After the trial was held again, Zhao Liulang and You Suzhi quickly confessed to their crimes.

Zhao Liulang confessed that after he accidentally knocked Zhao Siniang unconscious, he mistakenly thought he had killed someone. In order to evade responsibility, he sent people to Huichunfang. He originally wanted to kidnap Zhao Sanlang, but he went to the wrong room and kidnapped Song Zhen.

Song Zhen asked a question: "Wait a minute, I remember I was in the southeast corner of Huichunfang at that time. How could Zhao Sanlang be there?"

The female prostitutes in the Tang Dynasty can be divided into palace prostitutes, official prostitutes, family prostitutes, camp prostitutes, market prostitutes, private prostitutes, etc.

Palace prostitutes and camp prostitutes both belonged to the government and served for government banquets.

Family prostitutes were female prostitutes raised by large families, while private prostitutes were raised by dignitaries.

Ordinary people usually only had access to market prostitutes.

Market prostitutes are usually divided into two types: those who sell art but not their bodies and those who sell their bodies but not their art.

"Beili Zhi" says: "(Street performers) also sell their beauty, and many customers stay overnight or for several days."

Miss Chunhua is not low-ranking. She is good at singing and dancing, and her value is quite high. The fundamental reason why she took this job is that Song Zhen gave her too much.

The predecessor almost spent a coin he picked up just to watch dancing for one night?

If converted according to the price of rice, the purchasing power of a coin is about 6,000 to 7,000 yuan today.

Due to the high personnel costs, there was no money to open a private room, so he could only rent a thatched hut in the southeast corner.

However, Miss Chunhua's service quality was very good, and she did not show any impatience at the time.

Who is Zhao Sanlang, and why would he open a room in the thatched hut group in the southeast corner?

"This..." Zhao Liulang stuttered, "I don't know, I just arranged for them to catch the third brother."

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the other party's expression.

"No, you're lying. As a brother of the clan, how could you not know Sanlang's preferences?"

Besides, it was unreasonable for you to kidnap Zhao Sanlang. Everyone knows that Zhao Sanlang and Siniang have a very good relationship.

Under Song Zhen's questioning, Zhao Liulang finally couldn't bear it anymore. He confessed truthfully that he wanted to frame Wang's Laoliu.

He had a grudge with Wang Liulang, and Wang Liulang was Zhao Siniang's brother-in-law. As long as the frame-up was successful, the other party would definitely not be able to turn over.

"Alas, he is the clan's Laoliu, why are you so anxious to fight him?" Song Zhen sighed.

Later, Zhao Liulang found that he had kidnapped the wrong person. Time was running out, so he had to play along.

So, Song Zhen was wrongly imprisoned, tortured into confessing, and sent to the execution ground.

As for why Zhao Sanlang bribed the officials, executed without waiting for the report, and even sent assassins to the prison to assassinate, it was completely blinded by hatred, which was understandable.

Song Zhen leaned against the pillar with his arms around his chest, looking fiercely at Zhao Sanlang and muttering in his heart: "I don't care what your purpose is. Since you want me to die! Then I will not let you live!"

According to Zhao Sanlang's current charges, he is not guilty of death, because the evidence found so far shows that the value of the bribes can only be sentenced to exile for 2,000 miles at most.

There is no direct evidence to prove that he ordered the assassination.

At the same time, he cannot be convicted of false accusation, because Zhao Sanlang has never testified in court, and the responsibility for the wrong interrogation results lies mainly with Zhao Mingfu.

Zhao Sanlang bribed Zhao Mingfu and Cui Changshi for only one purpose, which was to hope that Song Zhen would die quickly. He did not slander Song Zhen as the murderer.

Song Zhen was unwilling, he just wanted Zhao Wenzhong to die!

"If it can be found that he killed Ah Hua, can he be convicted?" He suddenly thought of the disappeared Zhao Youguang.

"Is there a possibility? Zhao Mingfu was also killed by him?"


Soon, the verdict came down.

First, Song Zhen was proven innocent, released without charge, and his status as a good citizen was restored.

Zhao Wenzhuo, the sixth son of the Zhao family, beat Zhao Wenyu, the fourth daughter of the Zhao family, causing her to faint.

According to Article 328 of the Tang Law Commentary: "Those who beat their brothers and sisters shall be sentenced to two years in prison; those who injure them shall be sentenced to three years in prison; those who break or injure them shall be exiled for three thousand miles... Those who die shall be beheaded."

Because he did not cause death and no limbs were broken, he was sentenced to three years in prison.

Because he committed adultery with his brother's wife, he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison.

According to the Tang Dynasty's principle of "two crimes are more severe", Zhao Wenzhuo was only sentenced to three years in prison.

You Suzhi was convicted of "theft" and "intentional homicide" and was sentenced to death.

Zhao Sanlang's jade ring was stolen by her while he was sleeping.

Everyone had no objection to You Suzhi's intentional homicide.

Because You Suzhi strangled Zhao Wenyu to unconsciousness, which was the direct cause of his death.

If You Suzhi had not killed him, Zhao Wenyu should have been able to run out for help and escape, instead of being locked in the coffin and suffocated to death.

However, regarding the verdict of Zhao Liulang, Lu Shi and others launched a heated discussion.

Di Renjie believed that "death due to beating"In this case, Zhao Wenzhuo was the principal offender. If he had not knocked Zhao Wenyu unconscious first, the subsequent events would not have happened. Therefore, Zhao Wenzhuo should also be sentenced to death. However, Governor Lu believed that Zhao Wenzhuo's behavior was not the principal offender or the accomplice, because he was unaware of You Suzhi's subsequent behavior and did not participate, and there was no direct connection between the two behaviors. The two sides quarreled and parted unhappily. Finally, they had to submit the verdict to the Dali Temple and handed it over to the Dali. The temple secretary made the final decision.

Zhao Wenzhong, the third son of the Zhao family, was convicted of "bribing officials" and sentenced to exile for 2,000 miles based on the total value of the bribes.

Zhao Youguang, the prefect of Fengqiu County, was convicted of "perverting the law" and "fraud".

Perverting the law means taking bribes and perverting the law.

According to Article 138 of the Tang Law Commentary, "Officials who supervise (the area) and receive the property they supervise shall be flogged 40 times for every foot (equivalent to 0.933 inches in today's system), one bolt (40 feet) shall be increased by one level, eight bolts shall be sentenced to one year of imprisonment, eight bolts shall be increased by one level, and fifty bolts shall be exiled for 2,000 miles."

According to the investigation, Zhao Youguang received a total of 20 bolts of silk from Zhao Wenzhong and was sentenced to two years of imprisonment.

Do you think it's that simple?

No! The final verdict was that Zhao Youguang was beheaded!

According to Article 487 of the Tang Law Commentary, "Officials who commit crimes against others shall be punished for the full crime if they commit the full crime. ”

The so-called "framing people" means "making up evidence or fabricating heresy, abandoning the law and using emotions to train people into crimes."

Song Zhen had done nothing wrong and was a good citizen, but under the instigation of Zhao Youguang, he was tortured and forced to confess, and became a death row prisoner.

Because the impact of this case was very bad, he was severely punished to serve as a warning to others.

Song Zhen's original ending was the same as Zhao Youguang's.

"Where is Zhao Mingfu?" Governor Lu frowned. Where did this man go? I haven't seen him for a week.

Business trip? Can a business trip last that long?

Governor Lu came to the prison and found Cui Changshi to ask: "Where is Zhao Youguang?"

"He, I, I don't know." Cui Hao's psychological quality is still not good. It can be seen at a glance that he is lying!

"Hurry up! "Lu, the governor, slapped the prison door with his palm, making a loud noise.

Cui Hao was frightened and cried: "I, I don't know."

He was not the main culprit in this case. He was guilty of improper supervision by his superiors and bribery, but he was only guilty of bribery and had no time to take action, so he was sentenced to 100 lashes.

However, with his old body, he probably couldn't bear a few lashes.

Cui Hao had already asked his family to build a good relationship and let the clerk who punished him show mercy.

In addition to "bribery", there is also "public crime".

The so-called public crime refers to "public affairs that lead to crimes without selfishness or crookedness".

Article 17 of "Tang Law Commentary" stipulates: "Private crimes, for officials above the fifth rank, an official shall be sentenced to two years in prison; for officials above the ninth rank, an official shall be sentenced to one year in prison. If a public crime is committed, one year shall be added. ”

In addition to being beaten, Cui Hao will have to spend two years in jail.

Therefore, he absolutely dared not confess now, and Zhao Youguang died in front of him, otherwise, he might be beaten more, or even exiled.

"Lu Governor, is there a possibility? Zhao Youguang committed suicide out of fear of punishment?"

Lu Yang's aura was so strong that Cui Hao had to find a reason to cover it up.

"Committed suicide out of fear of punishment?" Lu Governor nodded secretly, it was possible.

The most important thing now is that Zhao Youguang must be found first, whether dead or alive.


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