On the other side, Song Zhen came to a river outside the city. He rolled up the letter paper and stuffed it into a bamboo tube.

The seriousness of the matter has far exceeded their imagination.

The most important thing now is to report the dynamics of Yongzhou.

He stuffed his fish token of the Dali Temple Secretary into the bamboo tube, sealed it and put it into the river, watching the bamboo tube drifting down the river.

This is the water mail of the Tang Dynasty, letting the bamboo tube drift in the water and float to the water post station in the lower river area.

During the Tang Dynasty, bamboo tube communication was widely used by literati and scholars. The famous poet Yuan Zhen often used this method to communicate with Bai Juyi.

In addition to the land post station messengers galloping to send messages, there are also two other methods of bamboo tube communication and wild geese sending letters in the Tang Dynasty.

The term "wild geese sending letters" comes from the "Book of Han". Su Wu was detained when he was sent to the Xiongnu, and then he tied the letter to the feet of the wild goose to convey the message that he was not dead.

Then it gradually developed into pigeon sending letters.

In the Tang Dynasty, pigeons were widely used as a way of delivering letters, but it was the poet Zhang Jiuling who promoted it.

Zhang Jiuling was not born yet, he was born in 673/678.

In other words, pigeons were not feasible, so Song Zhen thought of bamboo tube communication.

The downstream of Yongzhou should be Quanzhou. According to his understanding, there seemed to be a water post station there.

He could only pray that the post station in Quanzhou would deliver the letter to Luoyang as soon as it received it.

The situation in Yongzhou was no longer something he and Di Renjie could control.

The court must send troops to suppress it!

"It's time to go back." Song Zhen looked at the sky, it was already past noon.

He got on a donkey, squeezed his legs, the donkey brayed twice, and ran quickly with his short legs.


Di Renjie didn't know where the power burst out from, and he finally climbed up the four-meter-deep well for the first time with his own ability.

"It's your turn, come up quickly, I'll pull you up." Di Renjie shouted into the well.

But he waited for a long time but got no response.

"Could it be? Did she get hurt just now?"

Di Renjie didn't think too much, tied the rope around himself, and climbed back into the well.

The woman closed her eyes and floated in the well water.

Di Renjie tied the rope around the woman tightly, and then climbed up again.

He was familiar with it, and this time he didn't waste much time and quickly climbed out of the well again.

He took a deep breath, used both hands to pull the woman out of the well.

Every time he pulled a little, he wrapped the thick hemp rope around his wrist.

Veins popped on his forehead, and his hands were rubbed with blood by the hemp rope.

After a lot of effort, he finally pulled the woman up, and he collapsed on the ground, his chest heaving.

Di Renjie was thinking, if he had stayed, it would have been fine.

He probably could pull the woman up with one hand, not as useless as himself.

"Wake up."

Di Renjie kept slapping the woman's face with both hands, but no response?

It's bad.

Could she be drowning?

Di Renjie remembered a trick that Song Zhen had taught him before, which seemed to be called something like artificial respiration?

So, he didn't care about so much. The other party saved him once, and he should be grateful and repay the favor.

He crossed his palms on the woman's chest and pressed rhythmically.

After pressing fifteen times, he pinched the woman's red lips and blew air from mouth to mouth.

Blow once and continue to press the chest.

Then, the woman suddenly opened her eyes and stared at him.

"What are you doing?"

"I..." Di Renjie said embarrassedly, "I'm saving you, do you believe it?"

"Where are your hands?"

"Sorry." Di Renjie was so scared that he quickly let go of his hands.

The woman supported herself with both hands and spit out the well water from her mouth.

She licked her lips. Why did she feel like something was wrong?

"You, what's your name?"

"My name is Tang Shuyu."

"Why did you save me?"

"Because I saw you being chased by them, you must be their enemy." Tang Shuyu bit her teeth lightly and said fiercely, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

After that, she looked up at Di Renjie and slowly said, "You are from another place, right?"

"How do you know?"


According to common sense, Di Renjie is from the north, Tang Shuyu is from the south, and there is no official unified spoken language in the Tang Dynasty.

The two people should be talking at cross purposes.

However, Di Renjie has a strong learning ability. He learned some Yongzhou dialect in his communication with the old man and the old doctor a few days ago.

Di Renjie asked again, "Why did you save me?"

Tang Shuyu lowered her eyes with grief in her eyes. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

"Because, my AhMy father was killed by the Wen and Yu families! Even my family, including my five younger brothers, the youngest of whom is not even one year old, witnessed them being hacked to death with their own eyes! "

Di Renjie was horrified, he never thought her life story would be so tragic.

"You, Aye, it's not you, who is Aye?"

Tang Shuyu raised her head and answered with tears in her eyes: "He is the one who passed on the news of the death of the three governors who were about to take office."

It's bad, the unknown hero has fallen.

"From the first day you entered the city, I noticed the three of you, one in a red robe and one in a green robe."

"My father is the chief of Yongzhou. He was isolated in the government office because he couldn't stand Lu Qizhen's collusion with the Wen and Yu families."

"I finally waited for the bastard Lu Qizhen to leave, thinking that the next governor would be a clean and honest person, and could return a bright and clear world to Yongzhou."

"But after waiting for more than half a year, I haven't seen the new governor take office. ”

“So, my father secretly investigated and found evidence that the Wen and Yu families murdered the governor Liang. He secretly put a letter in other cases and sent it to the Dali Temple. ”

“Another year passed, and there was no reply. Until one day, my father saw the governor Gong die in front of him, and it was the Wen and Yu families who did it again!”

“But this time, my father’s behavior was discovered by them.”

“So they rushed into my house and carried out an inhumane massacre.”

“All sixty-eight people in the mansion were killed!”

Di Renjie was silent. He didn’t expect that there were so many tragic stories behind it.

If the former Dali Temple Secretary Duan Zhengxuan could arrange people to investigate the case as soon as possible, maybe Tang Changshi would not have died.

“How did you escape the massacre? "

This sentence pierced the scar in Tang Shuyu's heart, and her eyes could not stop the tears from flowing.

She closed her eyes, obviously not wanting to recall that scene again.

After a while, Tang Shuyu slowly spoke.

"I still remember that day was Qingming Festival."

"I was doing needlework at home, and suddenly heard a loud noise, followed by screams. "


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