Cui Mengzhu was quite tempted when she heard Song Zhen say that.

I don’t know what Beijing looks like now, 1,400 years ago.

“Okay. Just the two of us going?”

“You can bring your best friend Yan Zhaoping.”

“Okay, I’ll ask her tomorrow.”

The next day, Song Zhen entered the palace early in the morning. He planned to ask Li Zhi for a long vacation.

Li Zhi looked up, and he didn’t understand. Do you think you are idle? How long have you been holding multiple positions, and you want to go far away to play?

He waved his hand to reject Song Zhen: “I only allow you to go to Chang’an at most, no further.”

In fact, Li Zhi was also doing it for his own good.

Song Zhen was helpless. He sighed. Chang’an would be fine. After all, Li Mengting’s hometown is Xi’an.

Li Zhi asked curiously, "Who did you go with?"

"With my wife."

"Oh, I remember your wife Cui Nianzhen seems to be a female official in the Ministry of Works, right?"


"That's great." Li Zhi smiled, "When will the wedding be held? Please go and have a drink?"

Song Zhen was startled, and he quickly said, "Your Majesty, I don't need to bother you now, do I?"

"Haha, I'm kidding. But I'm looking forward to what music you will play at the wedding."

Li Zhi knew that with Song Zhen's talent, he must be very particular about the major events in life.

At that time, I'm afraid it will cause another wave of folk following trends.

He was quite relaxed about Song Zhen's composition, mainly because Song Zhen's repertoire was basically pure music, basically without lyrics.

There was nothing wrong with pure music, but if it was with lyrics, it would have to be carefully reviewed.

Li Zhi saw the influence of music from Song Zhen, and he was thinking about whether he could get him to write a song to praise the Tang Dynasty.


Song Zhen went back and told Cui Mengzhu the bad news, but unexpectedly, the other party was quite happy.

She thought that Youzhou was always not peaceful.

From Peng Chong at the turn of the Xin and Han dynasties, to Gongsun Zan in the Three Kingdoms era, and from An Lushan's rebellion against the Tang Dynasty, Youzhou has always been the base camp of the rebels.

This is related to the geographical location of Youzhou, which can be used for attack or defense.

Another point is that the folk customs of Youzhou are very fierce, and many immigrants from outside the Great Wall will choose to settle in Youzhou.

Moreover, Youzhou is rich in strong soldiers and generals, and the local people in Youzhou do not have a strong sense of belonging to the Tang Dynasty.

In summary, if the local government has second thoughts in Youzhou, Li Zhi will not be able to control it for the time being.

It is still safer in Chang'an in the Central Plains.

A day later, Song Zhen and Cui Mengzhu, with Yan Zhaoping and Tian Qi, and a dozen guards, set off for Chang'an in a mighty group.

The distance between Luoyang and Chang'an is 370 kilometers by highway in later times, and it is about the same in the Tang Dynasty, about 400 kilometers.

Because it is between the two capitals, the official road is very prosperous, and soldiers can be seen everywhere along the way.

They took a carriage, ate, drank and had fun along the way, and tasted Tang Dynasty delicacies everywhere.

Maybe some Yanzu will ask, why don't you mention shitting?

Well, this question is actually unnecessary.

Song Zhen's current wealth is enough to support his family to wipe their butts with paper, without bamboo strips.

Seven days later, Chang'an City, arrived.

As the capital of the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an can be seen to be more prosperous than Luoyang City.

Song Zhen chose to arrange the group to Huichunfang and Pingkangfang.

He and Cui Mengzhu, as well as Yan Zhaoping and Tian Qi lived in the luxurious Pingkangfang.

As for the guards, they were arranged in Huichunfang next door, double rooms.

"Uncle Dong, I've heard a lot about you." Song Zhen smiled and took out Pei Yaojun's letter of introduction.

Pei Yaodong blocked it with his hand, saying that he didn't need a letter of introduction.

"Well, Song Lang, Uncle Dong is very happy that you can come to Chang'an."

"Warmly welcome Song Lang to Chang'an to guide our work."

Song Zhen blinked, you... why are you talking so arrogantly?

What do you mean by guiding work? You, comrade, have a high level of awareness.

"How is it? Did the last time the scholar made trouble cause trouble to Uncle Dong?"

Pei Yaodong smiled and waved his hand, and he personally poured a cup of tea for Song Zhen.

"In Chang'an, only Uncle Dong threatens others, how can others threaten Uncle Dong?"

Song Zhen was shocked, I was surprised, such a familiar line.

So majestic and domineering?

Pei Yaodong took a sip of tea indifferently.

"Song Lang, how long do you plan to play in Chang'an?"

"It depends on the situation, probably a week."

"Okay, I'll arrange for a master to hide and protect your safety."

Master? Song Zhen narrowed his eyes. It seems that this uncle Dong's methods are indeed extraordinary.

He can even send out martial arts masters?

No wonder, judging from the government report, the number of scholars causing trouble in Chang'an is less than one-fifth of that in Luoyang.

It seems that Uncle Dong must have made a move secretly.

Song Zhen didn't think anything was wrong. This world is a cruel reality where the strong prey on the weak.

If you don't have the strength, then be honest and don't cause trouble.

If you provoke someone you shouldn't, you won't know how he died.

After sorting out Pingkangfang, Song Zhen took Cui Mengzhu to revisit the old place.

Cui Mengzhu looked around, her expression a little confused.

"Strange, why can't I see the bell and drum tower?"

"Silly, the bell and drum tower was built in the 13th year of Hongwu of Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. What are you thinking about?"


Cui Mengzhu looked into the distance with her big eyes, as if she was looking for something everywhere, and she couldn't help but pouting.

"Old Song, I, I can't find where my home is."

All the buildings are short, and there is no trace of the high-rise buildings of later generations.

Cui Mengzhu lives near the Bell and Drum Tower, but now there is no such building.

How can you let her find her way home?

Song Zhen gently held her in his arms and said softly: "You still have me. In the Tang Dynasty, we will never be separated again."

Unable to find the old site of her home, Cui Mengzhu suddenly lost interest in enjoying the scenery.

In the Tang Dynasty, there is not only no Bell and Drum Tower, no Terracotta Warriors, no Stele Forest, but also no Cuihua Mountain towering into the clouds.

Perhaps, what makes them happier than people in later generations is that they can appreciate the brand new Tang Dynasty Tower, Huaqing Pool, Tang Dynasty Furong Garden...

And the real Daming Palace.

1,400 years later, only the broken old site of the Daming Palace remains, but now everything is new and complete.

Suddenly, Cui Mengzhu broke free from Song Zhen's embrace, and she smiled and pointed to the tower in the distance.

"Old Song, that's the Big Wild Goose Pagoda."

"I remember you said that when you were a child, your father-in-law often took you to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda to burn incense and pray for blessings, right?"

"Yes, he often told me the story of Tang Sanzang. He said that in history there was indeed Master Xuanzang, and he did go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, but there was no Sun Wukong's three disciples."

Song Zhen walked over and gently took her hand.

"Let's go over and take a look. Maybe we can meet the real Tang Sanzang?"


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