"Oh, Yulan, what are you talking about?" Li Dafa said with a straight smile, "how can I think you are in trouble? If you need help, I am duty bound to come and help you

"Since no one else needs help." Wu Chen came forward and patted Li Dafa on the shoulder. In fact, he grasped Li Dafa's shoulder with his pincers like palm and said, "village head, you don't want to trouble sister Yulan - you're here, that's the real trouble."


"What are you doing? There is no one else here, and we need not talk in secret. I don't like you. " Wu Chen sneered: "I don't want to see you, so go away."

"Wu Chen, I warn you! I'm still the head of the village. Please respect me! " In fact, he has never had such a fierce and tit for tat quarrel with Wu Chen. Now there is no one around, and he can't help it: "as long as I stay in this village for a day, you should be careful, don't be caught by me!"

Wu Chen shrugged his shoulders indifferently and sneered: "I advise you to think about how to do a good job in the planting base. Don't give up your hand to make wedding clothes for others."

When Li Dafa heard the speech, he couldn't say a word. He angrily pointed to Wu Chen's nose. After a few seconds, he suddenly burst out laughing: "little calf, please remember today's words for me!"

With that, Li Dafa turned and left.

"Wu Chen, why are you so angry today?" Seeing that Li Dafa had left, Qiao Yulan asked with concern, "have you had too many things recently and have a bad rest?"

Wu Chenchong patted Qiao Yulan's forehead and said with a smile, "it's nothing. My family's land was contracted to Liu Daniu's family by the villagers. Now I don't have any land to grow herbs. I'm not very happy."

After hearing this, Qiao Yulan was surprised and said, "what's the matter?"

After Wu Chen told Qiao Yulan all the causes and consequences of that year, the other side understood what was going on. There was no way to avoid this kind of thing. If he didn't rent out the land, Wu Chen would not have enough money to leave here and go out.

However, the planting base was planned by Wu Chen and Li Chun. Now he can't grow herbs himself. This kind of feeling is quite uncomfortable!

Suddenly, Wu Chen thought of a very important thing.

It's true that I don't have any land, but deep in the mountains, where there is a spiritual spring, is the core of the whole back mountain. It's a land without owners!

If you can plant herbs there, you can get twice the result with half the effort! Why do you worry about the lack of land?

"Yulan elder sister, you go to the bee farm first, I have found a good solution."

"What do you mean?" Qiao Yulan looked at Wu Chen puzzledly, "do you want to contract other people's land? Believe me, no one will agree. "

Wu Chen shook his head and began to smile mysteriously: "of course not. I naturally have my own way. You don't need to worry. Listen to my good news."


Although Qiao Yulan was suspicious, she still chose to believe Wu Chen. After all, this man has been working miracles to bring her surprise!

Wu Chen and Qiao Yulan farewell, and Li Xiaoxi informed a, then alone on the mountain.

At the moment, some people have come to their own fields to study how to plant. However, Wu Chen went straight to the mountains, but they didn't notice it.

After all, there are many wild animals and dangers in the deep mountains, which is not an easy place for them to enter.

Wu Chen soon went to the deep mountain and found that the spring water was a little clearer than last time. Feeling the abundant and pure spiritual power, Wu Chen could not help feeling relaxed and happy.

This feeling is really wonderful.

Wu Chen looked at the seeds in his pocket, found a very flat space near the spring, planted them, and introduced them into the spring. Soon, these seeds sprouted, which strengthened Wu Chen's inner sense of achievement.

But... What if someone else comes here?

After all, once the planting base is on fire, the popularity of Houshan will be very high. It is inevitable that no one will be curious and go to the deep mountains to collect herbs. To some extent, this is a land without owners.

"It can't go on like this." Wu Chen sighed, looked at the nearby scene, and suddenly thought of a good idea!

Last time, he was attacked by the python near the serpentine grass.

Before that, the serpentine was well preserved, and the python must have contributed a lot to the protection of the serpentine.

These large or aggressive animals will have their own territory, and they will fight for the security of this territory, and even defend them.

So, if you find an animal to control this spiritual spring, and give it some benefits to guard it instead of yourself, will it be very good?

Thinking of this, Wu Chen can't help but close his eyes and use his own spiritual consciousness to feel the surrounding plants and trees, any creature... Especially the aggressive animal.

"Wild boar... No, it's too late for this animal to be destroyed. How can it be so obedient?"

"Fox? Not to mention that, it has no attack power at all. "

"Well? Is this a hyena? How could there be such an animal? It's a gregarious animal, and it can't, and it's too ugly. "

In this way, Wu Chen sat in the same place, muttering constantly, one by one excluding the animals he found.

And at this time, he suddenly found a different existence.

In his vision, a huge golden creature appeared quietly, and the pace of walking in the jungle was very steady, which was not as flustered as ordinary animals, revealing a strong self-confidence!

Even say, it's arrogant.

tiger! It's a tiger!

Wu Chen immediately became ecstatic. This is the best bodyguard sent by heaven! You know, tiger is the most arrogant, aggressive and human creature.

If you use the spirit power as a condition, you may be able to accept this beautiful cat! At least in Wu Chen's eyes, the tiger is just an aggressive cat, but in other people's eyes, it is a fearless existence.

"Well, it's up to you!"

Wu Chen hid his figure quietly and quickly moved in the direction of the tige

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