In front of the government office, Miss Chunhua reluctantly said goodbye to Song Zhen.

She asked softly: "Young Master, will you come to Huichunfang to see me another day?"

Ms. Chunhua's eyes were full of affection. The reason why she asked this question might be because she was not convinced.

She was a beautiful woman, but the other party was unmoved?

She was eager to prove herself.


"Anu can do it without money."


"Anu can even give you money, as long as you don't abandon me." Miss Chunhua's watery eyes were full of tenderness.

Song Zhen was in a dilemma. How could he not obey the appointment of the beautiful woman?

The key is that there is still a chance to get it for free.

However, he couldn't forget his girlfriend in his previous life. They were about to get married.


On the side of the government lobby, Yan Liben was drinking and talking happily with Di Renjie.

"Huaiying, I think you should try not to be too aggressive in the future. It's not good for your career."

When Di Renjie heard Yan Liben's words, he paused the wine cup he held in the air, puzzled: "Minister Yan, what do you mean?"

"Take this case for example, you went to the execution ground and directly stopped the beheading. Do you think you did the right thing?"

Di Renjie lowered his head. In fact, he wanted to say that he did not regret it.

"Fortunately, Song Zhen has some skills. With his help, you successfully solved this case. If it were any other criminal, you would have been doing useless work if you had persisted like this, and would have ended up in disgrace."

Yan Liben continued earnestly, "Huaiying, I need you to remember one sentence."

"Officials are afraid of being alone, wise men are afraid of fame, and loyal men are afraid of being honest."

"This is the lesson I have learned from my decades of service as an official. If you have the ambition to climb higher, you have to put aside your ridiculous arrogance."

Young Di Renjie wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yan Liben.

He took out a stack of booklets from his bag, looked at Di Renjie seriously and said, "This is your colleague's evaluation of you, you can take a look."

Di Renjie couldn't wait to open it and check it out, but his face became worse and worse.

"Have you seen it? Are all the comments negative?"

"Huaiying, you are too stubborn and don't know how to adapt. You interrupted the execution on the execution ground and made Cui Changshi lose face. You treat your superiors like this, so you can imagine how you treat your colleagues?"

"The most troublesome thing about being an official is that you have no dignity, the most dangerous thing is that your future is uncertain, and the saddest thing is that you can't tell others about your suffering."

"It's hard to be a good official. If you are mediocre and do nothing, you will be valued; if you make achievements, you will be suspected. I hope you can understand this truth."

Di Renjie lowered his head. He felt that every word of the evaluation in the booklet was heartbreaking.

He thought that he had done a good job. He served as a judge in Bianzhou for two years and handled hundreds of cases, but no one sought justice.

Why? Why did his colleagues have such a big opinion of him?

Unknowingly, he became a good judge supported by the people, but a hedgehog head who was hostile to his colleagues.

After hearing what Yan Liben said, Di Renjie was enlightened.

He was silent for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Minister Yan, what will happen if colleagues give bad reviews?"

Yan Liben laughed and said, "More than half of them, at the least, we will be investigated, and at the worst, we will be dismissed."

"I think you are a smart person. You have read poetry and books for many years, and it is not easy to pass the imperial examination. It is not easy to take this path. I hope you don't ruin your future with your own hands."

Di Renjie lowered his head in frustration and said with mixed feelings, "I know."

He recalled the absurd things he had done recently. If Minister Yan and Wang Yushi had not come, how dangerous would his situation be?

However, not every time there is a noble person to help.

Cui Changshi is a leader who is easy to talk to. If it were someone else, he would have taken him down on the spot on the execution ground. How could he listen to his words?

And Zhao County Magistrate, I scolded him like this, no wonder he was angry and detained me in prison.

Next, Minister Yan talked to Di Renjie about the ways of being an official.

This conversation today made Di Renjie deeply understand that being an official is also a science.

Being an official is about understanding the situation, establishing oneself, and knowing people...

Many years later, Di Renjie, who was a prime minister, remembered what Yan Liben said to him today in his later years, and combined with his life's ups and downs, he finally wrote the classic of officialdom: "Eunuch Classics".


Yan Liben looked at the sunset in the sky, and he suddenly became interested: "The last time I came to Bianzhou, I hadn't experienced the local customs and customs here. I heard that there is a Huichunfang in Bianzhou that is particularly famous. Huaiying, you have been in Bianzhou for many years and are familiar with the way. Why don't you take me and Wang Yushi to experience it."

Di Renjie said embarrassedly: "Minister Yan, II don't go to that kind of place."

"Hey, look at you." Yan Liben frowned, "You ignored what I said just now, didn't you?"

Di Renjie had no choice but to stand up and help Yan Liben up.

"Hey, I'm not old yet, I'm only over 50 years old, I don't need your help!" Yan Liben glared at him, and stood up with difficulty with his right hand on his waist.

Di Renjie muttered in his heart, look at your body, can you still move in a brothel? I'm afraid you can only use your hands, right?

The two walked side by side to the backyard and called Wang Yifang out.

"Jingxian, let's go to Huichunfang, the place you've been thinking about."

Wang Yifang's old face blushed, and he hurriedly explained: "Huaiying, don't listen to the nonsense of Minister Yan, how can I be that kind of person?"

Di Renjie acted as if he didn't care, he laughed and said: "It's okay, we are just going to taste good wine and food. "

Yan Liben added: "By the way, enjoy the singing and dancing of the women in Bianzhou."

"Hahaha." The three of them smiled knowingly.

The three of them walked out of the government office and suddenly saw Song Zhen squatting at the door.

"Song Lang, what are you doing here?"

"I have nothing to do. "Song Zhen scratched his head. Now he was free from grievances, but his life was in confusion.

In ancient times, there was no TV, no Internet, and the worst thing was that there were no mobile phones. What did you want me to do?

In this era, ordinary people usually had only two choices. First, go to the city to work for others, and second, farm outside the city.

It was not a wise choice to go back to the Tang Dynasty to do business. Among the four categories of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, guess why "merchant" was ranked last?

In the Tang Dynasty, merchants had a very low status. Except for beggars, anyone could call you a "market child".

It should be said that since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, all dynasties have been similar, and this tradition has continued for more than two thousand years. Postmodern times have reversed it.

In the seventh year of Wude, Emperor Gaozu issued an edict: "Scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, the four categories have their own industries, and the families that receive salary shall not compete with the subordinates for profit."

"Tang Liudian" says: "Any official and relatives who live with great merit (uncle, cousin, brother, sister) above, who are engaged in industry and commerce and specialize in their own industries, are not allowed to enter the officialdom. ”

Taizong’s Official Rank Order clearly stipulates: “Businessmen and women of all kinds must not sit side by side with the wise officials and scholars of the court, nor eat together.”

In the first year of Zhenguan, Taizong issued an edict: “No one above the fifth rank is allowed to enter the market.”

Article 142 of Tang Law Commentary stipulates: “Those who force the market shall be flogged fifty times, and those who make extra profits shall be considered to be perverting the law.”

All the above regulations have only one purpose, which is to prevent “official-business collusion”, balance the market economy, and maintain class rule.

Therefore, some Yanzu should not think about traveling back to the Tang Dynasty, starting with a small street stall, then becoming rich enough to rival a country, being appointed prime minister, and finally marrying a shared wife, Princess Changle…

To be honest, you can’t even pass the political review, unless you can do it to the level of Wu Zetian’s father, Wu Shigui.

Real life is not a brainless and cool article.


At this time, Di Renjie stretched out his hand: “The three of us are planning to go to Huichunfang, why don’t you come with us? "

Song Zhen blinked, he was quite interested, and also wanted to see the ancient high-end club.

He looked at Yan Liben and Wang Yifang respectively: "Minister Yan, Censor Wang, you don't mind, right?"

Yan Liben stroked his beard and nodded with a smile: "Song Xiaoyou, don't be restrained. Although I am in a high position, I am actually a mortal."

"Thank you." Song Zhen was very polite and saluted the two big guys to show his respect.

Then, he grabbed Di Renjie's hand and jumped onto the horse.


Song Zhen was afraid of falling off the horse, so he hugged Di Renjie's slender waist tightly.

Di Renjie's tiger body trembled, and his whole body was stiff.


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