Xue Zhengqing and others asked nervously: "Song Lang, what do you think? Have you seen any clues?"

"Look at this rib."

Everyone looked closely and saw a slight crack, and there were obvious bloodstains.

Could it be that...

"As you think, the deceased died of beatings, and the fatal injury was in the chest, hit by a heavy object."

Everyone looked and saw that there were indeed several broken ribs on the left chest. They originally thought that they were broken during the excavation.

Now it seems that it is not.

It was caused by violent beatings before the deceased died.

Then the question is, who would do such a cruel thing to a young woman who was only 20 years old?

Song Zhen asked the people of Dali Temple to move the bones back, and then looked at Cui Mengzhu and said with a smile: "Wife, it's your turn."

Cui Mengzhu rolled her eyes at him, and there was really nothing she could do to him.

She whispered, "Please prepare some moist soil."

Xue Zhengqing was puzzled. He looked at Song Zhen and saw him nod. He immediately arranged for someone to do it.

Cui Mengzhu put on white silk gloves and closed her eyes.

She had an illusion that she was not touching a skull, but a living person.

Suddenly, a blurry picture appeared in her mind, and it disappeared in a flash before she could see it clearly.

She was shocked. What was going on?

"Could it be? Do I really have the talent to carve portraits?"

Cui Mengzhu recalled what her cousin Li Zhenhu said.

"Skull restoration is based on a large number of statistics on the thickness of facial soft tissue. First, you need to identify several basic landmarks: hairline, between eyebrows, root of nose and upper lip, philtrum, chin-labial groove, chin protuberance, chin, center of eyebrows, lower point of orbital rim, lower edge of mandible, upper edge of zygomatic arch, ascending ramus of mandible and mandibular angle."

"Then, according to the characteristics of various parts of the skeleton, conceive the connection simulation."

"Finally, based on the age, occupation, attitude towards life, etc. of the deceased, draw his expression."

In "Hunting Crime Atlas", it is drawn according to 36 bone points, but cousin Li Zhenhu smiled and said, there is no need to make it so complicated, I only need 12 bone points.

Cui Mengzhu placed the skull high, she took out the drawing board from behind, and quickly painted on the rice paper with the charcoal pencil she carried with her.

Xuan paper was a tribute in the Tang Dynasty. It was produced in Jing County, Anhui Province. It was called Xuanzhou in the Tang Dynasty, so it was called "Xuancheng Paper".

For the Five Surnames and Seven Families, it was not a problem to get some of this Xuan paper back.

Cui Mengzhu sketched the front of the skull on the paper, which was very lifelike and shocked everyone.

"My mother, what is this technique?"

Then, Cui Mengzhu gestured with a charcoal pencil and drew a few lines on various landmarks.

To verify the inference, she smeared wet mud on the skull.

While doing it, she explained: "The forehead of her skull is steeper, which means her hairline is higher."

"Secondly, the mandible is protruding, and the overall face shape should be a melon seed face. The upper jaw protrudes one centimeter more than the lower jaw."

"The brow bone is high, the bridge of the nose is collapsed, the tear bone is flat, and the cheekbones are round."

Cui Mengzhu muttered to herself, closed her eyes, and applied mud on the skull.

"By the way, Old Song, how old is the deceased?"

"About twenty years old."

"Got it."

Cui Mengzhu's hand movements quickened, and she adjusted the thickness of the mud according to the vague impression in her mind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, she opened her eyes.

Everyone witnessed with their own eyes that the skull seemed to gradually have flesh and blood, and they couldn't help but marvel.

Now, the skull with mud has taken on a general shape, and you can vaguely see what it looked like before death.

However, it looks a bit abstract.

Cui Mengzhu took off her gloves and quickly drew on paper, filling the picture she imagined in her mind into the skull.

After getting the rough model, Cui Mengzhu first used the "three courts and five eyes" in art theory to compose the picture.

The so-called three courts and five eyes, "three courts" means: "the distance from the hairline to the forehead" = "the distance from the forehead to the bottom of the nose" = "the distance from the bottom of the nose to the chin", "five eyes": the width of the face is five times the length of the eyes.

This is the facial proportion of most people.

Then, she drew the main characteristic lines on the paper, such as the inner and outer lines of the eyes, the line of the nose wing, the bottom line of the nose, the hairline, the eyebrow arch line, the mouth cleft line, the jaw line, and the center line.

Through these nine lines, the position, length, width and size of the deceased's facial features can be basically determined, and the appearance has basically taken shape.

The rest depends on Cui Mengzhu's imagination to draw the deceased's demeanor before his death.

The last step is also the most critical step!


A person's eyes are where his soul is.

Cui Mengzhu hesitated to write, and her willow eyebrows were tightly twisted together.

After repeated simulations in her mind,A quarter of an hour later, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and smiled sweetly at Song Zhen: "Okay, Old Song, praise me."

Song Zhen took the portrait and couldn't help but exclaim.

Damn, this is too awesome, right?

Xue Zhengqing and others were even more shocked! Their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide.

"This..." This is simply the work of God!

Suddenly, a deep male voice came from behind.

"I think I've seen the woman in this portrait somewhere."

Xue Zhengqing looked back and quickly saluted: "Greetings to Duan Siqing."

Song Zhen and his wife were about to stand up and salute, but were stopped by the other party.

Dali Temple Minister Duan Zhengxuan smiled and said, "No need to be polite. You two have helped Dali Temple a lot."

Song Zhen said politely, "It's my duty."

"Old Xue, go and arrange for someone to take this painting to Pingkangfang to ask." Duan Zhengxuan waved his hand, "Forget it, you go. I don't trust the others."

"Yes, sir."

Duan Zhengxuan's eyes returned to Song Zhen, and he asked with a faint smile, "Are you Song Shouzheng?"

"It's me."

"Yes, are you interested in coming to Dali Temple?"

"Sorry, not yet."

Duan Zhengxuan was a little regretful, but he still persuaded, "The current Dali Temple Minister is missing two candidates. Are you sure you won't come?"

Song Zhen thought about it, two?

The two vacant Dali Temple Ministers should be Bi Zhengyi who was forced to hang himself, and the other one who helped Li Yifu rob the prisoner.

Thinking of this, he bowed and said, "Mr. Duan Si, I can recommend someone to you. His reasoning ability is far better than mine."


"The current Bingzhou Law Officer, Di Renjie."

"Oh?" Duan Zhengxuan had actually heard Xue Zhengqing brag about Di Renjie's reputation, but he didn't take it seriously at that time.

Because the process was too fantastic, what about fingerprint identification, what about digging out the heart to seek justice, what is it all about?

But now it seems that Song Zhen is really capable and not just a name.

What about the other Di Renjie? How will he perform?

Duan Zhengxuan frowned and said, "If it's just reasoning, the Dali Temple is not short of such talents. What is lacking is a rare person like you who can read the language of corpses."

"If Di Renjie doesn't enter the Dali Temple, then I will definitely not join."

I? Duan Zhengxuan was shocked! Good boy, you are doing a buy one get one free, right?

He is arrogant because of his talent! He really wants to give Song Zhen a thumbs up!

But he is really capable! You see, the problem that has troubled the Dali Temple for more than five months was solved in one afternoon.

Moreover, his wife is also a monster. She can draw the appearance of the deceased vividly with only a skull.

This method is simply unprecedented and unheard of!

If, just pay a seat of Dali Temple Secretary, you can recruit such talents.

It seems that it is not unacceptable, right?

Duan Zhengxuan said in a deep voice: "Regarding Di Renjie, I still need to evaluate him. How about this, you ask him to come to Luoyang and personally participate in the case of the female corpse in the palace."

"Okay, I will write a letter back and ask Huaiying to come quickly."

Duan Zhengxuan smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."


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