted by the words on the paper and immersed in it.

When she looked up again, it was almost noon.

The sunlight from the office window glass illuminated the room. Looking at Lin Chaoyang again, his image in Zhang Dening's eyes gradually overlapped with the tall, handsome and elegant Xu Lingjun in the novel, glowing with dazzling brilliance.

"De Ning, how is the manuscript?" Chen Jiangong asked.

Zhang Dening was in a trance for a moment, then came back to his senses, holding the manuscript in his hand, "It's really well written, worthy of being from Yanda!"

"You're too kind." Lin Chaoyang said modestly.

Zhang Dening's praise made Chen Jiangong feel a kind of joy of like-mindedness, "I'm not wrong, Chaoyang's manuscript is of high quality."

"I think this novel is better than the one "Scars" published in Wenhui Daily. But..." Zhang Dening praised the manuscript generously, but his tone was a little hesitant at the end.

In the past summer vacation, Wenhui Daily in Shanghai published Lu Xinhua's novel "Scars" on August 11.

After the novel was published, a reading craze was set off among the readers in Shanghai. Wenhui Daily printed 1.8 million copies of the current issue in a short period of time, but it still could not meet the reading needs of the majority of readers.

The influence of "Scars" has rapidly expanded in China with the reading and discussion of readers. Not only the reader group, but also the literary and cultural circles have begun to discuss this novel.

In less than a month, it became popular all over the country.

But the fact that "Scars" has triggered public opinion does not mean that its success is smooth sailing. Now there are endless discussions about "Scars" in newspapers all over the country.

In the past few decades in China, discussions involving a literary work are usually inseparable from politics.

This juncture is a key node of reform and opening up.

The whole society is also brewing a strong emotional potential.

The storm is coming!

In the literary world's discussion of "Scars", there is not only praise, but also criticism.

The main idea of ​​"The Horse Herder" is exactly the same as "Scars". If it causes a certain impact after publication, it will inevitably face this situation.

Moreover, "Scars" is terrible in terms of ideology and artistry. Many people in the literary world do not understand and do not like the fact that this college student's essay can cause such a big upsurge. This is why Zhang Dening dares to say that "The Horse Herder" is better than "Scars".

If "The Horse Herder" is successful after publication, it may cause another controversy by taking advantage of the trend of "Scars".

The pros and cons are in front of her. Zhang Dening is just a young editor of "Yanjing Literature and Art". Although she thinks that the quality of "The Horse Herder" is very good, she dare not guarantee that the novel will be published.

After all, whether a work can be published in recent years is often not directly related to the quality itself.

Chen Jiangong probably guessed the meaning of Zhang Dening's hesitation. He cast his eyes on Zhou Yanru and looked at Zhang Dening. The two of them had a tacit understanding.

"Old Zhou."

Zhang Dening called out Old Zhou again and handed the manuscript of "The Shepherd" to Zhou Yanru.

Adding an "old" before the surname was my old style during the Yan'an period. Everyone in the editorial department called Zhou Yanru that way, even now. It is not applicable in the future.

"Take a look at this manuscript first. The author happens to be here. I will give you the review comments later."

Zhou Yanru knew that Zhang Dening could hand it to her in front of the author Lin Chaoyang, either because the manuscript was so good that she couldn't refuse it, or because the manuscript was so bad that she couldn't refuse it because of the favor.

It is true that Chen Jiangong is an old author of "Yenjing Literature and Art", but it is impossible to say that his face made Zhang Dening unable to refuse it.

With a guess in mind, Zhou Yanru took the manuscript and read it.

"He is a son abandoned by a rich man-Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables."

The sentence quoted at the beginning of the novel caught Zhou Yanru's eye and ignited her interest in reading this novel.

Good novels always make people addicted from the beginning, and "The Shepherd" is such a case.

The protagonist Xu Lingjun was born into a wealthy family, but he did not benefit from it. His mother died when he was young, and he was abandoned by his wealthy father.

After waiting for all the bad luck to pass, he married and had children in his thirties and lived a stable and happy life. He didn't want the wealthy father who abandoned him in his early years to come back to find him.

After some ideological struggle, Xu Lingjun gave up the opportunity to live in the United States and inherit a huge inheritance, and decided to stay in China.

At the end of the story, Xu Lingjun returned to his home, and he saw Xiuzhi waiting for him at the door of his home.

Wearing a white apron, she looked like a bright star in the soft and vast dusk.

He also saw a ball of fire, which was his daughter Qingqing flying towards him in red clothes.

He returned to his home.

Zhou Yanru was immersed in the story weaved by Lin Chaoyang, and her heart was filled with ups and downs.

"Xiao Lin!" Zhou Yanru paused, "Is it okay if I call you that?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem."

"This "Wrangler" is very well written. It has writing style, thoughts, and stories, and it achieves a high degree of unity from the outside to the core."

Hearing this, Lin Chaoyang's face was calm, but Chen Jiangong was extremely happy for him.

Zhou Yanru stared at Lin Chaoyang's expression and saw that he was overwhelmed by her praise. She couldn't help but raise her evaluation of the young author in front of her to another level.

"However, any work has advantages and disadvantages. Let me give you an example. There are too many psychological descriptions of the characters in the novel. The psychological readers of the characters cannot be guessed, they are all given by the author.

Therefore, this kind of description contains the author's strong subjective emotions, which can easily cover up the readers' attention to the plot.

Another example is the treatment of Xu Lingjun and his son in the second half. I think it means that the father and son have reached a reconciliation, but I don't recommend you write it like this.

In the final analysis, Xu's father abandoned Xu Lingjun, and because he inherited Xu's father's bloodline, Xu Lingjun lived in misery for the first half of his life. Although he has matured in middle age and has looked away from many things, he should still be a person who has his own perseverance.

He can restrain his resentment, and even reconcile with his own resentment and the first half of his life, but he can never simply reconcile with his father. This treatment makes the character too thin..."

Zhou Yanru has been an editor for almost 20 years and has developed a sharp eye. Lin Chaoyang thought carefully that most of the questions she asked were appropriate.

Lin Chaoyang had different views on some issues. After the two discussed it, Zhou Yanru would agree with Lin Chaoyang's ideas.

After more than half an hour, the two stopped.

"Overall, it is still a very good novel. If it can be published, it should arouse a lot of response!"

Zhou Yanru made the final evaluation of "Wrangler".

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