Wu Chen and Li went up the mountain together. He pulled off a strong branch by the side of the road. He cut off the branch with his knife and handed it to Li.

"Thank you, Xiao Chen. You are very considerate."

Wu Chen shyly smile: "nothing, this is what should be done."

Two people didn't walk out a few steps, Wu Chen pointed to a small herb on the side of the road and said to Mr. Li: "Mr. Li, look at that, it's a herb."

Mr. Li burst out laughing: "boy, of course I know you, but I didn't expect that you have such a good way to look for herbs. If you didn't remind me just now, maybe I didn't see it! "

"Shall we pick them?" Wu Chen hesitated for a moment and looked at Li, "I didn't bring the medicine basket."

Old Li shook his head and said seriously, "nothing. It's totally unnecessary. I just want to see if the mountain is rich in resources, or what the mountain environment is like to breed so many herbs. "

"I see." Wu Chen nodded, "Mr. Li, to tell you the truth, I was born with no teacher to learn how to look for herbs. If you only look, it would be much easier."

Hearing this, Mr. Li looked at Wu Chen in surprise. It seemed that he did not expect Wu Chen to have such ability. In other words, if he had not seen the precious herbs he collected, he would not have believed what Wu Chen said, let alone come here to investigate.

After all, Li Chun is a businessman, and everything is based on interests.

Sure enough, Wu Chen soon proved that he was right.

When he pointed out the herbs on the roadside and in the field one by one, Li's surprise was even more unspeakable. As Wu Chen said, his identification of medicinal materials is entirely based on intuition, and he did not miss a herb along the way. This skill is absolutely not possessed by ordinary people.

"Xiaochen, how on earth did you do it?"

Wu Chen said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Li, if I say everything depends on my feelings, do you believe it?"

Mr. Li looked at Wu Chen seriously for a moment. After a long time, he said slowly, "if it's you, I believe it. I'm afraid this kind of ability is really a talent! Even if your medical skills, I believe most people are not able to do it. If you work hard for one year, I'm afraid you can stand up to the veteran who has been immersed in medical skills for many years! "

"Mr. Li, I'm flattered." Wu Chen pointed to a small hole on the side of the road and said, "this is where I found Polygonum multiflorum last time. To tell you the truth, further down, I didn't go at all. Are you sure you want to go on? "

"Of course." Mr. Li stroked his beard, pondered for a moment and said, "Wu Chen, I found an obvious rule in this place. I don't know if you found it. The higher and deeper the mountain goes, the more precious the medicinal material becomes. Moreover, after carefully observing the surrounding terrain, I found that the environment and soil here have nothing to do with the value of medicinal materials... "

"You mean..."

Wu Chen's heart also vaguely guessed what Li wanted to express, but he always felt that it was too crazy to make ordinary people believe it.

If it's true, I'm afraid it will be beyond ordinary people's cognition.

"Yes, I suspect it was planted. The whole mountain is a large field of medicine planted artificially! "

"No way." Wu Chen frowned, "if what you said is correct, then there are a lot of doubts. Medicinal materials such as Polygonum multiflorum are particularly spoiled. There are many problems, which make them unable to grow healthily. Artificial planting, if the environment chosen is so random, needs long-term care - obviously, it is impossible. "

"Well, I'm just speculating." Mr. Li said with a smile, "if it's true, you and I may be the heroes who discovered the big event."

Said, two people continue to go deeper.

There are basically no traces of people coming deeper, but there are more animals here than outside. Wu Chen can even clearly see that there are a lot of pheasants skipping, which is not like being afraid of people.

It is estimated that the last wild boar also ran out from here. It's just that he's not very lucky.

"Mr. Li, it's almost noon. Would you like some game?"

"Game?" Li laorao asked with interest, "what is it?"

Wu Chen pointed to the pheasants nearby and made a face of wiping his neck. He said with a bad smile: "of course, pheasants are delicious. We have them here. It's like we can't see them in the city."

"Yes, but can you catch it?" Li Lao provocatively smile, "that thing is very slippery, I'm afraid you can't catch it."

"Mr. Li, you don't know something. When I was in the army, my comrades in arms gave me several nicknames, one of which was called" rabbit chasing death! " Wu Chen happily patted his chest, "like those rabbits in the wild, I chase them, they chase until death!"

"Er... Angkor, you're a bit big!" Li Lao smilingly looked at him, "then I'll see how you catch pheasants."

"You don't need brute force to catch them."

Wu Chen shrugged indifferently, picked up a small stone on the ground, weighed it in the palm of his hand, secretly injected his own spiritual power into it, and wrapped it with spiritual power.

After all this, Wu Chen directly threw the pebble on a pheasant. The stone seems very small, light and powerless, but hit the pheasant's body, but it is like a shell on its body, "bang" to the pheasant to fly out!

The pheasant just screamed and hit the tree trunk. When Wu Chen and Li Lao walked past, the pheasant obviously lost its breath. And the place where the stone hit had been deeply depressed, which showed how terrible Wu Chen's power was!

"Angkor. Good Kung Fu Old Li couldn't help but exclaim, "it seems that old man will be blessed again today?"

Wu Chen nodded, just about to pick up the pheasant, suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Mr. Li, look at that... It's like ginseng!"

Li followed Wu Chen's direction. Sure enough, there were some wild ginseng not far away from the pheasant. Moreover, it's not too short to see the age!

"God, I didn't expect that we had such good luck!"

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