"It's just bad luck, all right?" Wu Chen excitedly looked at the wild ginseng growing nearby, and laughed: "don't you think we are really the children of destiny, Mr. Li? Precious medicinal materials can be found everywhere. "

"Yes." Li Lao also quite agreed and nodded, "Xiaochen, I think we'd better put them here. Next time we come back to collect them, we don't have any tools with us. Now we're picking some wild things."

Wu Chen thought about it carefully. They really don't have any tools. Moreover, since the wild ginseng can grow here, it shows that the environment is suitable.

If they want to transplant wild ginseng cultivation, when they go down the mountain, it is estimated that the day lily is cold, it must not work.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Wu Chen shrugged helplessly, "this time we'll stick to the principle of only seeing but not taking."

"Yes." Mr. Li narrowed his eyes and laughed. He pointed to the pheasant on the ground and looked at Wu Chen with a relatively eager eye: "I was told by you just now. Now I really want to eat the pheasant."

Wu Chen nodded with a smile and put the pheasant on the ground. He planed his belly skillfully with a knife and immediately found a mountain spring nearby to wash it. After pulling out the hair, he made it with the old method and set up a fire to roast it.

About half an hour later, the pheasants were roasting and greasy. It was obvious that all kinds of creatures in the mountain were fatter than those outside. Even the pheasants here were different from those in other places.

Both of them were a little hungry. As soon as the pheasant was ready, they ate it. Mr. Li was so happy that he was glossy.

After a simple meal, the two continued to walk into the mountains.

As you go further into the mountains, you can clearly feel that the wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the air is getting fresher and fresher. However, Wu Chen felt something different

As they continue to move forward, the aura is becoming thicker and thicker at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even at the end of the day, the aura will be filled to the point where they will have the illusion that they can break through with a single breath!

It's incredible!

If we can describe the mountain and its aura with a thing that can be described, it can be said that it is like a huge spiritual vortex, and the deepest part of the mountain is the vortex eye of the vortex.

What incredible things are hidden in it?

"Wu Chen, have you noticed that animals and plants have changed more and more. How can a rabbit be two or three times bigger than an ordinary rabbit? It's incredible

Wu Chen didn't speak up. He has been wandering outside for so many years, and has been in touch with the cultivation methods for many years. He has never seen such a situation.

In this world, are there any ancient relics beyond human cognition? As described in those Xiuzhen novels, is there any immortal or cave?

Where does this road lead to?

"Yes, maybe this is the so-called outstanding people." Wu Chen laughed awkwardly and found a reason to switch off the topic. "Mr. Li, do you want to find a place to have a rest? I'll just go to the front and have a look. The next road is too hard. If I find anything, I'll take photos and record it for you to see. "

Looking at the road ahead, Mr. Li found that it was very difficult and steep. Most of all, his physical strength was far less than that of Wu Chen.

It is often necessary to stop for a rest after walking for a while, which seriously delays the process. Rather than that, it is better for Wu Chen to go deep alone.

"Well, be careful." Old Li nodded, sat down on a huge stone next to a big tree, gasped and said with a bitter smile, "I'm old and can't do anything. If only I were as young as you are!"

"You are not old at all."

Wu Chen said politely with a smile, and told Li to run as soon as he found something wrong.

For the sake of his safety, Wu Chen also deliberately left a trace of killing intention with his spirit power nearby, so that the passing beasts did not dare to move forward.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Li, Wu Chen's face immediately became very nervous - he found that the spiritual power around him was so thick that he couldn't add to it.

Although this kind of thing is illusory and can't be seen with naked eyes, practitioners can often sense it by their spiritual consciousness. In Wu Chen's vision, the spiritual power is so thick that they can sense its fluctuation as long as they breathe!

What's the situation?

Moreover, in the process of going inside, such precious medicinal materials as Polygonum multiflorum and Ganoderma lucidum can be seen everywhere!

"My God! This... "

Wu Chen bet that he had never seen such a situation since his cultivation. If you just look at it with the naked eye, there will be no problem. But once you run your Qianyuan Zhengong, you can feel that the spiritual power around you is getting out of control!

Just as the pure spiritual power around was spinning like a hurricane, Wu Chen suddenly found that there was a very different place not far away——

It was just a small piece of land, covered with fine grass. And there were twelve snake like plants growing in the middle. The spiritual power of the whole mountain is transmitted from here and absorbed by it again, forming a circular circle!

Wu Chen's heart was like a storm. He had never thought that these snake shaped grass had such great power!

"What on earth is this?"

As Wu Chen kept approaching there, he suddenly felt a kind of inexplicable palpitation, as if from the depths of his soul directly through his four limbs!

This inexplicable fear

Suddenly, Wu Chen heard a low "rustle" behind him, as if something was passing through the grass. But when he turned around, it was empty and he didn't see anything.

"Illusion? No, absolutely not. " Wu Chen frowned and looked around nervously. There was a strong murderous atmosphere around him. The murderous intention was absolutely not what ordinary people could have!

At this moment, he suddenly heard a "hissing" sound from the tree. When he looked up, he saw the presence that made him feel frightened——

It was a colorful giant boa constrictor. It was as thick as a bucket, and it was four or five meters long. I felt that it was much faster than I thought.

This thing is definitely not easy to cause.

The boa constrictor looked at Wu Chen quietly for a moment. If Wu Chen didn't move first, he would never attack easily!

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