What to do?

If the Qinghe Cui family surrenders, allowing Song Zhen to enter the family openly and marry Cui Mengzhu.

Where is the prestige of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan?

Most importantly, if this is really done, wouldn’t it set a precedent for marriage between the gentry and the commoners?

If the children of the family fall in love with the poor outside and use this to threaten the elders of the family.

How should you deal with it?

Cui Yu’s face turned red with anxiety, and she excitedly accused everyone: "You, you are morally kidnapping!"

"If you do something wrong, you have to admit it. Putting aside the fact that we formed a group to discredit Song Zhen, don’t you, Cui Yu, have nothing wrong at all?"

"That’s right! If the Qinghe Cui family didn’t resort to knives and guns at that time, and the relationship between the two sides was so fierce, it wouldn’t have this consequence."

"Do you know how people outside evaluate your Qinghe Cui family?"

Cui Yu certainly knows!

"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" is extremely offensive to the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families, among which the Qinghe Cui family suffered the most serious damage.

Not only is there a storm of public opinion, but the most important thing is that the Qinghe Cui family accounts for 60% of the young people who have left the family.

What is the concept?

Almost all the adult members of the family have fled, and what is more serious is that the members of the family who have long been officials in the court have also announced that they are no longer members of the Qinghe Cui family in order to avoid being punished by the saints.

In the past, everyone was proud of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families, but now, the family members are ashamed of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families and keep their distance from them.

As for the condemnation of the poor children, they did not take it to heart, because there would be no serious consequences in a short period of time.

Under the aggressive pressure of a group of families, Cui Yu was so angry that she left the hall directly.

Do you think she doesn't know what they think? In the eyes of other families, as long as the Qinghe Cui family gives in, the reputation of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Families can be reversed.

It's just that the Qinghe Cui family was sacrificed.

For the overall interests of the alliance, what if you, Cui Yu, sacrifice yourself?

However, Cui Yu couldn't bring herself to bow to a junior.

Since the elders of the martyred Qinghe Cui family had all left, there was no need for other families to stay, and the meeting ended unhappily.


As expected, "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" set off a craze throughout the Tang Dynasty and became a phenomenal work.

How popular is it?

Countless young couples have nothing to do after eating, so they dig a grave in the wild and imitate Zhu Yingtai's final jump.

It seems that if you don't jump, it means you don't love me!

Every scholar asks when they meet: "Have you seen Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai?"

"No, it's said that their love is very sweet?"

"Indeed, it's so sweet, and those who have seen it say it's good! By the way, remember to bring your partner."


"Do you think I will lie to you?"

Hehe, a group of people who believe that if they can get one person into the pit, they will promote and introduce it everywhere.

Damn it, I can't cry alone!

Cry for me!

Under the enthusiastic promotion of a group of self-fans, Pingkangfang increased the number of performances to two per day, and every show was full, and the money was counted until my hands were tired.

Huichunfang next door also started a program linkage.

I heard that after watching Liang Zhu, you cried a lot because of the final jumping into the grave, and the aftereffect was too strong to recover?

It's okay, I still have Liang Zhu album concerts here, and the seven or eight versions of Liang Zhu in the play are played in a loop.

Keep giving me emo, don't stop.

In addition to the song Liang Zhu, there is another song adapted from Qu Yuan's "Chu Ci·Nine Songs·Mountain Ghost".

This song only appeared once in the play, when Zhu Yingtai came back from the academy and wrote Shan Gui in front of her parents, but it made a very deep impression on people.

No one expected that the combination of elegant music and ancient poetry would be so beautiful?

It was so touching, especially the harmonious singing of the female prostitutes, which was so touching and lingering.

"It is worthy of being the work of the Tang Dynasty's Jiaofang Envoy, it is so beautiful!"

The news that Song Zhen took office as the Jiaofang Envoy was spread, which undoubtedly brought a large wave of traffic to Pingkangfang and Huichunfang.

Many upright gentlemen who had never been to a brothel went there because of its reputation.

Overnight, the whole social atmosphere changed. In the past, the courtesans were beautiful for reciting poems and making couplets. Now, if you can sing "Mountain Ghost" well, your value will definitely skyrocket!

In order to promote this song, Huichunfang authorized the female prostitutes of other brothels to sing it.

As long as you step into the brothel, you can hear this "Mountain Ghost" no matter where you go.

Unknowingly, it became the first brainwashing divine song in the Tang Dynasty.

Even the kid next door could sing a few lines: "If there is someone in the mountains, wearing lychee and lady's vines.

She is charming and smiling, and you admire my gracefulness."

In addition, because "Liang Zhu" is easy to learn, other courtesans in brothels secretly learned it.Go.

Gongsun family had no way, this was out of control.

A week later, Gongsun Qing and Pei Yaojun came to Song Zhen's mansion as usual to report their achievements.

They mentioned this matter, and their tone was quite helpless.

Song Zhen thought for a while, and he had actually expected this situation a long time ago.

"As long as they are not for commercial purposes, such as selling tickets and drinks, they can play as they please. We cannot curb the development of music."

For this reason, the two families set up a special rights protection organization at the suggestion of Song Zhen.

All this was done with the cooperation of the government.

Li Zhi was naturally very happy to see the nationwide craze for watching operas, mainly because Song Zhen was honest and never evaded taxes.

Even though there was no provision for copyright tax in the Tang law, Song Zhen took the lead in proposing this concept when he entered the palace.

"Your Majesty, I think that the promotion of copyright fees will help increase the income of folk artists and literati. Not only can it better protect the legitimate rights and interests of creators, but it can also make the concept of learning useful deeply rooted in people's hearts."

Li Zhi nodded silently, he had no reason to refuse.

After all, isn't it good to have one more way to pay taxes?

Of course, Song Zhen would not cheat himself. He proposed that the art copyright tax only be 1% of the income, instead of 5-6% in later generations, and Li Zhi agreed.

The literary copyright fee was not as exaggerated as in later generations, as high as 11%, but only 5%.

Then, Song Zhen became the first person in the Tang Dynasty to pay copyright tax, and directly paid 50 strings of cash, which confused Li Zhi.

At first glance, it doesn't seem much, but it's only 1% of the income.

Good guy, you kid, you actually made so much money by selling music copyrights?

The reason why Song Zhen proposed the concept of copyright tax was to prevent someone from making a fuss about the performances of Huichunfang and Pingkangfang in the future.

This is a means of self-protection.

The most important thing is that he grasped Li Zhi's psychology.

He knew that Li Zhi wanted to make some achievements and didn't want to fall behind Aye Li Shimin.

The court established a special department in the Ministry of Justice to manage copyrights, and Song Zhen was happy to get a new official title: "4th-rank Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Justice", responsible for managing copyrights in the world.

Generally speaking, the highest-ranking official in the Ministry of Justice is the 3rd-rank Shangshu, and the second is the 4th-rank Assistant Minister, each with only one.

Song Zhen, the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Justice, is a bit special. He is only responsible for copyright-related matters and has no right to ask about other matters.

Li Zhi originally wanted to give him a 6th-rank Doctor of the Ministry of Justice, but then he thought that this level did not seem to shock the people below.

So, for the first time in the Tang Dynasty, there were two Assistant Ministers in the Ministry of Justice.

The release of the copyright concept made all the scholars in the world excited.

"Wait, my poems can also be sold for money?"

They were still too naive. When the works could be sold for money, the bosses would naturally not be wronged, and the selection of poems would be more strict.

The copyright concept proposed by Song Zhen was a great contribution to future generations. The short-term impact was that poetry flourished in the early Tang Dynasty, allowing future students to memorize a few more poems.

The long-term impact is that the future poet Meng Jiao will no longer live in poverty, the poet Du Fu will no longer need 30 years to buy a house, and the poet Li Bai will be able to sell poems to buy more wine...

It's a pity that Tao Yuanming was born in the wrong era.


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