Wu Chen groped forward carefully. Through his spiritual feeling, he found that he was getting closer to the tiger. However, the tiger apparently also found Wu Chen's trace, and even determined his location by virtue of the smell.

One man and one tiger are moving carefully in the jungle. No one dares to move first.

Wu Chen tried to take a step forward. He knew that the tiger was staring at him in the grass in front of him. He was testing the bottom line of the tiger, but the tiger suddenly roared and rushed out of the grass, and suddenly fell on Wu Chen.

However, Wu Chen had already felt and expected the tiger's action. He slipped backward and directly hit the tiger's palm with a fist.

The power of one person and one tiger is almost the same, and even step back several steps at the same time! The power of Tiger flutter is great, but I didn't expect that Wu Chen's power is similar to it. This tiger felt the fear from his heart for the first time.

Is human power so terrible?

"Surrender to me, or die."

Wu Chen quietly released his murderous spirit, which made the tiger's hair tremble!

Wu Chen sneered, his face suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile, treat such a beast, want to let him submit, can only use more rough and barbaric way to treat it!

In this world, power is supreme and the law of the jungle prevails.



One person and one tiger look at each other, and they all see the most primitive desire for blood from each other's eyes!

The battle is imminent!

That tiger's strength is particularly terrible, one palm hits out, directly gives Wu Chen to shock to fly out.

Taking this opportunity, Wu Chen stamped his foot directly on the tree trunk, jumped on the tiger's back and hit the tiger on the head one after another.

The intense pain made the tiger roar.

But Wu Chen did not decide to let go of the tiger, one punch after another, until he finally beat the tiger and lay on the ground dying. In the whole process, no matter how crazy the tiger fought back, it didn't leave from its back.

"Do you take it now?"

Wu Chen sneered, grabbed the tiger's fur, looked at the motionless guy, and narrowed his eyes: "if you don't agree, I still don't mind giving you a lesson."

The tiger looked at Wu Chen with a little fear. For fear that Wu Chen would attack him again, he chose to sob at Wu Chen for a while, just like a clever cat.

"What? At last, I surrender? "

Wu Chen patted the tiger's forehead and used his spiritual power to repair the injury in the tiger's body. The tiger felt Wu Chen's pure spiritual power, and his eyes were wide open. It was impossible to imagine why this happened.

"Believe me, as long as you listen to me honestly, then I will always give you this kind of spiritual power. How about that?"

The tiger obviously understood Wu Chen's words. He put out his tender tongue and licked Wu Chen's hand. He looked at Wu Chen excitedly and nodded his head humanized. It seemed that he agreed with Wu Chen's words.

"Well, in that case, come with me."

Wu Chen laughed and waved to the tiger. Unexpectedly, the Tiger stood up slowly, like a clever cat following Wu Chen.

Wu Chen took the tiger to Lingquan water and pointed to the water channel: "you see, this is your territory in the future. You are responsible for looking after these springs for me. And I will provide you with spiritual power to make you stronger, OK? "

The tiger obviously understood Wu Chen's words and even nodded!

However, when it saw the spirit spring, it seemed to see a terrible creature. It immediately hid behind Wu Chen and looked at the spirit spring with frightened eyes.

"What? How strange is the water

The tiger shook his head, but his attitude towards Lingquan water was always very strange.

"Well, you can help me to look after this place in the future." Wu Chen laughed and patted the tiger on the head. "You stay here first. I'll find some wood and build a cabin here."

With that, Wu Chen found a place nearby, found a lot of wood, and immediately started to build a house in a relatively stable and hidden place near the spring.

There is a special kind of vine on the mountain, which can easily connect and bind the wood. The vine is so strong that ordinary beasts can't break it.

Soon, the simple cabin had been built and looked strong.

Wu Chen said to the tiger, "now, you can live here. As long as there is anyone nearby, drive them out, but don't hurt your life. Do you understand?"

The tiger nodded and looked at Wu Chen eagerly.

Wu Chen knew what the tiger wanted from him, so he handed over the snake grass he had prepared.

At the moment when the tiger saw the snake grass, his eyes were wide open and he was very excited. As if he saw some delicacies, he rushed up and swallowed the snake grass in Wu Chen's hand.

At the moment when the tiger ate the snake grass, it seemed to feel the pleasure it had never felt before. It roared wildly. At the next moment, its eyes showed the blood color it had never seen before!

Crazy, aggressive, terrifying!

Wu Chen felt that the tiger was walking with a steady flow of spiritual power. He couldn't help opening his eyes. He had never seen such a situation before.

Does it mean that if ordinary wild animals swallow the serpentine grass bred here, they will evolve into other different creatures?

However, Wu Chen's imagination did not happen.

The tiger gradually regained calm and returned to its original appearance. However, the tiger was much stronger than before. Wu Chen even felt that its strength had increased exponentially.

Now, even Wu Chen can hardly beat the tiger.

At least, relying solely on strength, Wu Chen was not sure that he could beat it.

Seeing the tiger like this, Wu Chen was relieved. Although his process of accepting the tiger was simple and rough, he was relieved by the wisdom and strength of the tiger.

Think about the black leopard again. Is there anything unusual about this creature in the back mountain, or even the whole green water village?

Wu Chen simply explained a few words, then let the tiger go to look for food. But he was carefully staring at the herbs in front of him, like a miser, obsessively staring at the herbs, smilingly giggling.

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