However, Miss Tianhua, who had not moved, finally took out her weapon. Oh no, it was a musical instrument.

"It's actually a high-pitched suona!" Li Zhi was shocked.

The suona modified by Song Zhen is a high-pitched suona. The native suona of the Tang Dynasty really can't play such a sharp range.

The addition of the suona directly replaced the drum sound and drove the rhythm of the whole scene.

Moreover, Miss Tianhua deliberately lowered the sound so as not to cover the sound of other instruments.

There are a total of four progressive chorus melodies, each one more exciting than the last.

Moreover, the melody tones of the first two sections are different, only the beginning of the last two sections are the same, and they change in the middle.

The beginning of the penultimate ensemble melody makes people feel excited.

The resonance of the five instruments plays a harmonious feeling. No instrument is redundant, and no instrument deliberately steals the limelight from other instruments.

Each instrument plays its due role in this song.

Just like the people in different regions and professions in the Tang Dynasty, each performs his own duties and lives in harmony.

Finally, "Nine States Together" ended with the sound of the zither's rapid plucking.

Song Zhen wiped the sweat from his forehead and left the drummer's stand.

This is a layout pattern he imitated from a drum set, with a big drum, three small drums, two gongs and a quickboard.

"Your Majesty!"

Li Zhi laughed, walked to his side, patted his shoulder heavily and praised.

"Song Qing, you really surprised me."

Hearing the saint's approval, the fairy girls couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that the performance just now would go wrong and ruin this classic song.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Song Zhen selected the most outstanding musicians, and he naturally trusted them very much.

If even these musicians couldn't play well, then no one in the entire Neijiaofang would be able to do it.

"I can't believe you can actually do it." Li Zhi sighed again.

Originally, he himself had no hope, after all, "Floating Light" was the best song he had ever heard in his life.

I never expected that Song Zhen could create another glory!

"Nine States Together" is different from "Floating Light". The former abandoned the low melody in the early stage and went directly to the climax.

Just like Li Zhi, starting from the Zhenguan Reign, he gradually entered the glory.

"Song Qing, what are the meanings of your four musical instruments?"

Song Zhen corrected him with a smile: "Your Majesty, it's five."

"Oh, five."

"The drums represent the Li Tang court and play a role in guiding the masses."

"Sattar represents the northwest Longyou Road."

"Guzheng represents the southwest Jiannan Road."

"The flute represents the southeast Jiangnan Road."

"The last suona symbolizes the northeast Hebei Road."

"Good!" Li Zhi clapped his hands in approval. He didn't expect that Song Zhen actually thought so far.

The meaning is really good, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty has basically been won over.

"Then why is this song named "Nine Provinces Together"?" Li Zhi narrowed his eyes.

Song Zhen complained in his heart, because the original composer Guan named it like this.

However, he naturally couldn't say it like this, and answered after a little thought.

"From the perspective of historical achievements, your majesty has surpassed Tian Khan in terms of territory."

"During the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, from 11 million square meters during the Zhenguan Reign to 13 million square meters after the Yonghui Reign. Your majesty has realized the dream that Tian Khan has never realized."

"Future generations will always remember your majesty's merits."

Li Zhi didn't speak, and after a long time, he took a deep breath.

"You can just say this in front of me, don't talk too much to others when you go out."

"Of course." Song Zhen knew that Li Zhi liked to hear it, but it was just a polite remark.

Li Zhi really laughed. He pulled Song Zhen aside and sat down, leaving Wu Meiniang aside.

"Come. I'm very curious. What is the first instrument you used in this song..."

"If you look at it from the perspective of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, it is Hu music."

"Oh?" Li Zhi raised his eyebrows. You are really interesting. You were just slandered by the Five Surnames and Seven Families as Hu music for your composition some time ago. Now you really use Hu music to compose music.

Is this a slap in the face?

"This instrument is called Satar. The sound of the piano is desolate, and people have the illusion of being trapped in the desert grassland after listening to it."


"You made it?"


Li Zhi was shocked. You kid, in order to compose music for me, you also invented a new instrument?

What should I do? I was a little moved.

"This song is very good. I like it very much. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Here it comes again. Generally, those who make such requests will see the answer to the dish. As I said, you can't be greedy.In fact, the emperor already knew what was going on. He just wanted to hear your answer and observe your character.

Song Zhen is not short of money now, and his position will not be promoted in a short time.

So, he thought of a more compromised way to give himself a good reputation.

Song Zhen stood up and saluted: "I have a poem to give to Your Majesty."

"Oh? Go ahead."

"The nine states rely on wind and thunder for vitality, but it is a pity that all the horses are silent.

I advise the God to shake himself up and send down talents in all kinds of ways."

Li Zhi was stunned in the spot. This poem...

It can be called a famous sentence through the ages!

I didn't expect that you are really good at writing.

You can actually write such a quatrain?

Li Zhi naturally understood the meaning of Song Zhen's poem. He asked, "Mr. Song, what do you think?"

"I think we should select talents from many aspects."

"What do you mean?"

"Today's college entrance examination, oh no, it's the imperial examination, which only judges heroes by their grades, which is too one-sided."

"I think a good official should not be judged by whether he can write quatrains, but by his personal ability."

"As the saying goes, there are specialties in every profession, and there are champions in every profession. I suggest that Your Majesty can add a variety of imperial examinations to select different practical talents."

Li Zhi listened and found it interesting. Practical talents? What kind of people can be considered practical?

Song Zhen replied that for example, agriculture, industry, construction, etc., it is unreasonable to let talents in these fields take exams in poetry and songs. They don't even know a single word.

But can you say that they don't have a skill? Can you say that they can't contribute to the construction of the Tang Dynasty?


Everyone can contribute a little to the country, but the key is how the court should tap and utilize it?

Li Zhi thought of a deeper side.

If the imperial examination subjects are really added as Song Zhen said, they will not be judged by the essays or the length of the poems, but by personal strength.

Will it bring a huge impact to the big families such as the Five Surnames and Seven Families who control the knowledge of the world?

Nowadays, if scholars in the world want to learn, there is no other way except to rely on the gentry.

And reading has become the only way to obtain fame.

The so-called scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans, the gentry is the foundation, and farmers and workers are the foundation of the country.

All three cannot be abandoned, and none of them can be missing.

Li Zhi nodded: "I agree, so, after you go back, can you write out the new subjects and assessment methods within three days?"

Song Zhen was stunned. Good guy, he dug a hole for himself, right?

He firmly refused: "Your Majesty, not for the time being."


"Because I have been busy for a long time, I want to rest for seven days."

Li Zhi was stunned, then smiled and shook his head, you kid, you are really honest.

But I like it.

"Okay, then I will allow you to rest for ten days, how about it?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."


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