Although Li Zhi was reluctant, he had to take Li Ji's advice.

Now, apart from his unreliable brother-in-law, no one is more suitable than him.

That's right, the governor of Hongzhou mentioned by Li Ji is Teng Wang Li Yuanying.

In the third year of Yonghui (652), Li Yuanying was demoted to Suzhou, "moved to Suzhou governor, and then transferred to Hongzhou governor".

The following year, Li Yuanying came to Hongzhou, which is Nanchang in later generations, and built the second Tengwang Pavilion.

As for the first Tengwang Pavilion, it was built in Tengzhou, which is Teng County, Shandong in later generations. Unfortunately, it was not preserved.

As for the governor of Hongzhou Yan Boyu mentioned in "Tengwang Pavilion Preface", that was a later thing.

In the second year of Shangyuan in the Tang Dynasty (675), Yan Boyu rebuilt Tengwang Pavilion. In order to publicize his glorious deeds, he asked people everywhere to write poems and essays for Tengwang Pavilion. Of course, he also had some selfish motives.

Wang Bo, a talented scholar in the Tang Dynasty, wrote the masterpiece "Farewell Preface to Tengwang Pavilion in Hongfu in Autumn".

In the first year of Tiaolu (679), Li Yuanying was transferred to Longzhou as governor.

There is a doubt here. Since the governor of Hongzhou in 675 was not Li Yuanying, and he did not have a new position, what did he do?

Li Zhi arranged for the palace postman to rush to deliver the message to Hongzhou.

Hongzhou -

Tengwang Li Yuanying was lying on his side leisurely on the top floor of Tengwang Pavilion, which had just been built, enjoying the service of beauties.

Dragon sons and grandsons are good, and they live a life of wealth and glory.

Li Yuanying did nothing. He only needed to do one thing when he was alive, that is, spending money.

The royal family is so rich, and the nephew's consumption concept is not very good. As an emperor, he is still so poor?

What's the matter?

In this case, as an uncle, I have no choice but to help him spend money.

The glory of the Li Tang royal family will be carried forward by me, Li Yuanying!

Li Yuanying was in the Tengwang Pavilion, admiring the beautiful mountains and rivers in the distance, accompanied by beautiful women, and enjoying singing and dancing.

He sighed, life is just like this.

He missed Song Zhen very much now, thinking that if there is a chance, he must let him compose another song for him.

"Fisherman's Song at Dusk" is a classic, but it is inevitable that it is a bit boring after listening to it too much.

But he didn't know where Song Zhen was now, so he had to bury this idea in his heart.

Although Li Yuanying is a Tengwang, he can't go in and out of the fiefdom at will.

Otherwise, it is easy to be misunderstood. What if the little nephew has an opinion and doesn't give him money to spend?

One day, Li Yuanying was having fun in the Tengwang Pavilion as usual, and a servant broke in.

"Tengwang, there is a letter from Dongdu."


Li Yuanying's expression was sluggish for a moment. He didn't seem to ask his nephew for money recently. Why did Li Zhi write to me?

He did not dare to neglect it, and quickly waved his hand to let the palace messenger in.

He opened the letter and stood up immediately. Because of his rough movements, several beauties on both sides were squeezed to the ground and made sobbing sounds.

"It turns out that Song Lang and I are so close, why didn't I know?"

His face was happy, but soon dimmed again.

No, Song Zhen is in danger now, and he may go to the West to meet the Buddha at any time.

"I must go to Yongzhou quickly and save Song Lang!"

In this way, he can compose a song for me.

Thinking of this, Teng Wang Li Yuanying's mood suddenly became clear.

"Come here."


"Quickly gather the soldiers of Hongzhou Prefecture!"

"Teng Wang, how many do you want?" The subordinates did not know what he meant. He couldn't figure out why the boss was so anxious to gather soldiers and what he wanted to do?

"Nonsense, of course all of them!"



The subordinates were so scared that they hurried forward to persuade him: "Prince Teng, it will take a long time to summon all the soldiers in Hongzhou Prefecture, and there will be a full 100,000 troops."

There is a sentence that he did not say. What do you want to do by summoning 100,000 troops? Rebellion?

"Uh, so many?" Li Yuanying touched his head. He really didn't know.

Anyway, he didn't care about these things. He just needed to eat, drink and have fun every day.

"Then, I'll give you one day. Go as many troops as you can."

"May I ask where are you going, Prince Teng?"



On the other side, Yongzhou——

Tang Shuyu was running with Di Renjie at the foot of the mountain. She was disgusted. Why was this man so slow?

Can you run faster?

"Can you hurry up? Push harder!"

"Push harder, don't rush."

"I'm in a hurry."

Di Renjie wiped the sweat from his forehead. After so many days of exercise, he felt that his belly seemed to be a little smaller.

However, the price he paid was that he couldn't sleep every day because of sore hands and feet.

He knew that Shouzheng was doing it for his own good.So he didn't complain and did what was asked seriously.

Song Zhen gave Tang Shuyu the next task, which was to keep an eye on Di Renjie and never let him slack off, otherwise he would be expelled from the sect.

Tang Shuyu was kidnapped, and she was helpless.

Originally, it only took her half a day to run two laps around the foot of the mountain, but with Di Renjie, it would take at least four hours to finish the run.

Compared with physical fatigue, it was more mental fatigue.

Di Renjie felt guilty and let the other party complain.

Suddenly, Tang Shuyu pulled Di Renjie aside and pointed at his lips with his scallion finger.

"Don't make a sound, someone is coming."


Tang Shuyu noticed that there were heavily armored soldiers passing by outside through the gaps between the leaves.

"Lead the way!" The officers and soldiers pushed a villager, who walked forward reluctantly.

It's bad, they were caught.

Will the hiding place of everyone be exposed?

Tang Shuyu quickly led Di Renjie out of the gap in the mountain, quietly climbed up the mountain and returned to their residence.

"Everyone, our position may be exposed."

Song Zhen frowned. He could think that the other party would come to his door one day, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon?

It seems that he can no longer "pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence".

Tang Gaoyi quickly directed everyone to find a cave to hide.

They originally lived in the Shun Emperor Temple on the mountain and slept on the ground.

The magical thing is that there are no mosquitoes in the Shun Emperor Temple. Perhaps they slept soundly under the protection of Emperor Shun.

At this moment, a loud shout came from the bottom of the mountain.

The heroic man's voice echoed throughout the valley.

"Why should I pity dying? It's not a pity. I, Li Laosan, deserve the villagers."

Song Zhen heard the shout, and he hurried to the cliff to look down.

I saw more than a dozen officers and soldiers falling off the cliff together with Li Laosan.

Everyone's eyes turned red.

They understood why Li Laosan did this.

However, if it were any one of them, they would surely do the same thing as Li Laosan.

Shunhuang Mountain is a sacred mountain in the hearts of the local people, and it is also a paradise that protects them.

Li Laosan took a dozen heavily armored soldiers to a soft cliff. This place had cracks. If too many people stood on it, it would collapse.

He is a great man. He has faith in his heart, a faith that yearns for light.

However, if he did this, from another perspective, it would attract the attention of the Wen and Yu families.

They would definitely think about why Li Laosan would rather die than take the officers and soldiers up the mountain.

There is only one answer, that is, there must be someone hiding on the mountain.

Maybe Di Renjie and Song Zhen, who have been missing in the city for many days, may be on the mountain.

So the next day, more officers and soldiers came to the foot of the mountain.

This time, there were more than ten thousand people.

Ten thousand soldiers conducted a carpet search of Shunhuang Mountain. Many villagers who had not returned to the mountain could only wait anxiously outside.

They did not dare to rush in at all. Blindly charging would only lead to death.

Song Zhen summoned more than 80 local people on the mountain and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, we can't sit and wait for death anymore."

"If we hide in the same place, they will find us one day. It is better to rebel directly!"

"We can use the unique geographical advantages of Shunhuang Mountain to fight guerrilla warfare with them."

Since many villagers were not well educated, they could not understand Song Zhen's words. Tang Shuyu translated on the side.

Tang Gaoyi raised his hand first and shouted: "Resist! Resist fate!"

"That's right! Everyone stand up!"

"Even if I die, I will drag a bad guy down with me! Let him kill one less person."

Two days later-

More than 20 villagers were found in the cave on the mountainside. The officers and soldiers directly slaughtered them with knives, and the blood dyed the stream downstream red.

Di Renjie's pupils shrank instantly, and he twisted his neck with difficulty to look to the other side.

After spending more than half a month together, they developed a deep relationship. He felt that the villagers were really simple and kind.

Di Renjie really couldn't let them die.

"Then let those rebels die!"

Song Zhen walked back to the center of the villagers and shouted loudly.

"Next, I will arrange the task. It is of great importance. Please cooperate with us."

Tang Gaoyi said loudly and generously: "Minister Song, if you have any requests, just ask. I know you are doing this for our own good."

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, then listen to me."

Song Zhen stretched out his hand, and Tang Shuyu immediately put his hand on the back of his hand. The second one was Tang Gaoyi.

Then, the third, fourth, fifth.......

"Fight for our descendants!"

"Fight for tomorrow!"

"For Yongzhou,Fight!"


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