"Huh? Huaiying, why are you here?"

"Uh, I just happened to pass by."

"Is that so." Song Zhen smiled and brought Di Renjie in.

Di Renjie said unnaturally: "Shouzheng, there is a case recently, I think, I need your help."


"I, I know you just came back from Chang'an, you must be very tired, in fact, I don't want to trouble you, but this time, I can't do it without you." Seeing this, Di Renjie hurriedly explained.

Song Zhen slowed down, then patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "Huaiying, we don't need to be so formal, tell me, what do you need my help with?"

"There is a strange case in Yongzhou..."

After hearing the explanation, Song Zhen couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

If only one governor died on his way to take office, it would be reasonable.

However, three of them died suddenly in succession?

That doesn't make sense. It's hard to believe that it's not man-made.

But why did he choose to kill the newly appointed governor?

Is it because the new official would touch the interests of some local people? So he chose to take the risk?

"Huaiying, I suggest you go to the Ministry of Personnel first and investigate why the previous governor of Yongzhou was replaced."


Song Zhen took a comfortable bath and found a problem. It seemed that the house was a little deserted.

There were only three people living in such a large villa of more than 300 acres?

He and Cui Mengzhu, and a 50-year-old housekeeper.

The housekeeper usually had nothing to do, because Song Zhen made all the meals, so she only received guests every day and cleaned the public areas.

There was not even a maid, which was really annoying.

After all, I am now a big man who earns 300 strings of cash a day. How can I live a poorer life than Du Fu?

"No, I must go to the city to buy a few servants tomorrow."

Song Zhen told Cui Mengzhu about this.

She actually didn't want too many people at home. She thought the current number was good.

Song Zhen had to persuade: "After all, we are rich people. Isn't it normal to buy some servants?"

"Okay, but remember, don't buy Kunlun slaves. I feel sick when I see them."

"Okay, okay, I don't feel comfortable with Kunlun slaves either."

The next day, Song Zhen came to the largest trading market in Luoyang, Nanshi, alone.

It was not far from where he lived, just across Tianjin Bridge.

In fact, Pingkangfang and Huichunfang did not have independent squares like in Chang'an.

For them, it was just a store name.

Originally, this place was called Juhefang, and later Li Zhi personally named it Lehefang.

Song Zhen and Di Renjie lived in Lehefang.

A little further down Lehefang, you will reach Nanshi.

Walking into Nanshi, you will be greeted by shouts.

"Come and see, fresh southern oranges."

"My dear young man, this is the yellow wine brewed by the government wine shop, it smells so good."

Song Zhen walked over and asked meaningfully: "Didn't the government ban alcohol? How can you sell it?"

The shopkeeper laughed and said: "We are different from other shops. In the whole Luoyang, only my shop can sell alcohol openly."

"Oh? There is such a thing?"

The shopkeeper saw that Song Zhen was dressed luxuriously, so he took the initiative to flatter him, but he didn't expect that Song Zhen would directly refuse.

"No, I don't drink."

It's not that I don't drink, it's mainly because it's hard to drink.

In the early days of the Tang Dynasty, wine was prohibited from being brewed.

Because wine must require grain, everyone couldn't even eat enough, how could there be surplus grain for wine?

In the second year of Wude, Emperor Gaozu of Tang issued an order: "Because grain is expensive, it is forbidden to slaughter and expel people within the customs."

During the Gaozong period, people's lives gradually became richer, so the ban on alcohol was relaxed.

Of course, there was still a ban on alcohol.

The ban on alcohol during this period did not mean that the government offices were prohibited from brewing alcohol, but that the people were prohibited from brewing alcohol. In addition, people were not allowed to drink in groups.

Don’t look at what was said in the previous article, Song Zhen and others drank alcohol in Huichunfang.

In fact, each person was only given one bowl of wine at most, no more.

However, when the emperor was happy, he would often give wine, that is, the government rewarded the people with wine and meat, and the whole world celebrated.

Song Zhen guessed that there must be someone behind this store, and no one dared to sell alcohol openly.

After thinking about it, he still bought 20 kilograms, which is five buckets.

Although he didn’t drink it, it would be good to take it home to make medicinal wine.

In his official career, he took a steady and cautious route and didn’t easily provoke others.

Oh, except for the five surnames and seven families.

Anyway, buying some wine is just a small amount of money for him.

ThenHow much does a bucket of wine cost?

Wang Wei wrote in his poem: "Xinfeng fine wine costs 10,000 yuan, how many years has Xianyang been wandering."

Li Bai wrote in his poem: "Golden cups of clear wine cost 10,000 yuan, jade plates of delicacies cost 10,000 yuan."

Bai Juyi wrote in his poem: "Ten thousand yuan for a bucket, seventy years of owed."

Cui Guofu wrote in his poem: "To buy a bucket of wine, it costs exactly 10,000 yuan."

These four poets from different eras clearly wrote in their poems that a bucket of wine costs 10,000 yuan (wen), which is 10 strings of cash.

From this, we can see that the price of wine, an official controlled item, is unchanged.

But even so, a pound of wine costs 500 to 600 yuan.

Damn, brewing wine is really profitable!

Unfortunately, although the Tang Dynasty did not ban folk brewing, you could only drink it yourself. If you took it out to sell, if the amount exceeded a certain amount, you would be sentenced to hanging.

The Tang Law Commentary stipulates: "All officials and civilians who drink and sell wine must pay 30 strings of cash; those who brew privately will not be punished; those who sell privately will be limited to 50 strings of cash... Anyone who violates this will be hanged."

Song Zhen asked the store to transport the wine to the palace, and he continued to stroll in the South Market.

He came to the place in the South Market that specializes in human trafficking.

"Come and have a look, fresh Kunlun slaves, who are hardworking and hardworking, are only sold for 15 strings of cash."

15 strings of cash? Not expensive, a bucket of wine is 10 strings of cash.

Here, many people gathered in the Kunlun slave shop.

In the Tang Dynasty, Kunlun slaves were rare goods. Regardless of whether they were rich or poor, the shop was full of people.

Song Zhen passed by the shop selling Kunlun slaves without even a glance, and continued to walk forward.

His target today was the female servants. He was worried about leaving the male servants at home.

Suddenly, he noticed someone shouting not far away.

"The beautiful Bodhisattva Man, is there anyone who can make another bid?"

"I'll offer 20 strings of cash!"

"I'll offer 30 strings of cash! I'll take this beauty!"

Song Zhen took a closer look and had to admit that the woman in the middle of the stage was indeed very pretty.

But he thought, I'm here to buy a servant, why would I buy a Bodhisattva Man who can't work?

So he just chose to pass by.

"Who dares to compete with me? Don't you give me the face of the Qinghe Cui family?"

At this time, Song Zhen paused, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked back at the young man.

He recognized that the other party was indeed a descendant of the Qinghe Cui family.

Because he did see the other party watching in the Cui Mansion that day, and even followed the clan elder Cui Yu to speak rudely to him.

He is that kind of loyal dog.

Song Zhen walked over and said lightly: "Is fifty strings of cash very rich? I'll offer one hundred strings of cash!"


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