Wu Chen drove a tricycle, carrying a full car of daily necessities and some daily laundry. About an hour or so, he arrived at the village.

Although the dirt road is somewhat bumpy along the way, the performance of these three wheels is still good, and it has not been greatly affected on the road.

As soon as I arrived at the old house, I saw Qiao Yulan sitting in her yard, quietly carrying a book. She looked very interested in reading it.

Wu Chen saw that Qiao Yulan was wearing a snow-white shirt today. Because the shirt had a row of buttons and her proud double peaks, she held up the shirt which had been washed many times, giving people the illusion that she would open the buttons.

The long black hair, like thick silk, is scattered on the shoulders. Some of it flutters gently with the breeze. With the beautiful face of Magnolia Qiao, it is full of Fairy Spirit.

Wu Chen didn't have the heart to disturb such a serious reading lady. For a moment, Wu Chen felt a little sorry that such a picturesque beauty really shouldn't belong to this poor and backward village.

"Sister Yulan, what are you looking at?"

"Ah Wu Chen suddenly said something, which made Qiao Yulan tremble all over. The book in her hand also fell on the ground, which is "Besieged City".

Wu Chen picked up the book, handed it to Qiao Yulan, and said with a smile, "elder sister Yulan, I didn't expect that you could still read?"

"You little bastard, dare to look down on me, hum."

When Qiao Yulan heard the words, Liu Mei stood up and pretended to be angry. She was going to pinch Wu Chen's ear.

With Wu Chen's skill, if she can be attacked by Qiao Yulan, how wonderful is that? Just a little flash behind the slide, Qiao Yulan threw herself into the air, and the next moment her wrist was tightly held by a powerful hand, unable to move.

"You, you're hurting me. Let go!"

Qiao Yulan's face turned red and could almost drip water. Wu Chen was stunned by her coquettish appearance.

However, soon, he reflected what occasion it was. He quickly loosened Qiao Yulan's wrist and stepped back.

Qiao Yulan blushed, like a frightened little beast, and did not dare to look at Wu Chen. For a moment, the atmosphere became strange and awkward.

After a long time, Wu Chen first broke the silence: "sister Yulan, why are you here?"

Qiao Yulan sighed, "it's not because I'm looking for you to have lunch. I didn't expect to hear uncle Cheng say that you actually went to the city. It happens that I'm not hungry either. I'm here to read the meeting book and wait for you to go home."

Seems to have recognized the ambiguity in her own words, Qiao Yulan lowered her head embarrassed again.

Hearing this, Wu Chen's heart warmed slightly. For so many years, no one would care so much about him except his comrades in arms.

Different from the deep friendship of his comrades in arms, Cheng Shulan and Qiao Yulan gave him a kind of family like warmth, which made him feel very good.

"Well, sister Yulan, go to your house for dinner. I'll see what delicious food you've made." Then Wu Chen pointed to his tricycle and said with a smile, "get on the bus, sister Yulan. Come and have a look at my new car, Baolu!"

"My God, did you buy this?" Qiao Yulan looked at Wu Chen's brand new tricycle, surprised to close her mouth, "Wu Chen, where do you get so much money?"

"Of course, it's the subsidy given by the retired army!" Wu Chen patted Qiao Yulan on the shoulder and said, "don't stand silly, sister Yulan. I'll hurt you to sit in the small cargo hold at the back. By the way, one of the daily necessities and clothes in the back is for you. "

"You..." Qiao Yulan ran to the tricycle to check. She was so surprised that she couldn't express her surprise. She didn't know what to say.

"What? Are you happy? " Wu Chen laughed triumphantly, "in the future, I have to go to elder sister Yulan to eat and drink. Of course, I have to perform well! You're welcome. Take whatever you need! "

"Thank you, Xiao Chen." Qiao Yulan happily picked up the clothes Wu Chen bought. She found that these clothes were not expensive brands. They were the most common clothes she wore.

However, the clothes are very beautiful, and they are all according to her size, which shows how attentive Wu Chen is.

"But, Xiaochen. How much does it cost? " Qiao Yulan frowned tightly and said painfully, "even if it's the subsidy given to you by the army, it's quite a few, OK? What do you do once it's over? Life has to go on. You have to be thrifty. You can't get into the habit of extravagance! "

"Oh, sister Yulan, you can rest assured." Wu Chen shrugged helplessly and muttered, "you see, how can you teach me a lesson as a child? Since I can spend money, I can make money! Believe me, there must be no problem! "

Qiao Yulan nodded suspiciously, but she finally chose to believe the big boy who was younger than her. Judging from his behavior and ability, he is absolutely trustworthy and doesn't need to worry too much.

Wait, why do I care so much about him? Is it because he saw me

Think of here, Qiao Yulan actually once again shy, face red, head buried in the chest, silent.

Qiao Yulan got on the tricycle, and Wu Chen drove her to Qiao Yulan's home.

Along the way, the women in the village and some men who just came back from farming all cast envious eyes.

"Ah, Lao Wang, you see, that Wu family boy bought a chixu tricycle just after he came back. I've been with you for so many years, why can't I get on such a tricycle? Look at them, young and promising

Some jealous men sneered: "I'll tell you why this boy just came back to prove her innocence. In my opinion, the widow of the Qiao family must have followed Wu Chen. Otherwise, how can they explain now? "

This kind of voice can't be heard all the time, so that Qiao Yulan can't lift her head behind Wu Chen.

After all, this kind of rumor can't be avoided, and they are too close to each other recently, which can't be explained.

However, most people surmised that Wu Chen must have had some business outside, or made a lot of money, otherwise he could not have spent so much money.

Some matchmakers in the countryside also secretly make up their minds to go to inquire about the news and see if Wu Chen really has anything to do with Qiao Yulan.

Otherwise, whose daughter can be introduced to Wu Chen, so that they can get a lot of money.

But these are not the focus of Wu Chen's attention. He turned back to Qiao Yulan and said in a low voice: "sister Yulan, you are not afraid of the shadow. Let them say it."

"Well." Qiao Yulan felt a little warm in her heart.

After a while, they arrived at Qiao Yulan's home and began to unload the daily necessities. They were very busy

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