Di Renjie disappeared. Song Zhen took a big risk and went out to look for him everywhere. He changed his identities carefully along the way.

He could be a peddler, a farmer who had just finished farming, or even a prostitute.

He could also be a prostitute in a brothel.

Under Cui Mengzhu's instruction, Song Zhen mastered a lot of makeup techniques.

Although the conditions in ancient times were limited, it was still no problem to deceive the locals.

However, Song Zhen searched for most of the county and still couldn't find Di Renjie's whereabouts.

"Huaiying, where did you go?"

Song Zhen was speechless. Didn't we agree to stay out of the house when there was nothing to do?

As he walked, he noticed a mark on the wall of the house next door.

It was carved with a knife.

"Wu Liuyi, Siwusan?"

A string of very simple numbers made Song Zhen's eyes light up.

"I slipped away, Siwusan?"

I slipped away, this is the modern spoken language that Song Zhen taught Di Renjie.

What the hell is Siwusan? He scratched his head, he couldn't understand what it meant.

He squatted down, picked up a wooden stick next to him, and gestured on the ground.

"Four, five, three, it's definitely not a simple number, it should represent something."

Song Zhen put himself in Di Renjie's shoes.

If I leave, what message will I leave?

By the way, I will definitely tell the other party where I went.

In that case, four, five, three is a place name.

Three, if interpreted in the pinyin of later generations, is san.

It is similar to the pronunciation of mountain, shan.

In other words, Di Renjie must have hidden in a mountain.

Four, five, three...

Song Zhen's eyes turned quickly, he stood up and looked at the surrounding mountains.

Suddenly, he thought of a place!

That's right, it's the famous Shunhuang Mountain in Yongzhou.

"So that's it, I understand."

Song Zhen quickly got up and ran back to the farm, ready to take Uncle Guang away from here.

Go to Shunhuang Mountain and find Di Renjie.


Di Renjie supported Tang Shuyu and went around the mountain road to Shunhuang Mountain.

They walked for a long time until sunset.

"This is Shunhuang Mountain."

Di Renjie looked up and saw green trees, beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds singing and flowers blooming. It was refreshing to see this place.

This place is really a great place to play.

Tang Shuyu walked in front, wading through streams and coming to a cave.

[Scenery of Shunhuang Mountain in Yongzhou]

Di Renjie asked curiously, "I have a question. Are there no wild animals in this mountain?"

Tang Shuyu shook his head and said, "No, maybe Shunhuang is spiritual. Not to mention wild animals, there are few poisonous snakes."

When Di Renjie heard the word poisonous snake, he couldn't help but think of the silver ring snake that rushed into the carriage when he first arrived in Yongzhou. He got goose bumps.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt a movement in the grass in front of him.

He subconsciously took a step back.

He saw a one-meter-long snake twisting its body.

"Hiss - there's a snake." Di Renjie hid directly behind Tang Shuyu.

However, the other party was not afraid, but squatted down and touched the snake's body.

"Don't be afraid, this snake is not poisonous."

As she said that, she suddenly attacked, stepped on the snake's seven inches, grabbed the snake's neck and caught it.

"Okay, there will be snake soup tonight."


Are you sure you want to eat snakes?

Can this thing be eaten?

"We have a dish here called Dragon and Tiger Soup, which is made by boiling snakes and cats in a pot. When the time comes, add some spices, it's delicious."

Cat? Di Renjie knew that many rich people in Luoyang kept pets.

Its name in later generations is cat.

However, the raccoon slaves mentioned by Tang Shuyu may not be the cute and well-behaved pets imagined.

Or they may be wild animals that look like cats, such as caracals.

By the way, although the Tang Law Commentary does not explicitly stipulate that wild animals cannot be captured, it is recorded in other codes.

"Tang Huiyao": "Birds, insects and the like shall not be captured to seek redemption. Those who violate the law shall be sentenced to thirty years in prison. It is advisable to order the Jinwu and the county and city officials to strictly prohibit it."

However, this provision was proposed during the reign of Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, that is, it was a later matter.


"We have arrived at my place."

Di Renjie looked up and didn't expect that a group of villagers would gather here?

"They all came to Shunhuang Mountain to escape the oppression of the government."

Di Renjie nodded. It seems that Shunhuang Mountain is a sacred mountain in the eyes of the people of Yongzhou.

It is also a sacred mountain that protects the local people.

Because Shunhuang Mountain is steep and overgrown with weeds, it is an excellent hiding place.

The localThe surname Di Renjie looked for a cave in the mountains where he could live, or in other words, he used the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed.

Because Shunhuang Mountain is very safe, there are no wild beasts and poisonous snakes.

Sometimes, people are more terrible than wild beasts.

Along the way, the villagers greeted Di Renjie in a friendly manner.

Although they didn't know him, they felt that this young man looked kind and should be a good person.

There were even many people who misunderstood that Di Renjie was Tang Shuyu's beloved.

"Huang Maguai, don't mess around, he is not from my family." Tang Shuyu couldn't help but explain.

The other party just smiled without saying anything, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear, we all understood.

In their opinion, she must be a little girl who was shy.

Tang Shuyu's father, Tang Huaili, was a native of Yongzhou. He passed the imperial examination in his early years and was arranged to serve as a prefect in his hometown.

Then after more than 30 years of hard work, he was finally promoted to Changshi.

During his tenure, Tang Huaili was very popular with the people.

However, the good times did not last long. Since the rise of the Wen and Yu families, Yongzhou could no longer return to that period of friendly and harmonious happy times.

The Wen and Yu families really rose ten years ago.

In fact, they came to Yongzhou more than a hundred years ago.

It was just that they were not as bad as they are now, and they still respected the law.

It was Lu Qi who made them begin to have leopard courage.

After they enjoyed the life of the superior, they could no longer be a normal person.

During that time, the cruel nature of the Wen and Yu families was transformed from the bones.

In their eyes, the local people were nothing more than two-legged sheep, just like pigs and dogs, and they could be abused at will.

Their consciences were eaten away by power bit by bit, and their hearts were black.

Moreover, the various sins they had committed in the local area could no longer be reversed, and they could only do evil again and again.


Song Zhen returned to the farm with a small cannon, but found that there were many more horse hoof footprints on the way back.

"Could it be that we have been discovered?"

Song Zhen walked cautiously, searching for a hidden place along the way and groping forward.

He saw at least twenty officers and soldiers standing in the yard of the farm.

"Have you found it?"

"No one. There is not even a trace of life."

"Impossible, the spy of the Wen family said that he saw the groom come here with his own eyes."

"But, I really can't find it."

"Have you searched it all?"


Song Zhen observed their lip language in the dark and roughly understood what they meant.

It seems that Uncle Guang's anti-reconnaissance awareness is still very good, and he knows how to take the lead.

Even after cleaning up the house, there is no sign that someone has lived here in the recent period of time.

Suddenly, Song Zhen's shoulder was patted by someone, and he shuddered.

"Song Lang, it's me."


Uncle Guang said calmly with a bag on his back.

"Song Lang, let's go. We can't stay here for long."



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