"Minister Yan, we have arrived at Huichunfang." Di Renjie gently pulled Song Zhen's hand away without leaving any trace.

Song Zhen was awakened, he wiped the saliva from his mouth, and opened his eyes in confusion.

Is this the legendary brothel?

Unlike what is shown on TV, there will be a young lady holding a handkerchief outside the door and calling out in a tender voice, "Little brother, come and play." The girl is very reserved.

The Huichunfang archway is 20 meters high, magnificent and beautiful.

Red walls and plain tiles, the decoration is gorgeous and elegant, with a touch of elegance, and bursts of pleasant fragrance permeate from it.

Song Zhen took a deep breath, elegant! Damn, it's so elegant!

This is a large-scale high-end entertainment club in ancient times!

There is no comparison with the hair salons and foot washing cities in later generations.

The four gentlemen walked into the door with their heads held high, and soon, they welcomed a plump and mature woman.

In the early Tang Dynasty, it was actually similar to the postmodern aesthetics.

It was not until the middle and late period of Wu Zetian's reign that the idea of ​​"plumpness is beauty for women" gradually developed, probably because of the rich living standards of the people at that time.

"Guest, my name is Yanu, how many of you are there?" The woman held her waist with both hands and bowed with a smile.

Song Zhen looked down and accidentally took a look. Hmm, rich and generous!

Her figure was considered slightly plump in later generations, the kind of slightly plump that men ideally wanted.

Many film and television dramas portray the image of the old procuress who greets guests as old and faded, which is actually ugly, at least not in the Tang Dynasty.

Think about it, if a guest comes to have fun, and the first person he meets is an old woman with yellow teeth, will he still be interested?

Yanu is a name in the market, mostly a code for receiving women, taking into account the overall order of the scene and arranging the girls out.

Di Renjie straightened his back and replied unnaturally: "Four, four."

"Tea party or drinking and music?"

"I, we only drink and eat."

Yan Nu covered her mouth and laughed: "Hehehe, come here, please."

Yan Li was old but not old at heart. He naturally took Yan Nu's hand and held it in his hand. It can be seen that he is an old driver.

Yan Nu gently pulled away her hand without leaving a trace, and her expression still maintained a warm smile.

She led Song Zhen and his party through the corridor and finally came to the seats on the third floor.

Because they came to eat and watch a performance, there was no need to take them to the private room.

It must be said that Yan Nu was very good at observing words and expressions. She saw that Yan Li had a sense of superiority on his body, so he must be from a big family.

So she took the four people to the seats on the third floor with the best view.

"Guest, please."

Yan Liben shouted loudly: "Help me get some young ladies!" He threw his money bag on the table with a heroic gesture, indicating that he had plenty of money, so he would find me some high-quality ones.

"Okay, guest, please wait." Yan Nu twisted her hips and left.

When Yan Nu disappeared from sight, Yan Liben sighed faintly: "Alas, Huichunfang in Bianzhou is still not as good as Pingkangfang in Chang'an."

Song Zhen wanted to complain, you are comparing the clubs in third- and fourth-tier cities with the capital, right?

Di Renjie just smiled awkwardly and did not answer. He was in a hurry to take the exam and did not experience the customs and customs of Chang'an. He could only say that what you said was right.

"Come on, Minister Yan, I'll toast you a glass to express my gratitude." Song Zhen held the wine cup.

"Song Xiaoyou, you are too polite. You have also contributed to your rehabilitation. I just did a small thing."

Song Zhen drank it all in one gulp and did not comment.

He was sincerely grateful to Yan Liben. If this third-rank minister had not come, he would have had no chance to prove his innocence.

"Wang Yushi, I toast you a glass."

Wang Yifang nodded expressionlessly. He had always had this Sima face, and he was the same to everyone.

His personality was like this. To put it nicely, he was upright and did not bow down to the powerful.

But later, because of the impeachment of Li Yifu, his life was rough from then on.

"Huaiying, the person I want to thank the most is you. If it weren't for you, there would be no Song Zhen later."

Di Renjie finally smiled. He shyly took the wine gift and drank it.

The food in Huichunfang was served quickly, and Song Zhen took a general look.

There were cakes, mutton, steamed fish, and even...


Damn it, I could actually eat sashimi 1,400 years ago?

"Minister Yan, Censor Wang, this is sea bass cut into sashimi, a specialty of Bianzhou."

"Hahaha, then I'll try it."

Yan Liben picked up a piece of sashimi as thin as a gauze with chopsticks, put minced garlic and fermented black beans in it, and put it into his mouth.

His eyes suddenly opened, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wonderful! It's really delicious."

Song Zhen also followed suitHe took a bite of sashimi and found that it tasted really good. It was unpolluted sashimi from more than a thousand years ago. It had no fishy smell. The fish meat was sweet and smooth. The minced garlic in the middle brought layers of strong stimulation, which impacted the taste buds together with the fresh fish.

He remembered that it was no wonder that sashimi was popular in the island country. It turned out to be passed down from the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the knife skills of chefs in the Tang Dynasty were not inferior to those in the postmodern era. The fish meat was crystal clear and as thin as a cicada's wing.

The main sashimi varieties in the Tang Dynasty were sea bass. Of course, carp could not be eaten because the emperor's surname was Li.

Song Zhen had to eat a few more bites. Di Renjie put a piece of roasted lamb leg in his bowl.

"Don't just eat fish. Try this."

The meat in the Tang Dynasty was mainly lamb. Eating beef was a crime.

Article 204 of the Tang Law Commentary stipulates: "Livestock is not limited to the public or private. If you kill a horse or a cow, you will be punished with 90 strokes of the cane."

So, if you travel back to the Tang Dynasty, remember not to shout "I want to eat beef skewers", and don't kill horses and cows by mistake, unless the cow hits your butt, then you can do whatever you want to save your life.

There are two ways to cook mutton on the table, one is roasted lamb legs and the other is steamed lamb.

There is no need to teach roasted lamb legs, just pick it up and eat it.

The way to eat steamed lamb is a bit special. You need to cut the steamed lamb on the plate into slices, and then sprinkle pepper powder, Sichuan pepper powder and other seasonings on it to cover its mutton smell and increase the taste.

"Isn't this a modern way of eating Western food?" Song Zhen was stunned.

Western food! This way of eating was already popular in the Tang Dynasty 1,400 years ago.

"It's a pity that there were no peppers in the Tang Dynasty." Peppers did not enter the southeast coast until the Ming Dynasty 700 to 800 years ago.

While the four of them were feasting, a pipa sound came from downstairs, like pearls falling on a jade plate.

Song Zhen curiously looked down and saw a graceful woman in a long gauze skirt dancing on the stage.

"Ms. Chunhua?"

As expected of the top performer of Huichunfang, she dances gracefully and is really good.

"Geese, geese, geese, singing to the sky with curved necks."

"White hair floats on the green water, red palms stir the clear waves." A chanting sound came from downstairs.


What the hell? This famous brothel is actually performing modern elementary school students' poems? I came here just to see this?

Yan Liben stroked his beard and laughed: "I didn't expect to hear Guanguang's poems in Bianzhou."

"Who is Guanguang?"

Wang Yushi explained: "Dongtai Xianzheng scholar, Luo Binwang."

"?" A living great poet?

"Huaiying, why don't you go down and write a poem? From now on, all the major markets will sing your works, wouldn't it be glorious?"

Di Renjie blushed and shook his head, saying that he was not good at poetry.

If he had the brain to write poetry, he would not have chosen to take the Mingjing exam, which was a rote memorization exam, but the Jinshi exam.

At this time, Song Zhen stood up.


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