After Wu Chen came out of the coffee shop, he went straight to the motorcycle market and was ready to buy a bicycle.

According to his consideration, it would be too much publicity to buy a car. Moreover, the budget and rural roads are not allowed, and car maintenance costs a lot of money.

As for motorcycles, although they are very fast and don't have to commute between the county and the countryside, they can't meet his need to buy or transport things.

So it seems that to buy a better tricycle with cargo hold is the best choice at present!

"Handsome boy, do you want to buy a motorcycle?" The shop owner looked at Wu Chen coming in from the outside and said with a smiling face, "I'll tell you, you really have eyes. It's right to come here. I dare say that my car here is absolutely the best quality! "

Although Wu Chen doesn't look like the children of a rich family, his unique temperament and elegant appearance make people feel that he is not an ordinary person, so the boss is very enthusiastic!

"Boss, I want to buy a tricycle. I don't know what's better. Please introduce it to me. By the way, Changfeng series doesn't have to be expensive. "

Wu Chen's answer is just right.

Although Changfeng series motorcycles and three wheeled advertising have been doing very well, only people in the industry or knowledgeable people know that this brand of car has many shortcomings, which is not directly proportional to its high price.

Wu Chen said that, no doubt, he sent a message to the boss - I know the business and know the price. Don't treat me as a layman to cheat me.

The boss has been in this business for more than ten years at least. Naturally, Wu Chen's intention is also known. The prepared speech has changed in just a few seconds, but no one knows the details.

"Yes, yes, I have three wheelers of gu'ao series, Wanbo series and chixu series. They are absolutely of excellent quality. I don't know which one you want?"

These tricycles are common in rural areas, and they sell well. They are absolutely durable.

Seeing the store owner say so, Wu Chen also has a bottom in his heart.

"Let's go to chixu. The car is OK. It has a good engine. The most important thing is that it saves fuel." Wu Chen said to the shop owner with a smile, "but the carrying capacity of this kind of tricycle is not high, and the stability of the car is not too high. In addition, if I buy it, I will use it in the village. I wonder if the boss can give my younger brother a preferential price to keep a repeat customer? "

When the shop owner heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. He even knew better than himself. He could not even boast about the advantages and disadvantages of the car!

Since you can't get this guy, he said it's for the village. Maybe it's a village cadre or a small village official. Why don't you give him a low price and make a friend?

"In that case, I'll give you a cost price. I'll give you 18, 000 yuan. I'll give you the best match, and then I'll help you get the license and insurance, including the handling charges. How's it going? "

Wu Chen thought about it in his heart, determined that the price was really very low, and agreed happily without any more wordiness: "OK, the boss is really a pleasant person, I'll make you a friend."

But I don't know, the owner's heart at the moment is only a wry smile. When he meets a person who is more knowledgeable than that, he can't cheat. What's the matter with him?

"Brother, if it's not a big problem with your car, I can guarantee it for three years."

Because this chixu car belongs to the tricycle series, the price is very high, so relatively speaking, the after-sales service is also very good. If the ordinary kind of low quality, I'm afraid that can guarantee a year is good!

Seeing the store owner so straightforward, Wu Chen naturally made a direct cash settlement. Of course, the quality of the tricycle also passed his inspection to ensure that it was safe.

As for other small problems, we can only find them when we use them.

After Wu Chen and the shop owner cooperated to install and adjust the tricycle, it was only ten minutes. After confirming that there was no problem and having gone through the formalities, Wu Chen was ready to leave.

Driving this tricycle, Wu Chen felt that the car was relatively stable. During driving, it was extremely smooth and the speed was very fast. At least there was no problem in speeding up after refueling.

Wu Chen drove his car to a relatively large market in the county, and was ready to start his next step, purchasing some necessary daily necessities.

I didn't go home for a long time, and I didn't have any preparation, so that I got daily necessities from Qiao Yulan's house recently. He felt sorry for using other people's things all the time. Although he knew that Qiao Yulan was grateful for herself, he would not care.

However, the village people's gossip is also very terrible, he can't not care at all. After all, Qiao Yulan's identity is more sensitive, usually many boring people always misinterpret the word "widow" into other meanings.

Wu Chen is very good at bargaining. Except toothbrush and toothpaste, there is no way to bargain. Even for daily necessities such as pots and buckets, he will grind his lips and bargain with vendors.

Wu Chen's bargaining was so fierce that he turned his eyes to several vendors several times.

Just when Wu Chen was bargaining with a vendor for a pair of high-heeled shoes, Wu Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang, and a document came into his mobile phone from an email address.

The next second, the monkey called: "boss, did you receive the file?"

There was a loud noise from the other end of the phone

"Boss, just say, do you want to sell these shoes at 20?"

"No, the minimum is 80!"

"Only twenty!"

"Fifty, give you the lowest, take it away if you buy it, or leave if you don't buy it!"

Monkey was stunned by the noise at the other end of the phone, but soon he reflected that Wu Chen was bargaining with people!

The mighty devil, the overlord of the special forces, was bargaining with the peddlers, and he cut so hard! If you say it out, I'm afraid those souls who died under Wu Chen's knife will be angry and climb out of the grave!

"I'll tell you later, monkey. Thank you first. I'll invite you to dinner when I'm free."

With that, the phone was hung up with a beep!

"Forget it." Wu Chen put the high-heeled shoes back on the stand and turned around to leave.

As soon as the boss saw that Wu Chen really didn't want it, he immediately cried out, "young man, thirty! Do you want thirty? "

"Twenty." Wu Chen turned around and said firmly, "this price, you see, boss, I've been talking about it for such a long time. We're all tired. We're twenty."

"All right, all right, twenty." The boss helplessly gave Wu Chen the high-heeled shoes, took 20 yuan, and said: "I've never seen a boy who can live like you. Alas, I'm a repeat customer."

"I wish the boss a prosperous business!"

Wu Chen is not affectation, contentedly holding high-heeled shoes, driving a tricycle, ready to go back to the village!

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