"Old Song, seeing you busy all day, I suddenly feel like a waste."

"?" Song Zhen was writing furiously, compiling the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law, and he looked back in confusion.

"Why, you want to be busy too?"

"Yes, I have nothing to do at home all day. It's too boring."

"How about I help you get a position as a female official in the Ministry of Works?"

The Tang Dynasty was a very special era. In other dynasties, it was rare to see women serving as officials in the court.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were quite a lot of female officials.

"Hehe, in fact, my teacher has helped me get a position as a female official."

Song Zhen raised his eyebrows: "Okay, so you are reporting?"

"Aren't they just worried that you would oppose me going out to work?"

"It can't be said that I oppose it. I am mainly worried about your personal safety."

"It's okay, Yan Zhaoping will follow me."

"That's good." Song Zhen nodded silently. He was very confident in Yan Zhaoping's martial arts.

The current martial arts food chain is: Song Zhen = Tian Qi > Yan Zhaoping > Yuchi Junjun.

For this reason, Song Zhen also laughed at Xiao Junjun, saying that he couldn't even beat a weak woman, shame on him.

To be safe, Song Zhen tried to teach Cui Mengzhu martial arts, but this guy was too lazy and collapsed there after learning a few moves.

"When did you follow Minister Yan to work?"

Cui Mengzhu immediately replied: "Two days ago, I followed the teacher to Longmen Grottoes."

Song Zhen was stunned: "Why go there?"

"What else can I do? Of course, I'm painting murals." Cui Mengzhu rolled his eyes at him.

Good guy, my wife is actually the painter of Longmen Grottoes?

It turns out that both of us have participated in history.

This feeling is quite wonderful.

Longmen Grottoes is a major project spanning more than 1,400 years. It was built during the Taihe period of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It has been restored and continued in each dynasty, including the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, Northern Song Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty.

Among them, the excavation activities in the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty were the largest, lasting for 150 years.

Among all the caves in Longmen, the Northern Wei Dynasty accounted for about 30%, the Tang Dynasty accounted for 60%, and the other dynasties accounted for only 10%.

Song Zhen suddenly remembered something, and he asked curiously: "By the way, what did your best friend Yan Zhaoping do in Longmen Grottoes?"

When mentioning this, Cui Mengzhu laughed non-stop.

"She was called by her father to do hard labor and dig holes!"

"......" Song Zhen was speechless. No wonder Tian Qi had been missing these days. It turned out that he was captured to serve as a soldier.

With Tian Qi around, he felt more at ease.

At night, Cui Mengzhu curled up in Song Zhen's arms and whispered: "Old Song, when will we hold the wedding? I have lived two lives, and I have not attended the wedding as the hostess."

Song Zhen raised his head and smiled faintly: "Soon. When some people can't stand it anymore."


Song Zhen also worked part-time as a fourth-rank assistant minister of the Ministry of Justice, which made the Five Surnames and Seven Famous even more uncomfortable.

Just like after breaking up, suddenly hearing that the ex-boyfriend is doing better than her and has found a girlfriend who is more beautiful than her, do you feel uncomfortable?

It's this kind of discomfort.

The more outstanding Song Zhen is, the more it proves that the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Famous have no vision.

The Taiyuan Wang family and the Fanyang Lu family's Northern Ancestor's first, second, and third houses, who stood on Song Zhen's side before, are now highly valued by Li Zhi.

It is said that many children in the family were directly recruited into the court as officials without examination.

Although the official position is not high, this move makes them envious.

As Song Zhen said in the lines of the play "Liang Zhu": "But now, if we count the heads, we have much fewer officials than them."

Many people from the Five Surnames and Seven Families have watched "Liang Zhu", and they can't help but start to question whether the family rules in the clan are really reasonable?

Once people start to have ideas, they will be very dangerous.

Cui Mengzhu's father Cui Qiuhua personally brought Cui Mengting to the Song Mansion that day.

Neither Song Zhen nor Cui Mengzhu came back. He sat in the living room from noon to late at night.

It was not until the hour of Hai that Song Zhen dragged his tired body home.

Now he has many official positions and is very busy every day.

In the morning, he went to the palace to teach the female musicians in the inner teaching house new songs. In the afternoon, he was called by Xue Zhengqing, a lazy guy, to the Dali Temple to go out with Di Renjie to investigate the case.

After get off work, he went to the Ministry of Justice to set up the copyright office. Look, he was busy until nine o'clock in the evening before going home?

"Tian Qi."

"Alang, Tian Qi hasn't come back yet."

I understand. The people at Longmen Grottoes are even busier than me, working by the light of a lamp.

As soon as he entered the door, before he had time to drink a sip of water, he saw Cui Qiuhua sitting there stupidly.

"Greetings, father-in-law." Song Zhen tidied up his appearance a little, smiled and greeted him.

Cui Qiuhua stood up with an unnatural look on his face. He didn't know what to say, so he had to ask with concern: "Are you back?"

"Yes, I was too busy and kept my father-in-law waiting for a long time. "Song Zhen ordered his servants to find tea leaves.

This is the green tea he asked someone to make specially.

Fresh tea leaves taken from the land of Bashu are spread out at a certain temperature and humidity to make the tea leaves lose moisture, that is, withering. After drying, they can be made into white tea in later generations.

But Song Zhen doesn't like to drink white tea, so he asked people to add a baking step.

In the postmodern era, tea is generally treated with heat such as frying, baking, steaming, and drying, which is commonly known as killing green tea. Finally, after the steps of rolling and drying, green tea is produced.

Song Zhen taught the production process of white tea and green tea to Gongsun and Hedong Pei, and promoted it in Huichunfang and Pingkangfang. Now it has become everyone's favorite drink.

As for the production process of yellow tea, oolong tea, black tea, etc., he didn't understand it, so he didn't make it. After all, he is not a jack of all trades and can do everything.

Cui Qiuhua stared blankly at Song Zhen's skillful tea making. A stream of fresh fragrance entered his nostrils as the tea leaves were soaked in boiling water.

"What is this? ”

“This is tea leaves.”

“Tea leaves?” Isn’t tea usually boiled? I’ve never heard of brewing it.

Song Zhen handed the teacup over with both hands, nodded with his right hand, and smiled, “Father-in-law, please.”

Cui Qiuhua pursed his lips and held it with both hands. The fragrance of the tea became stronger. He couldn’t help swallowing his saliva and then drank it all.

The fragrance lingered on the lips and teeth!

This feeling is really wonderful.

“How is it?”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that tea leaves can emit such a refreshing fragrance after being soaked in hot water.”

Song Zhen smiled slightly: “This is a specially made tea leaf. Ordinary tea leaves can’t do this.”

“Oh? Did you invent it again?”

“That’s right.” Song Zhen picked up the teapot and filled it for Cui Qiuhua.

The two drank a few cups of tea, and Cui Qiuhua just said, “Why don’t I see Nianzhen?”

“Her? Went to Longmen Grottoes to paint with Minister Yan.

Cui Qiuhua frowned subconsciously: "Why would a girl go there? You didn't try to persuade her."

Song Zhen didn't look up, and replied lightly: "As long as she likes it."

A simple answer made Cui Qiuhua forget his movements.

Yes, as a father, have you ever known what your daughter likes?

It seems not, never.

Born in a big family, everyone's life is actually planned before birth.

For example, when will you learn to read and write? When will you get married when you grow up? Who will you marry? What job will you do in the future, etc.

You don't need to have too many ideas, you just need to strictly follow the path arranged by your elders.

Including Cui Qiuhua himself, he also went through this.

He didn't think there was anything wrong, and never questioned the decision of his elders.

But is this really the life he wants?


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